Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 140: : Ice white mist

The gun body gradually stabilized, and even Kuang San leaned on it, and he could feel the bone-chilling chill!

A yang soul inheritor in Xijiang University, an ice blue streamer shot from him, and instantly penetrated the corpse poisonous spider with its stumped limbs!

Looking back, his pupils shrank and shivered fiercely. Looking at the worms frozen into ice sculptures... this is the size of a full van!

With a fierce look, the sharp axe in his hand smashed into the ice cube!

Unexpectedly, the seemingly hard ice sculpture shattered into rotten ice cubes as soon as it touched the axe.

Scattered on the damp ground, covered with a layer of ice white mist.

Taking a deep breath, the cold pours into the abdomen, roaring like a courage, and plunges into the battlefield of those low-level bugs!

Such scenes are being staged all the time. On the left-wing battlefield, large patches of ice and white fog will appear at intervals, and once the insects enter it, they will be slow to act, providing many inheritors with a good opportunity to fight back!

The gunshots of Twilight Morningstar were completely unworthy on the chaotic battlefield, and even no one else could hear them except Kuangsan.

Even so, the left-wing battlefield has attracted the attention of the army because...they are almost unable to hold it!

It's ironic to say that those inheritors usually provide food and drink, but when they arrive on the battlefield. Except for dealing with some lower-level bugs, it is completely useless!

There is no skill, just desperately draining one's energy. Only those second- and third-order inheritors in the army stood up to the pressure and were fighting with those second-order bugs.

But for a while, even with the support of guns, they were defeated steadily!

The two sides are not in the same heavyweight category at all! Colorful centipedes are raging on the battlefield. This kind of extremely fast and huge body often brings the most casualties.

Sometimes a casual sweep can take away more than a dozen soldiers' lives! Guns and shells hit them, some escaped in the swarm, and others turned red and started crazy!

What's more, the three blue-eyed giant ants...should be the true leaders of this swarm. With a height of 5 meters and a body size of 20 meters, it looks more powerful than the colorful centipede!

Three heads! The inheritors of the "Tyrannosaurus" in the army have been defeated steadily, and they are about to move the battlefield to the battlefield!

Head Li yelled over there: "Quickly divert! Quickly divert! Give the pressure to the folk inheritors on the flanks!"

After hearing this, the two army awakeners gritted their teeth and looked grim. Frantically, output to the two blue-eyed giant ants, while the self is constantly moving to the flanks.

The effect is very good. Even if the IQ of the blue-eyed giant ant is not low, it is still indispensable to "motivate". He immediately gave up the besieging "Tyrannosaurus" in front of him and turned to chase the left wing!


The awakened man couldn't help but burst into a swear word. He wanted to lead one side, but he didn't expect both blue-eyed giant ants to run to the left flank! This is terrible!

Even the army can't stop them, let alone these folk inheritors?

Head Li's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he could only continue to roar and command on the battlefield, hoping that the "Tyrannosaurus" would solve the few second-order bugs as soon as possible, so that they could separate themselves to support the left.

Otherwise... as long as one of the three sides of the battlefield is breached, the consequences are... unthinkable!

As for whether the left wing can block it? How could it be possible! Two blue-eyed giant ants that are at the second-order high-level, even quickly touching the third-order threshold, how could they be able to stop them?

It seems that the left wing also has a third-order low-level light sacrifice...what's the use? Although it is a high-level inheritance, after all, it is mostly auxiliary.

Haven't you seen all the Tier 3 "Tyrannosaurus Rex" in the army being beaten back and forth?


"Run! Wori, the army is shameless? Two blue-eyed giant ants, we can't stop them at all!"

A ghost inheritor trembled, and the entire left-wing battlefield was not the only one in Xijiang University. Among them are many fragmentary small civil forces, mostly in communities...

Although they are "fighting hard," they slipped their heads, and they saw the stitches! They can hide and hide, except for those first-order red-topped beetles who will go up to solve it...but others can run as far as they can.

Often this person leads to another person, and as a result, the process is repeated again.

As for how many ordinary people died in the middle? They don't care. As long as they are not their relatives, the more they die, the better, which means that they finally got rid of those bugs!

Later, those people naturally discovered that the big jaw of Xijiang University was always willing to attack insects.

As a result, people kept leading the bugs here, and then they just stopped leaving. How safe is it to stay here?

The inheritors of Xijiang University are also helpless. They are fighting fiercely now, and there is no manpower available. They can't... drive them away, right?

As a result of this, the defensive side of the left wing shrinks and the ordinary people suffer heavy casualties.

Although they have no inheritance, it does not mean that they are not shrewd by those inheritors!

There are three guardians at the Xijiang University resident. Almost the insects were killed by a single shot before they entered the alert range!

So their minds also moved. They are all in the same position. You can't help but give us some help, right?

However, it was Kuangsan who was guarding the resident, not Hongxia!

To ensure that these people are not injured, it is considered to have done everything possible. She has to support the battlefield and guard this group of ordinary people. Why does she have so much energy?

When the group of ordinary people entered the station, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. They knew very well that the ice blue and white mist was the final restricted area of ​​the insect swarm!

It is much safer than the hot spring villa with heavy arms!

But... is that really the case?

The green and white jade fingers looked extremely cold under the interweaving of ice and blue light. No one thought that the bullet that locks the bug like a **** of death came from here!


The few people who ran into the station turned pale, and naturally heard what kind of bug it was! Those flying sickle beetles!

Although the ghost inheritor in the community often hears that this thing is not worth mentioning, but for ordinary people, which bug is not a big nightmare?

Sometimes even those larvae can take away a life at will, let alone these mature insects? Never thought that such a big bug would appear in reality.

Even if they muster up the courage, once the bug appears in front of them, they are like a frustrated ball, and there is no idea of ​​resistance at all!

They can only hope that those bugs will not come in, and that ice-white foggy land with a radius of three meters will make it leave.

Sure enough! The sickle beetle walked around, as if not wanting to give up the prey inside, but was particularly afraid of the ice white mist!

A few people opened their eyes, for fear of missing a tiny detail, as soon as the bug came in, they would spread their legs and run inside!

The sickle beetle roared unwillingly outside, and it flew high.

An ice blue streamer instantly penetrated through its insect body!

Thank you "Hehe 223" for the reward of 1000 starting coins.

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