Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Thunderbird

Kuangsan in black and red dress dodged after the Saint Armor Centipede attacked, while the body of the elf frantically absorbed the free energy in the surrounding air.

But for the speed of spiritual energy consumption, it is nothing short of a drop in the bucket.

Although the Holy Armor Centipede King had been lured into the mountains, it was not a solution for a long time.

The degree of consumption is not proportional, and it will run out of spiritual power soon. Didn't you let the other party slaughter at that time? Eating or killing, I believe it is not a good result for Kuang San.

Therefore, all decisions must be made before the spiritual power in the body is exhausted!

The main task ③ is to "kill or expel the Saint Armor Centipede King." But the rewards of the two are definitely different. After using the space shock bomb, the evaluation will be reduced 100%, and the consequence of the reduction is that the reincarnation point is reduced. The reward for killing the boss is reduced.

Kuangsan sincerely didn't want to do that before it was necessary, and now delaying time is looking for a way. Even if it is the invisible miracle, we have to wait and see.

Li Jiayu was anxious, and the clone flew high in the air holding the "Jade of the Four Souls", eagle-like eyes staring at the Saint Armor Centipede King. As long as there is a chance, he will launch an attack! Even if it is to fight for a period of time for Kuang San.

If Kuang San can launch his "spear again." He will definitely hold the opponent to his death!

The number of fast pounces of the huge body increased and the speed also slowed down. But if the Saint Armor Centipede King was tired and killed the mad three, they didn't believe it.

Supporting the previous defensive array, plus the instantaneous acceleration back and forth, the spiritual power in Kuangsan's body is still one-third of the full value. It's so bad if it drags on like this!

She has made up her mind. If there is no so-called "miracle" in the remaining fifth, then the space shock bomb is definitely the best choice.

I believe that the Saint Armor Centipede King will also like it.

On Li Jiayu's side, from the perspective of the fallen angel, she happened to see the huge body like a mountain stop!

This is a good opportunity! The eyes of the fallen angel flashed by, and the body was like a flying arrow from the string, turning into a silver ray of pilgrimage to the centipede king to shoot straight away!

The target is the broken half of the head!

Kuangsan twitched her eyes. Although she had been fighting, she was also paying attention around her. Now that the fallen angel rushed past it was not the "miracle she wanted."

The Centipede King Sacred Armor entangled his body, without any other action at all, the black mist covering his head turned into black lights and shot towards the fallen angels!

Relying on the astonishing speed, the jet black wings often tremble, and can easily dodge it. The movements are still very graceful, and the survivors below have little stars in their eyes.

Ordinary people like them don't know the concentration of energy or the level of chaos. Although Kuang San launched a "spear" attack, afterwards, he was embarrassed and evaded under the attack of huge insects. How could there be the bravery of fallen angels?

From this look, he immediately decided! Of course, the fallen angels are more powerful!

The distance between the two parties is getting closer and closer. Taking advantage of the time that the fallen angels are fighting for, Kuangsan did not launch an attack, but was rapidly absorbing free energy. Although the Saint Armor Centipede King was attacking the other party, his eyes could always be staring at her!

It seems that the fallen angel is just an insignificant bug to it.

Of course, the mysterious item in the hands of "Little Bug" is bound to be obtained!

The small formations unfolded one after another, speeding up the speed of Kuangsan's energy extraction, and the surrounding air was swept away! With Kuangsan as the center position, it faintly formed a wind eye!


With a loud noise, the fallen angel was hit by the black mang! Only in an instant, he was beaten for hundreds of meters! The follow-up attack followed closely, and the jet black wings kept trembling before it was able to escape this wave of attacks.

The survivors below stirred up, and the fallen angel, who seemed to them almost invincible, was so easily injured by a huge centipede!

What should they do? Just wait for death like this?

Just now I was too close to the Saint Armor Centipede King, and the reaction speed had to be faster and faster. Li Jiayu's mental energy was concentrated to the extreme, but it was a pity that he failed in the end.

If it weren't for the fallen angels possessing a legendary level of flesh, the blow just now would be enough to turn his clone into flying ash!

However, these are not enough! Looking at the midair, that is about to turn into a style of Kuangsan. The Saint Armor Centipede King's mouth sprayed a black light again!

As a last resort, Kuang San had to dodge again, the large amount of spiritual power that was about to be gathered in an instant dissipated, and returned to the embrace of heaven and earth.

The eye of the wind was also broken, and people just felt that the breeze just disappeared.

Kuang San hadn't stopped yet, the opponent twisted his body again, and the black mist turned into a bright light and flew out! At the same time, the spikes behind the huge head also pierced Kuang San!

Before the newly recovered spiritual power began to surround the body, it was pulled out again, the defensive formation rose up, and the texture appeared in an instant.

As soon as the light shines, it is smashed!

With two "bangs", Kuang San was beaten into the mountainside, splashing dust!

The inheritors can't see clearly, let alone ordinary people.

Head Li only felt his throat dry, and asked hoarsely: "Can you block the force of that blow?"

The ‘Tyrannosaurus’, who usually talks big, fell silent, and the ‘King Kong’s gorilla’ squirmed his throat, and said in a deep voice: "It will be directly beaten into flesh."

People's eyes are focused on the mountainside. If you pay close attention, you will find the white bone spurs of the Saint Armor Centipede King, with a trace of lightning entwined on it, demonstrating the meaning of its existence!

At the moment when Kuang San was attacked, the fallen angel turned into a silver glow and shot towards the mountainside! Li Jiayu on the ground in the distance, the blue eyes of Li Jiayu were about to turn blood red!

There are more than a dozen black lights behind the fallen angel, even if it is a legendary body, it will not be uncomfortable to suffer these few strokes!

Except for the two sides of the battle, no one else can react at all!

The moment the fallen angel rushed into the mountainside, Heimang followed closely behind him and hit the rocks fiercely!

The dust was agitated and enveloped the Xiaobanshankou. The Saint Armor Centipede King did not relax his vigilance, but erected his feet and quickly crawled there!

Everyone’s eyes are filled with Head Li has put down the binoculars, "Prepare to pack the supplies, let the team leaders take the lead, we will run away separately!"

Xiao Wanqing hugged Li Jiayu, he was already collapsed, and white light continued to appear, healing his spirit.

"Cough cough cough~"

In the cave that was shot out, the fallen angel was covered in dust, and blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The soles of the feet were pulled out of the gravel, and the black marks on the body were proof of being hit.

The silver hair was not shining softly, now it was drooping in front of his forehead, and there was an indescribable embarrassment.

Looking back at Kuang San Na.

Dressed in black and red dress, she was shrouded in dust, like an old doll being discarded in the corner. If it weren't for the slight undulations in her chest, anyone would think it was a corpse.

There is a blue transparent blade rotating around the body, and the hard Huanggangyan has no blocking ability.

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