Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Mess up

() In the early morning, after there was really no good solution, Xiao Wanqing had to strengthen the guard manpower and narrowed the scope of the camp.

Mental power swept the entire camp from time to time without letting go of an inch of land. However, apart from the discovery of a few "field teams" overnight, the so-called "blood-sucking" bugs did not appear.

After a night of recovery, Kuang San's spiritual power also recovered nearly 80%. Xixi's mother woke up, and after constantly thanking Xiao Wanqing, she hoped that Xiao Wanqing could stay with Xixi, and she could leave at any time by herself...

In the end, the two of them stayed. The young woman was overwhelmed. She was extremely diligent in the logistics department. Even though she had only one arm, she did nothing less than the boys.

Slightly cleaned, changed clothes, the convex and concave figure and gorgeous appearance, coupled with the "married wife" temperament of his body, suddenly made the group of bachelors at Xijiang University restless!

Although the broken arm is true, I haven't heard Principal Xiao say that he can grow back. Now as long as the young woman is attacked, and a little loli is also included, where can I find such a good thing?

old age? Just kidding, how old can you be? Haven't heard of "the third year of the female junior holding gold bricks?"

Another day was spent in the migration and encountered a few small-scale insects, and the army inheritors directly crushed it. After a few days of continuous fighting, more and more inheritors can go to the battlefield, and the degree of compatibility with their own "inheritance" is getting higher and higher.

The speed of migration is increasing, and the situation of lagging behind is still there, but this time the army has not slowed down. Those who were left behind were always panicking in their hearts, and had to prop up their tired bodies, complaining about the army, and rushing to the large army quickly.

It was night again. Not only ordinary humans, but even the inheritors were overwhelmed. Most people had a sleepy look on their faces. It was obvious that their bodies were not enough to support the continued migration.

How many days did you tell the army to stop and rest? What a joke, this kind of thing can only be talked about in a dream!

During the evening break, the direction of the army's advancement pointed directly to a small town on the map. The living conditions here are much better than the previous one, and there are enough houses.

At least enough for those inheritors to live in. As for ordinary people, don't they still have tents?

After a few days of fermentation, the inheritors have become more and more aware of the importance of insect crystals. But the swarms of insects encountered during the migration during the day did not need them to act, they were swept away by the army!

The worm crystals are naturally owned by the army, there is no way, the inheritors of the folk forces are in groups, hunting some missing worms around the town.

And Li Jiayu happened to have this idea.

But if his appearance appeared alone in the wilderness, what would those inheritors think? Anyway, the order collapses, it's not bad to be a handsome girl.

What's more, Li Jiayu's current appearance is no exaggeration to say that the country is all over the world!

Kikyo and Ran Hongxia are together, and he can't go to Xiao Wanqing or Kuangsan, so he has to stay with the dark octopus all day. Without the suppression of Yuanyin, the Yin Qi in his body became more and more intense, and his appearance also changed imperceptibly.

One day is more beautiful, a few days a big change! If it weren't for the unique "heroic spirit" in Li Jiayu, people would think that "she" was his sister!

What can he do? But this look is not without benefits, at least the inheritors of the upper brain of the group of worms will come to him for trouble. So... it doesn't matter if you kill it, right?

Wouldn't it be faster to get resources from others? It happened to meet an enemy from the previous world, and things suddenly became more subtle.



Kuangsan's tent curtain was pulled open, and Li Jiayu walked in from the outside unceremoniously, frowning at Kuangsan's brows, "Don't you know what the most basic politeness is?"

Li Jiayu was taken aback, looked at the curtain, and then at Kuangsan. Although she felt a little embarrassed in her heart, she didn't show it on her face.

No matter what the other party thinks, he goes straight to the opposite side of Kuangsan, and the warm fragrance in the surrounding air pours into his nose.

Li Jiayu took out a few second-order insect crystals of good color from the backpack behind him, and stretched out his hand to hand it to Kuangsan.

The rich free energy gathered in Kuangsan's body dissipated, with a complex look in her eyes. She really didn't know what the "Kuangsan Tokisaki" did to Li Jiayu.

Although she pursues the supremacy of interests, she is still a human in her heart.

"I think you hide in your tent after rest all day, so death cultivation won't work. Those inheritors are not in battle..."

Halfway through, Li Jiayu suddenly remembered that the darling in front of him was not one of those idiots... he turned around abruptly, "Uh, I'm worried that your cultivation resources are not enough, so I will send you some."

The colorful insect crystals looked beautiful even when illuminated by candlelight. Kuang put his hands on his knees three times and sighed: "I don't need this stuff."


Kuang San stretched out a small hand and dragged it slightly, and the free energy around him gathered inward as if mad. After a short while, the strong spiritual power squeezed the air out, making it visible with the naked eye.

If it weren't for the current promotion of the earth, it is estimated that the hands of the three will have gathered into a ball of spiritual fluid.

Li Jiayu's small mouth opened slightly, and of course he could clearly sense which energy was pure and pure with his mental power, even the concentration was not weaker than that of the second-order intermediate worm crystal.

And it doesn’t take a lot of time to use absorption...

Kuang San shook his head, and the energy group was directly penetrated into Li Jiayu's body in a gentle way, warming the veins.

He rested his cheek with his right hand and looked out of the tent, slightly lost. "Aren't you a summoner? You should use a lot of insect crystals. Remember to find some insect crystals with soft energy to absorb each time you fight."


Li Jiayu has a poisonous tongue in front of others, but now he can't say anything. Could it be that he and Kuangsan talk about the last life?

As if feeling his gaze, Kuang San turned his head, gaze lightly on those insect crystals and said, "If you don't need it, you can also use it for Hongxia and Campanulaceae. As for Sister Wan Qing... she is breaking through too fast now. It’s better to stabilize it first."

She breaks fast? What are you? Li Jiayu murmured in her heart, secretly saying that these proud women from other worlds are different from ordinary The two of them were not talking, they just sat there quietly, the sky turned from dim to dark, which was a bit noisy at first The camp also slowly quieted down.

Kuang San stretched his waist, showing the delicate curves of his upper body, which immediately attracted Li Jiayu's attention.

"Why, you are not leaving? Do you want me to stay here for the night?" Kuangsan slowly approached, his eyes narrowed, his breath was blue, his words were like cat paws, scratching his heart: "Then Do something you love to do with you?"

Li Jiayu saw Kuangsan's charming smiling face and the cherry lips close at hand, suddenly slowed by a beat in her heart, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and almost printed it!

"Kuang San, have you seen Li Jiayu?"

A voice came from outside the tent, Li Jiayu straightened up, took a sharp breath to calm herself down, and said coldly: "Ran Hongxia, why are you looking for me?!"

Thank you "Emperor of Dark Stars" for rewarding 1000 starting coins; "a Qingmu" rewarding 100 starting coins.

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