Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 153: :Meow meow meow?


Doctor Zhang laughed a few times, and said bitterly, "This little brother, for convenience, I really want to go to Zhang Chuan for help, uncle, I beg you."

Another companion of the tall man waved his hand impatiently, "Someone has come to our camp in the name of seeking relatives these past two days. This is all right. Now I can't drive away. I think you should break this as soon as possible. Thinking, our Xijiang University is not a nursing home!"

Doctor Zhang was taken aback when he heard the words, then turned his head and looked at the crowd. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, "We really don't want to stay in this place, so that's it. I will go in and look for it by myself. Talk to Zhang Chuan and leave."

However, the eyes of the two were even worse, and the tall man thought in his heart, how could this person be so shameless? Abandoning so many people just to let him enter the camp by himself? Never let him in!

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Dr. Zhang still didn't give up. This matter was related to his happiness for the rest of his life. Even if it didn't happen, it would be a good thing to save so many people.

"Two little brothers, I really only need to meet Zhang Chuan and discuss some housework with him. I beg you for your convenience..."

Sister Xu and the others, who were not far behind him, had no foundation in their hearts. This was the uncle of the inheritor! Just stopped outside by two night watchmen? No matter how you look at the painting style, it is very strange.

Could it be that Dr. Zhang was bragging just now? No, no, Sister Xu denied this idea from the bottom of her heart. She had met his group of brothers, and she knew that he was a human being, and she would definitely not deceive everyone with uncertain things.

Don't these two people know Dr. Zhang's nephew? It is said that the inheritors in Sojiang University are like the carp of the Guojiang River. It is normal for a few not to be known?

Although Sister Xu kept comforting herself from the bottom of her heart, she also felt suspicious. Looking at the expressions of the two men, Doctor Zhang talked for a long time there, but did not see them move.

Mother Xixi held her daughter's hand and held on to her secretly, desperate in her heart. Now that you can't even enter the door, what kind of treatment is there to mention?

His daughter's pale face was reflected in his pupils, and a trace of sorrow was buried in it.

What should she do? Go to other inheritors? Apart from this university, the entire Xijiang City migration team is the most powerful in the military. But what can she bring to the army as a weak woman?

Is it going to be...just when she thought about it, even she herself was startled, and she kept condemning herself, as if she was hypnotizing.

Sister Xu sighed unchecked, and patted the young woman on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Xiao Zhang will find a way."

But the two night watchmen were still unmoved. No matter what Doctor Zhang said, their left ears went in and the right ears came out, which was tolerable enough. If I changed to another force, I would have beaten it up a long time ago and threw it out!

They also remembered Li Jiayu’s face full of frost and "savage and evil"! Although the expression was great, the chill was in his heart! What if there are any outsiders who enter the camp, you can just feed those bugs.... ..

The inheritors of the entire Xijiang University understand that Li Jiayu was really angry that day. Given his relationship with President Xiao, it is not incomprehensible...

It’s just that they are on duty at the night watch, one by one blocking the outsiders. If they accidentally stop someone... they will have to be threatened. In this post all day, if they were not patient, they would have taken a knife. Get it done!

Doctor Zhang raised angrily, pointed his finger back and forth at the two of them, holding his breath: ""

The two of them simply didn't even look at his face. They were angry with this kind of person, but in the end they were still angry. Isn't it Zhang Chuan's uncle? What is Zhang Chuan? Not as good as I am.

Do you really think that an ordinary Yang Soul inheritor can go to heaven?

Seeing that Doctor Zhang was about to roll up his sleeves and start a fight with the two students, Sister Xu and the others hurriedly took hold, and accompany the night watchman with a smiling face, and this matter was deemed to have been revealed.

Although some people in the small team complained, it was only in their hearts. At this time, they still knew what was heavy and what was light.

Seeing the two "doorkeepers" are so "crazy," each of the young people is also angry. If it weren't for this is their base camp, they must follow the "rules of the rivers and lakes" to do the last game!

But they didn't know... even in their mouths, these two night watchmen... were all Yang Soul inheritors, and there were not a few people like this kind of night watchman in the entire Xijiang University.

On the other side, Dr. Zhang was sitting under the tree and finally calmed down. He saw the almost desperate expression on the young woman's face. He clenched his heart, gritted his teeth, and wanted to stand up and go to the night watchman for theory.


"Huh?" Doctor Zhang and the others were taken aback. How could there be cats in this place? Could it be that I heard it wrong?


Now it's all right, the sound is a little milky cat! Even Xixi, who was having a nightmare, opened his big eyes in a daze, wanting to look at the meowing sound.

The originally beautiful black pupils were now bloodshot coiled in them and placed on a little girl... it seemed a bit oozing.

"Mom." The crisp, childish voice became dumb, and the little girl looked haggard, which made people feel sad.

The young woman looked at her daughter in her arms with surprise, and was about to say something, when she heard her say: "Mom, is Xiaoxi looking for me?"

The young woman was taken aback, Xiaoxi and her daughter's name were homonyms. They were the cats they had raised before, but they died during the catastrophe...

When I heard the question at this time, I didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Doctor Zhang's eyes lit up, and it seems that Xixi likes cats. If that's the case, catch him back!

As for the food issue, he has long been left behind, and now he just wants to save some impression points.

Aside from anything else, I stood up, just about to pat my chest to guarantee something, I inadvertently swept my eyes, and I saw an incredible scene!

The two night watchmen who were still blocking him just now, on the "calm face" that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, they are like a big enemy at this time!

Doctor Zhang and the others were also taken aback. Could it be...what kind of monster did the cat become affected by the catastrophe? Otherwise, in the Xijiang University resident, there are countless inheritors, how could the defensive staff make such an expression?

It can only show that...the comer is not good!

"Meow, meow~"

The original cute little milk cat's voice, every time it screamed, it hit his heart like a heavy hammer. The two night watchmen stared at the darkness even more, their muscles were tight, and even ordinary people like Sister Xu could feel their tension!

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster, the mood swings cause tension, the blood flow rate increases, and the heart burden becomes heavier. This is not a good sign, but it allows Dr. Zhang to condense all the energy.

The body has already turned to Xixi's mother's side, as long as he feels something is wrong, he will take her wife and flee here!

Beads of sweat were secreted on the head again, until...a little black cat stepped out of the darkness, the vertical amber pupils looked at the crowd like the enemy, and the little head tilted: "Meow meow? "

"Black Meow!"

Thank you "Emperor of Dark Stars" for rewarding 1,000 starting coins; "Remembering Step and Stepping" rewarding 500 starting coins; "Winding and snowing, drunk" rewarding 100 starting coins.

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