Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 207: Engraved Emperor (roll tail)

The two eyes of the Saint Armor Centipede King narrowed humanely. It hated humans, but it was not as mindless as the low-level bugs.

The moment it felt the danger, it lay down and hid in the forest, while changing its color and blocking its breath.

It must be the Tianjiao of the Human Race that it killed before! Seeing this, it really has great power to come!

A craziness in the blood-red eyes is raging, and today I am afraid that I will be arrested to refine medicine. There is no mother emperor to rescue this time!

Thinking of this, the Saint Armor Centipede King's huge body stiffened, and under innate fear, it even forgot whether the human race could easily come.

At most it is at the same level as it! Feeling the temperature of the ‘Four Soul’s Jade’ in his body, the Centipede King Sacred Armor made up his mind to do nothing and to kill the human race team!

As soon as he thought, the body that covered the sky and the sun began to move. The ‘Jade of the Four Souls’ in the body was burning like a ball of fire. It wanted to quickly kill the group of humans, and then find a place to refine it.

At that time, it will be the time when it advances to the quasi-legendary!

The Xijiang City migration team is roughly divided into three teams, and the speed is three times faster than usual, but for the huge body of the Saint Armor Centipede King, it is very funny.

The strong man pushed the car and ran, and now he is not talking. They only hope that the bugs will not catch up.

Otherwise, let alone a desperate battle, there is no chance of desperate death, which battle will you go to?

He was the only one who heard the bell ringing, "Ka Ka Ka," like the sound of an old clock gear turning.

I don’t know why others can’t hear it, but he hears it really!


As if God was angry, the "thunder" resounded through the earth, with a strong **** smell, making people chill!

There are not many dark clouds in the sky, but weirdly cover the sun, which makes people panic. They are like travelers who are lost in the desert, and they can't tell which day they will die.

If they can, they would rather go trekking through the desert than to go with the insects "Qing Qing, I and I."

Someone looked to the rear, and their pupils immediately shrank into the size of a needle eye, and inside reflected the huge figure of the Centipede King! The huge sound that accompanied the movement was like a **** and a devil!

Originally, the hearts of the people were uneven, but now they are scattered. The three teams that could have seen the embryonic form have dispersed. The survivors ran aimlessly with their supplies on their backs, just wanting to escape the hunting of the giant bug. range.

Someone was trembling with fright, their legs trembling like a sieve, and they were afraid that they would break with a knock. Shocked by the momentum, the Saint Armor Centipede King has not yet arrived, but the **** smell has flooded this area.

His face was red and suffocating. I couldn't help but take a few breaths, and a nausea would come out of my throat. It's okay to eat some rice, but it's better to spit out the rice.

But the group of people who had no food in their stomachs had blood mold. They opened their mouths, and the carbohydrates poured out! The stomach acid was mixed inside, and the choking smell rose.

It's okay for a person to vomit, but how about thousands? As soon as the wind blew, the sour gas had a faint tendency to suppress the **** smell.

The insect crystals in Li Jiayu's backpack have long been used up, and her face is pale with a hint of unhealthy. Coupled with the tenderness of my daughter's family, I really feel pity for me.

He stood still and didn't move, and there were other people around him, such as Platycodon grandiflorum and Ran Hongxia. They want to fight for the last time and can run one by one.

There was an inexplicable meaning in the ice blue eyes, "I am dead this time, will I be resurrected again?" The thought flashed through her mind, and Li Jiayu sneered, feeling absurd.

Re-lived once, is already on the bed of the goddess of fate, can it still be done once?

Kikyo pursed her mouth, her lips faintly pale, she really didn't want to understand how the Saint Armor Centipede King resisted the temptation of the'Jade of the Four Souls'.

In any case, the human race in this world is working too hard, and she also wants to do her last part.

Once the owner dies, the contractual connection on her will naturally be cut off and she will return to the original world.

The magic power on her body rose, and the wind surrounded the three of them. In this battle, she was the most seriously injured, which was nothing to her who had already died!

Ran Hongxia sank, and the alloy long sword at his waist was suffocating, and the whole person stood there like a sword soaring to the sky.

"Li Jiayu, can we survive today."

"Can we survive today?"

When Kuang San heard these words in his sleep, Ying Bai's lips squirmed slightly: "Yes."

Kuang San thought she was dead, and it was true. After watching those "films", her consciousness fell into darkness completely. There was no sensation there, and there was no soul. Her whole consciousness was suspended there.

She can't think, and can't think, time freezes everything.

In the state of soul, she wore a black dress, her pretty face closed her eyes tightly, and she slept there all the time.

I don't know how long she slept, even she didn't feel it, a warm current came from her back and penetrated her body.

It's warm, just like basking in the orphanage at the age of ten.

Kuang San was able to think again. In her soul, she saw the formation of the huge golden clock that day.

The corners are broken, and Kuang San feels a little pain in his heart. From her perspective, a small clock can be faintly seen from it. The whole body is golden, so beautiful.

The three have been fighting fiercely with the Saint Armor Centipede King, the fallen angel is re-summoned, and Li Jiayu separates the two. In this level of battle, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble!

Fortunately, the fallen angels are extremely fast, and when their spirits are burning, there is a faint tendency to restrain the Centipede King.

Stained with Hongxia sword qi overflows, often white light flashes slightly, it can leave traces on the opponent's body. However, it is only that.

Kikyo is like a ranger, with turbulent magic power on his body, successively injected into the arrows, and green awns shoot at the arthropod of the giant centipede with a shocking force!

A tiny carapace shattered and shot into the earth under the kinetic energy. The Centipede King of Saint Armor felt the burning in his body, and couldn't bear it. His eyes were no longer red as simple as it was. This is simply killing it!

With that scorching intent, the Saint Armor Centipede King, regardless of the consequences, stepped into the quasi-legendary in one fell swoop!

Of course, it is temporary. But that is also a quasi-legendary!

The aura suddenly rose, and before the fleeing crowd could bear it, they staggered and fell to the ground.

Spirit power, sword gang, magic power, suppressed like a boat drifting in the sea, may capsize at any time!


The fallen angel was slammed into the ground by the Saint Armor Centipede King, and the dust was so full that people looked down upon the reality.

Li Jiayu directly coughed out a mouthful of blood, showing bitterness at the corners of her mouth, murmured: "I'm afraid I will not live today"

"Will do."

Before he finished speaking, a charming female voice rang in his ears in the cold.


The three of them turned their heads in surprise and looked at the voice master.

Kuang San is still in the black and red dress, but there is no dust on his body, the twin pony tails that show vitality are tied up, and the golden clock pupils reveal a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Holding two flintlocks between his hands, one is long and the other is short, they are so old that people can't remember the model.

With a smile on the stunning pretty face, the little devilish Kuang San returned to them again.

Before he could relive the past, dyed Hongxia showed a shocked face: "Crazy three be careful! Saint Armor Centipede King it"

"Huh? What happened to it?"

Ran Hongxia blinked his eyes. After such a long time, it is impossible for the insects to be silent. Turning to see the Saint Armored Centipede, the whole body is blue, and the head is fierce, like a weapon of war!

Rays of light circulated on his body, just like the reflection of the sun.

Li Jiayu is silent in her heart, this is the real mad three!

"What's wrong with this?" Ran Hongxia asked with a trembling voice.

Kuang San waved at them casually, and then pulled the three of them to the rear.


The mirror image cracking sounded, and the "Youlan" cracks grew bigger and bigger until they were completely broken with a "bang".

The sacred Centipede King's dancing stiff body stiffened, as if he couldn't understand how the little bugs "teleported" to the rear.

When the wind blew, the fleeing people were awakened. Seeing that there was no movement, they looked back.

Kuang San in black and red dress stood high above the sky, and the naughty breeze evoked the corners of the skirt, faintly seeing the mystery inside.

Standing in front of the Scarab Centipede King, the stunning girl looked so small, but she was superior to the giant bug in terms of power!

The Saint Armor Centipede King curled up, with undisguised fear in his two huge eyes.

Thinking of whether the human race can descend, but they have many ways, and they often have a touch of consciousness to descend on the younger generation.

This is probably the case now.

Kuang San in mid-air was unmoved, stepping forward lightly, just like stepping on the ground.

Raising the short spear in his hand, gently knocking his head, helplessly said: "Ah ah ah ah, I have been killed by you once, do you still want to kill it again?"

The little face looked helpless, but the three people below had weird faces, and they communicated with each other with their eyes.

The Saint Armor Centipede King did not speak as before. It believed that the person in front of him must be a trace of human power coming! Killing the opponent's descendants, I am afraid that he will die endlessly.

As for why not the original one? That Human Race Tianjiao had no aura of being beaten by it, could it be resurrected again?

Obviously the Saint Armor Centipede King's body is a thousand times larger than Kuangsan, but Kuangsan's eyes are always looking down, his eyes are smiling, but the depths are cold.

Strictly speaking, she is proficient in all kinds of fighting skills, but only so, the physical strength is not high. Without the blessing of spiritual power, it would be good to be able to draw a tie with Chu Xiang.

So it’s good to be hit by the Centipede King, if it’s not made into meat sauce, it’s good, if it’s not the knife

In the critical moment, she couldn't take care of so much, she subconsciously poured spiritual power into the weapon, and the invisible blade quickly crossed her chest, which was the reason for her survival.

From death to life, although he has never experienced rebirth from the ashes, it is not much different for Kuangsan.

He almost stretched out his white tender little hand and looked at it. The texture was clear, and he was holding a retro short gun. The feeling of the passing of years on the gun seemed to kill life.

She has already died once.

The smile on his face is still the same, but the horrible aura exuding from his body cannot be faked!

Every step in the void, there will be double coercion and blessing on the Saint Armor Centipede King.


The ground is sinking!

People could vaguely see the huge insect shadow from the dust, but then looked at the Kuang San's throat, who continued to walk in the void, and couldn't help swallowing.

Almost three to four hundred thousand survivors, no one said anything at this time, except for the raging wind on the plain, there was a weird silence for a while.


When Kuang San stopped and came to the top of the head of the Saint Armored Centipede, all the momentum was squeezed towards the Saint Armored Centipede King!

There are also some interesting things mixed in.

A toothy voice came, and the carapace of the giant centipede shattered, revealing the white flesh inside.

Bloodshot entangled on it, and the bleeding blood stains flowed down along the broken carapace.

The eyes of the Saint Armor Centipede King turned blood red, tyranny and hatred mixed together. The fishy mouth closed tightly, as if under great pressure.

"Kuangsan! Kill it quickly! There is a jade of four souls in it, and no one knows what will appear!"

Kikyo's voice came, and Kuangsan glanced at it casually and nodded.

Before Kuangsan could take action, the Centipede King immediately stood upright, and its upper carapace broke every inch, but it quickly glued together.

Want to break and stand up? Kuangsan shook his head, "Little centipede, I hope you can return to the embrace of the mother emperor after you die."

As if he had understood the words of Kuangsan, Saint Armor Centipede King's momentum became stronger and stronger, and even the missing corners that had been wiped off by the "spear" had a tendency to heal.

Kuangsan stepped high in the sky, her cherry lips lightly opened, and he murmured: "Everything pays attention to equivalent exchanges. Even the high gods can't escape. The energy of the jade of the four souls is limited. I hope you can rise to the legendary level."

The **** breath rushed straight into the sky! Even the clouds were contaminated with the blood of evil spirits.

What made Kuangsan more disappointed was that the opponent's aura reached the pinnacle of quasi-legendary, and it was only a breath away to advance to the legendary.

And "this tone," it just so happened that it didn't.

Kuang San shook his head in distress, showing a look of pity, "In this case, you have no use value."

While saying this, the spear in the right hand was raised, and there was an unnamed vibration in the void!


Ripples appeared in the void, and the huge golden clock hung high in the sky. The ancient clock exuded a sense of as if it had been washed by a long river of time.

Head Li and the "King Kong Gorilla" and others were shocked. They guessed that Kuang San was the master of the epic heritage!

Compared with the previous few days, the high-hanging clock in the sky is a bit worse in all respects, but from the perspective of aura, it must be easy to kill the Centipede King.

Cherry lips lightly opened: "Goodbye."


The hour hand in the engraved emperor moved toward four, turning into a black and red breath into the muzzle. At that moment, Kuang San also pulled the trigger.

The Saint Armor Centipede King could only watch the "bullet" shoot into his body blankly.

The originally glued carapace cracked again, but then it grew again, and even the blood and debris on the ground quickly returned to his body.

But the momentum is getting weaker and weaker.

Kikyo looked at this scene with an incredible expression, "Is this a step back in time?!"

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