Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 10 Chapter 7: Gu Moer

Li Jiayu didn't know where he went to pretend to be forced to go. The legends in Yongcheng had their own positions. Kuangsan didn't come to them, and they didn't dare to find Kuangsan relationship alone.

According to legend, that person has broken through to the realm of gods.

If an ancient epic **** was here, they would definitely feel very cautious and would not dare to make mistakes.

But they heard Li Jiayu say, that one... at least killed two ancient gods...

Yongcheng Biochemical Laboratory.

Originally, Li Jiayu did not agree to open this institution, but after various efforts and the Biochemical Laboratory repeatedly emphasized that it would not conduct human experiments, this institution was developed within Yongcheng.

They mainly conducted experiments with the Zerg, Dragon, and Abyss, and produced a series of necessary items for the battlefield, such as restoration potions, paralysis potions, etc., for the extraordinary in Yongcheng.

I heard that Kuangsan borrowed the biochemical laboratory, and many people who were conducting research on the subject stopped the current experiment and expressed that they could come to them to carry out the experiment.

As the days passed, after the existence of the Red Queen's database, Xiao Hong, after diluting the blood of her master's **** product countless times, she finally extracted her independent genes.

The cloning begins.

Genes, blood vessels, bones, muscles, skin, hair... With the help of the advanced nutrient solution, the cloning progresses rapidly.

Extracting effective genes from the blood of the gods, to cloning life forms, these are not difficult for the Empress Xiao Hong.

The only difficulty is to prevent the cloned life form from giving birth to self-consciousness.

awareness? Even if you are an idiot, you have self-awareness. For this reason, Xiao Honghou ran through Honghou Mama's database...

Yongcheng city center, sky dome tower, monitoring center, inside the private office of the Red Queen.

Kuangsan looked at the girl in front of him who was nine points similar to himself.

After Xiaohong, there are various explanations. In addition to the beginning, Kuangsan can understand all kinds of esoteric biological knowledge emmmm

The life form cloned with the bloodline of the **** grade diluted dozens of times, the physical power alone also reached the standard of the lord of the last black universe.

"Not enough." Kuang San stepped forward, putting his little hand on the girl's smooth white belly. The power of the soul opens the way, and the Yuanli helps the opponent quickly extract the condensed blood.

Fortunately, many treasures of heaven, material and earth have been collected in these worlds, and a brain is all refined into a high-concentration liquid, which surrounds the clone.

The ancestral realm's vitality was consumed quickly, and after taking a pill to recover, this clone was finally tempered into the ancient bloodline of the ninth grade.

The strength has also come to the epic half-step realm of the end black universe.

A faint brilliance surrounds the entire clone's non-stretching fruit body. Apart from not being proficient in time and space, this body is almost the same as the original Kuang San in all aspects.

But this body is an independent individual, not "her" herself. Even if there is a strong man's groping aura, she can't recognize her as Tokazaki Kuzou!

Kuang San stepped back two steps, nodded in satisfaction, waved, a white crescent robe enveloped the clone.

If this unconscious clone is known to the outside world, one can imagine what kind of shock it will cause.

Even the strong at the top of the legend, I am afraid that they will put aside the distinction of gender and strive to seize this nearly perfect body.

The power of the soul turned into sharp scissors, Kuang San reluctantly cut a trace of the soul, roasted by the different fire, thoroughly washed away the aura buried deep in the soul.

Kuangsan roughly compiled a memory, operated by Xiaohonghou, and quickly compiled the memory of the person in front of him. Kuang San also buried a mechanism in the false memory, and the false memory would dissipate instantly when the "two of them" met next time.

In this case......

Kuang San gave her a ring and gave her the upgraded Xuexia Wolf.

"It's still not safe." Kuangsan murmured: "After Xiaohong, he used the source to cover up the Xuexia wolf and the false memory and give it authenticity."

"I understand!"

What name should I choose?

The ruddy corners of his mouth lifted upwards, and Kuang San thought of a rather nasty and funny name.

"Just call Gu Mo'er."


With a snap of fingers, Kuang San and Xiao Hong disappeared into the office, while "Gu Mo'er" slowly woke up sitting in front of the computer.

"Gu Mo'er" stretched out his hand to support his forehead, all kinds of information in his memory surged in his head.

Soon, "Gu Mo'er" was washed away by memory to "mourning" and "despair"...A variety of negative emotions followed one after another, and a beautiful black waterfall hair was rubbed into a mess by her little hands.

Xiao Hong, who was observing from a distance, took a peek at her owner, "Master, if your guess is wrong, then..."

"Then put it away and use it later."

After Xiao Hong shut up, she continued to observe what was happening in the room with her eyes wide open. She and her owner use the source to shield outside information. This kind of opportunity to directly observe "it" will lose the store if you miss this village.

She didn't know why the owner had such self-confidence, maybe it was because she had secretly probed the past time period while she was in the biochemical laboratory?

After Xiao Hong didn't understand, she could only try her best to analyze everything she saw in front of her.

I hate myself, hate my incompetence, despair of what I have done, and suicidal thoughts repeatedly arise.

The whole office was enveloped by the breath of "despair".

Half-step epic mood swings and some breath leaks, the breath of "despair" spread throughout and several people committed suicide at a time! Even Kuang San had never thought of this situation.

Suddenly, "Gu Moer" stared at the computer screen closely, still muttering something, but from the perspective of Kuangsan, the computer screen display was still a sand sculpture video, without any change.

Then "Gu Mo'er" pulled off the power, and the computer went blank for an instant, but "Gu Mo'er" still fixed his eyes on the computer screen, and his palm was still shaking the mouse, as if he wanted to click something...

"How is this possible?!" Xiao Honghou asked in surprise: "We are observing from the perspective of information, why can't we see what she can see?"

"What if it's an information-level illusion?" Kuangsan thought for a while, then added: "A illusion that only she can see."

"But if this is the case, the cost of the source and..." Xiaohonghou stopped talking, she suddenly thought that "Gu Mo'er" is a half-step epic powerhouse, using the information-level illusion created by a little source Pulling people is completely cost-effective.

The "Gu Mo'er" in the office was chattering with his little hands on the mouse and kept moving, but the computer screen in front of her was in a black screen state when the power was cut off, even if the power light at the bottom never turned on.

From an outsider's point of view, the picture is very strange.

A large number of data streams flashed in Xiao Hong's eyes, and she connected to the supercomputer in Yongcheng for modeling and analysis on the spot.

But no matter how she modeled it, she couldn't know what the "non-existent" data was on the screen.



A crisp mouse click sounded.


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