Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 29: Frightened Flying Squirrel

Flying squirrel is not suspicious.

At least not before.

He is a small employee with no money and no money, and he wonders if this doubt is interesting all day long? Might as well play more games and have fun.

Even if a thief enters his house, it is estimated that the thief will shed tears and feel pitiful for him and leave a few pieces of money.

But it's different now.

He took his game account and the guild power he used to travel to another world!

This is a real world, and he has power comparable to gods and demons! But those guardians who "traversed" with him also possess equal power.

What exactly are those guardians?

Will they betray themselves?

Flying Squirrel did a lot of experiments, and when Flying Squirrel thought that the loyalty of this group of "NPCs" was full value, an accident happened.

Flying Squirrel sat in the office, with the scarlet soul and fire faintly in his eyes, making people unable to guess the true thoughts of this supreme Supreme.

Albedo stood beside the flying squirrel honestly, with fiery love in his eyes, as if to turn into a raging flame, completely enveloping the flying squirrel, and finally burned out.

The flying squirrel remained motionless, and Albedo did not speak for fear of disturbing his dear Lord Ainz.

The two are like sculptures carved by artisans.

‘Albedo’s previous setting was a **** with the best of people. I changed it a bit and it became like this. Will there be any conspiracy here? ’

Flying Squirrel quickly denied this idea. He was just a small clerk waiting to die. There was no big conspiracy waiting for him. This was unnecessary.

What if there is a conspiracy against him? He couldn't resist either.

Isn't life like this? Since you can't resist, it's better to just lie on the ground and enjoy it.

Maybe it will be very comfortable.

‘But what space-time management bureau needs to be on guard, and what does it mean in the words of Senior Traverser? Do not trust anyone? Including her? Isn't this funny? Could it be that she had been making up stories before? ’

Flying Squirrel thought about it a lot, and it wasn't until Xia Tiya, the true ancestor of the vampire, came to him that the matter was temporarily stranded.

Fortress City, Ye Lantil

Because the kingdom is prosperous, it is close to the big forest, and the rewards for adventurers' missions are more than usual, so a large number of adventurers have gathered here.

Most of these adventurers who earn minimal rewards are low-level adventurers. General mithril-level adventure squads can be regarded as powerful teams here.

The adventurers are managed by the adventurer union, and the corresponding adventurers are issued with metal badges that symbolize their status. From low to high, they are divided into copper, iron, silver, gold, platinum, mithril, shan copper, and stainless steel.

Today, Ye Lantier has two unique guests.

A wandering swordsman with a sloppy beard and shabby chic, and a girl with short silver hair in a plain gray dress and a dress that looks like a nun appeared in the city.

What attracts people's attention is not the rusty broken iron sword of the wandering swordsman, nor the girl's shocked face, but the metal plate that symbolizes the rank of adventurer hung on the chest of the two!

"Fine steel!"

The voice suddenly became quieter.

"Why does a team of steel-grade adventurers appear in a small city like Ye Lantil?"

"Could it be that a nobleman has released any difficult task?"

"Hey, did you put the focus on the wrong place? That girl looks real."

"It's impossible to be a steel adventurer at such a young age? Isn't it because I think it's fun to secretly forge one to hang it around my neck?"


The voices on the street tended to become more and more intense, but the wandering swordsman and the nun didn't care until the two disappeared at the corner of the street, and the discussion became louder.

Adventurers are very common in Ye Lan Tier, but the strongest adventurers at the peak of the steel rank hardly appear in this kind of border city.

They mostly serve the royal family and great nobles, because there, they can get rewards for tasks that ordinary people can't imagine.

The wandering swordsman who continued to walk on the road of Ye Lan Tier swayed, the sister nun followed closely, but his eyes were mostly on the ruined uncle.

"Xia Yin, what is the task we received from the Adventurer's Guild?"

The nun behind her did not show any impatience on her face. Instead, she whispered: "This time we did not accept the mission from the Adventurer’s Guild. The mission is from the State of the Church. Let us seize the ninth Sikh of the original pitch black scripture. Clementine, she betrayed the religious country and took away the secret treasure of the weathered scripture." Xia Yin thought for a while, and then added: "Clementine has hero-level strength."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I can't escape Xia Yinchan's palm."

The nun behind the wandering swordsman turned red, "Brother Mo Xiao joked."

"Don't worry about this for now. When fate comes, we will naturally catch it. Let's have fun in this fortress city. Xia Yinchan, what do you want to eat today?"

"Brother Mo Xiao likes it, I like it all."

The wandering swordsman shook his head, and passed by a strong man with black armor and red cloak.

Behind the man was also a petite woman. With long black hair and a ponytail, his eyes always follow the armored man, without admiration, but full of respect.

After the two teams passed by, the black-haired woman took a few quick steps, fell slightly next to the armored man, and whispered: "Master An Momo, there seems to be something wrong between the two of them."

"Yeah." A dull male voice came from under the armor, sounding perhaps majestic, "That woman may be very strong."

‘Maybe very strong? "Nabei is not speaking out, even the Supreme Being said to be a strong passerby, how strong will it be?

At least it is much stronger than a small person like her, right?

The flying squirrel under the armor was far less calm and calm than he showed.

He just came out of the big tomb! Just walked into the first human city! Actually ran into a player from World Tree again!

And judging from the equipment held by the opponent, the opponent's level is obviously not low! It may even be a full-level powerhouse!

And the ring on the hand of a girl with short silver Is it a reissue of "Goddess' Oath"?

Or is it just a ring with a similar shape?

Thinking of what the traverser senior said, Flying Squirrel did not dare to take it lightly, with the attitude of believing that it had something or not.

He suddenly regretted that he should wear a stronger guardian to come out.

If fighting breaks out, the two hundred-level powerhouses will get away smoothly.

Like the sisters of the Pleiades star cluster, except for the last sister Oleil Omega, I am afraid that the others will not be able to survive a round in the full-level battle!

Since the girl may be a full-level player of the World Tree, what about the wandering swordsman in front of the girl?

Don't know why.

Flying Squirrel felt that the wandering swordsman was a little familiar.

. vertex

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