Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 175: Don't want to be a hero

() Ling Shaoping raised his eyebrows unnaturally, and his handsome sunny face was a bit out of tune with his "Dark Temple" heritage.

Kuangsan smiled at him, and Ling Shaoping felt that if he wanted to tell this matter, he would definitely attract a large group of animals to crusade. But now, that smile is reflected in the pupils, no matter how you look at it... it's a bit creepy.

There was a shiver from the end of the spine. As the second-order advanced ‘dark church’, the cold weather could not invade his body at all, but now it was really cold and trembling all over.

The fingernails were blue from the cold, and his lips were pale. Ling Shaoping reached out his hand and touched his forehead, and said in his heart: "There is no fever, why is it so cold?"

Breathing out lightly, his eyes met Kuang San again, he thought that he was sneaking in the dark and couldn't be noticed. But the rare beauty kept smiling at him, which made Ling Shaoping couldn't help but want to look at him.

Fortunately, his face is not so thick, otherwise ordinary people would have lowered their heads with inferiority long ago, and would not dare to look at that beautiful face again.

Sword eyebrows narrowed a pair of eyes, and his lips murmured softly, repeating the words of the stunning person on the opposite side. The fuchsia lips made people want to kiss, but the sentence spit out made Ling Shaoping cold.

He finally knows what the horror from the tailbone to the end of the spine is all about! That **** mutant iron thread worm actually ran towards him!

The skin around the corner of his eyes tightened, and Ling Shaoping knew exactly how powerful the thing was. He didn't think his weak chicken defense could resist its parasitic.

According to the perception of danger in the inheritance of the "Dark Temple", carefully scanning every inch of land. Ling Shaoping did not leave. He was afraid that he would lose his direction after he left. He was afraid that if he moved, he would give the weird worm a chance to attack!

Holding his breath and concentrating, Ling Shaoping suppressed his heartbeat to the lowest level, and his muscles began to tighten. Fortunately, as a second-order advanced ghost inheritor, it would be fine if he didn't breathe for a long time, otherwise it would be very funny to die due to lack of oxygen.

Suddenly, the pitch-black eyes shrank to the extreme! Ling Shaoping found a tiny bulge on the grass six meters away from directly in front of him.

All the "dangerous" breath came from there, the body was slightly pressed back, and the Achilles tendon of the hind calf was trembling slightly, which was obviously to the limit.

Squatting halfway is definitely not a good feeling, but this kind of action can ensure that he can get a sufficient burst in an instant!

He has seen the speed of the mutant iron nematode, and the instant spike will never be worse than him, or even stronger! What should he do? If it's a parasite, Ling Shaoping will rush up without saying a word, but this weird long worm is really not easy to start.

He has a weapon, a dagger, now it's not in the back waist position, and it can be withdrawn at any time. But Ling Shaoping didn't think that the sharpness of the thing could easily break through the insect defense.


Not far away, the group of parasites made a cry of unknown meaning again, and Ling Shaoping did not dare to pay attention to check it, otherwise the name of Xijiang University's sacrifice list would have to be added by one more.

He doesn't want to be a **** hero, especially those who die!

There is a group of inheritors by the river, plus two top powerhouses in the army, that's how you want to wave. What does Ling Shaoping do now? He is also desperate!

Adhering to the policy of "strike first, then make you suffer," Ling Shaoping's tight muscles burst into force instantly! He flew away...

That mutant iron nematode is simply the nightmare of his inheritors! It is extremely fast and has strong penetration, and it can sneak into the body as soon as it touches the skin!

As for whether the muscles can be stuck? Ling Shaoping had never compared himself with those of the "King Kong Orangutan". He ran away first. Since Kuang San smiled at him, he must have known that the ghost was coming towards him.

Looking for a woman for help? No, no, this is the affection between comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, which belongs to mutual help and mutual assistance.

With a flash of silver light, the carefully crafted dagger flew towards the mutant iron nematode! The blade was accurately split on the black spiral pattern, and a series of sparks burst out!

Ling Shaoping didn't turn his head to see how the battle was going. He was here to fight the parasite, not against the bug, whoever loved to deal with it. He also knew that the blow just now was useless at all, and he was rushing towards Kuang San.

As long as he gets to Kuangsanna, he will be safe.

Is it embarrassing for a big master to say this? Sorry, Ling Shaoping is gone.

Kuang San walked towards the silver dagger, Ling Shaoping rushed to this side, other inheritors did not pay attention to this side, but stared at the other fourteen parasites.

Ling Shaoping hurriedly stopped the brakes, and all he breathed in his mouth was Xiangfeng. Just when he wanted to say something to Kuangsan, he saw her passing by herself.

I took a sharp breath, the river was wet and smelly, but the cold wind was not bad, and my heart was beating violently. It is estimated that this short meeting will not be able to come down.

Turning his head and looking at Kuangsan, Ling Shaoping suddenly grew his mouth! The mutant iron nematode that had just forced him to explode has now been cut into small segments, densely packed, and even the second-tier senior Ling Shaoping hasn’t seen it. come.

In the blink of an eye, those bugs all turned into ashes, and there was no chance of rebirth. The "ashes" fell on the grass by the river and became plant nutrients.

Head Li took the others, panting and ran to the bank of the river, just in time to see the scene where Kuang San could easily kill the mutant iron nematode.

He was not happy, but his face sank. He still wanted to capture the parasites alive, extract their genes, and study the main reasons for becoming stronger, so the mutant iron nematodes are all precious experimental subjects!

"King Kong orangutan, try to catch those parasitic people alive!" Leader Li shouted.

At this time, the officers who came with him looked at each other, completely unaware of what the captain was going crazy.

Kuangsan lightly raised Liu's Is this cutting her "fortune"? Moreover, she doesn't think that with the "King Kong Orangutan" and the "Tyrannosaurus" two people can capture those parasites alive.

It's good not to be backlashed!

The'Tyrannosaurus' snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Commander Li's orders, a person who knew nothing about inheritance came to command them, screamed a lot, and performed tasks that were simply unrealistic, which made him quite unhappy!

"Brother, what should I do?"

The'King Kong Orangutan' twisted its neck and made a "Ka Ka Ka" sound, and said in a deep voice, "The military order cannot be violated, but... do you think we can catch these ghosts?"

'Tyrannosaurus' grinned with white teeth: "It's like joking."

"Who said no?" The'King Kong Orangutan' moved his arm forward, and then said: "What if that girl is added?"

"Seven percent sure." Tyrannosaurus replied in deep thought for a while.

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