Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Another earth

"Big guy"

Enfilea said with a trembling voice.

He can clearly feel the changes in his body, but even so, if you let him change into women's clothing

"Help him change clothes. Fix his ugly hair by the way."

Kuangsan clapped his hands and called two maids.

Enfilea, uh, howling slowly turned into a low sob.

Kuangsan walked out of the bedroom.

The desperate people who usually stayed in the sanctuary of the church reappeared in front of her again.

There was still no expression on Qiao's face, and there was even a sense of disgust in her eyes.

"Do you like that? I can also change into men's clothing." Destiny paused, "As long as you make me conceive successfully."

Crazy three speechless.

The heartfelt words: "Nature bestows the function of fertility. One man and one woman are the best combination. Two women give birth to children, who knows what accidents will happen."

"So, you should go to Mo Xiao."

"He already has Xia Yin." Destiny stood in front of Kuangsan.

"You will marry a man who is stronger than you, even if he has many shortcomings, won't you?"

"En." Nodding desperately.

"As long as you make Mo Xiao fall in love with you, Xia Yin's feelings are completely unnecessary. She is actually the kind of girl who only thinks about her lover." Kuangsan started running trains with his mouth full. Modern men and women, apart from psychopaths, how can they let others? Share your significant other.

Even Xia Yin would feel very uncomfortable.

As for letting her give birth to a child with Destiny? Are you kidding me? How is that possible?

Kuangsan never even thought about giving birth to a child with a three-no girl through technological means!

"In short, this is the benefit of having children through primitive sports." Kuangsan turned his body to the side, trying to slip past the other side of the desperate death.

Desperate desperately stopped Kuangsan again.

"If I could become a male, would you accept me?"


"Impossible! Two people need to fall in love based on emotional foundation, and the relationship is slowly cultivated together, so I will not fall in love with a man who knows almost nothing. Especially the kind of transgender."

Destiny nodded thoughtfully, before she could recover, Kuangsan disappeared without a trace.

Desperately walked into the room, Enfirea, who was wearing a classical cheongsam, was fixed on a chair by high-level magic, and two maidservants circled around him. A more ruinous boy has become quite delicate. "Girls."

With this technique, even the desperate death is breathtaking.

The boy's bangs covering his eyes were turned up by the maid

Finally, the black neckband perfectly covers the slightly raised apple.

The neck has a trace of magic, which seems to change the voice.

Seeing that the maid was training Enfilea's posture, she was desperately thoughtful.

Perhaps it was because she didn't have the so-called "feminine taste" that could not attract the eyes of Mo Xiao and Kuangsan.

But Kuangsan is a female, if you want her to like it, don't you have to become masculine? Desperately desperately brains are messed up.

Sure enough, man is the most complicated animal.

Enferea was kicked by Kuang San into the Darkness Scripture. At this time, the Darkness Scripture changed from the task of capturing Clementine to finding the lost treasure of the Fenghua Scripture.

Kuangsan inquired about the forces around the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and prepared to log in various trumpets to interfere with the flying squirrel's sight, thereby greatly disrupting the main storyline.

"Kingdom, Empire, Lizardman Tribe, Great Forest"

Big forces and small forces have everything. After her flicker, Flying Squirrel can be said to be overly cautious.

After so many days, flying squirrel has never been to any other city in the kingdom except for acting as an adventurer to explore the customs of Yelan Tier.

Not even the many guardians in the tomb of Nazarick sent a few.

The trivial things between the religious country, the elven country, the review country, the empire and the kingdom are like playing house in the eyes of Kuangsan, at best, it can be regarded as a sandbox game of nation-building.

How to make some trouble for the flying squirrel is the most important thing.

"I knew it was going to scare him for a while." Kuang San muttered.

"Master, let's change our thinking."

Xiao Hong, who was building the satellite, took time out, not knowing where he got out of.

"Since the flying squirrel and the tomb of Nazarick do not move, we can move! Create conflict without conflict, and conflict without conflict. These things are often the easiest things to accomplish in the human world."

"For example," Xiaohong smiled after learning the arrogant evil charm. "The traditional routines like the birth of secret treasures, coupled with the participation of the inner world, the scene must be super hot! The location, what kind of forest, it is said that the distance is there. The tomb of Nazarick is very close."

After Kuangsan and Xiaohong, when the two biggest behind-the-scenes in different worlds were discussing how to implement the "Secret Treasure Birth" plan, far from the other end of the small plane, on Earth, something incredible happened.

The earth is exactly the earth before Suzuki Satoru passed through. The highly developed earth seems to accidentally click the wrong technology tree when the technology is turning.

Among them, Yingzhou is the most. The bursting population pressure has made government departments miserable, and the eight major compound enterprises control the lifeline of the country's economy.

Malformed technology has created a deformed society.

The death of Suzuki Satoru from playing virtual games did not cause a wave in reality.

The company quickly cremated the corpse, randomly found a piece of land and buried it, and then took back the old game equipment and house, squeezing its profits to the extreme.

The death of an assassin was not as important as the loss of the "different world" database. The executives soon created another "different world" database through another game and continued to experiment.

Just when these things were left behind by the people, the news came first in Yingjiang.

They discovered another "Earth!" through the new Hubble Space Telescope.

Just when humans thought that this was a cold meal that was cooked hundreds of years ago, other astronomical observatories issued news to confirm it.

It's weird.

A "solar system" suddenly appeared in the blank star field!

Even the mass of the "sun" is about the same as the sun.

There are fewer planets in the "solar system", but there is an "earth!"

And that earth also has a satellite that looks like a "moon"!

The news exploded.

After the excitement, everyone panicked. Was that an alien conspiracy?

How could a "solar system" suddenly appear at such a close distance?

Just when everyone was discussing it, someone proposed to send troops to investigate.

High-level human beings are moved.

This is not like the play of a hundred years ago, but a real planet that is very likely to be inhabited!

Even if it was an alien's conspiracy, they recognized it!

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