Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 9: City of Eating Time

() The remaining gang members were holding guns and pointed at the two people who were hitting the ground.

Thomson put his muscles there, and his strength became explosive! If White hadn't practiced for a few years, I'm afraid he would be planted here today!

Thomson pressed White to fight, but he couldn't guarantee whether there was a sharpshooter in the opponent. So... he didn't dare to separate from White at all, he could only do this like a street gangster fighting, losing his face.

"You! Squat down! We will shoot when we move!"

The gang members' scolding made the two of them unable to touch their heads, thinking that someone was here. Thomson fists to the flesh, White can only passively defend, if it were not for the shooters, I am afraid that White would have been solved by him long ago!

"Hehe, big brother, do you really want to see me squatting in that cold corner? It's really cold, so cold~"

The two people who were still fighting on the ground heard the sound and couldn't help but slow down. White's eyes flashed, and the right fist hit the bridge of each other's nose with strange speed!

With this punch, Thomson was hit. After a few random fights, the two quickly separated.

The strong man calculated the position, and turned over after a roll. At the same time, he held a firearm in his hand.

The atmosphere on the two sides suddenly became tense, White's face was very ugly, he moved his neck and made a "kakaka" sound, which made people creepy.

The pain went straight into the nerves, and White gasped in a cold breath, and it hurt even more. He reached out and touched the corner of his mouth, it was already swollen.

"Fuak! Damn female cousin!" White was so vocal in his words that he endured the pain and cursed to vent his anger.

What did he see? That nasty girl's cousin was standing behind Thomson with a wicked smile! How could there be any fear in that appearance?

Fighting didn't calm him down, but the increase in adrenaline made him excited, and his brain thinking logic was a little confused. In his opinion, that **** girl cousin was released by Thomson!

The purpose...isn't it to kill him?

Who knows if the other party's ** will hide drugs!

The more I thought about it, the more angry he got, and he took the firearms directly and aimed at the brows of the burly man on the opposite side.

A hint of coldness in front of his eyebrows made Thomson tense, his body muscles tense, his eyes fixed on him.

As long as the bullet is shot, he can't hide it 100%, he is not one of those superheroes!

But as long as you shoot, the opponent will pull the trigger. And the time it takes to pull the trigger is when he escapes and fights back!

The atmosphere became more and more rigid, and even the little assistant who was crying on the side was silent, otherwise, the cold hard thing on the back of his head... He didn't want the "essence" inside to shoot out, and then hit Into one's own body, a large exploded **.......

Kuang San slowly leaned his body, his soft ponytail swayed slightly from his chest, "Big brother, why don't you fight anymore?"

Thomson trembled! He didn't realize that there was someone behind him just now! My God, God is above, today is really his worst day!

What is the origin of that girl? The top killer in the dark world? I *×#*......

When did he offend that character?

The opposite White's eyes narrowed slightly, Thomson's body trembling did not hide from his sight, but now! He would never believe it!

That stinky cousin! Oscar owes her a queen this year!

Just about to grin, the pain went straight to the nerves, "Pretend! You pretend to be a little bit more, it's okay, anyway, you are all going to see God tonight! God, his old man must really like watching you acting!

The girl in the black dress blinked her big eyes, the wine red is very beautiful, just like the red wine that has been precipitated through the years, it is worthy of everyone's taste.

"Woo~" The girl puffed her cheeks, blushing on it, very beautiful, even better than those Hollywood movie stars who have painted heavy makeup.

But White's face is ugly, and he won't believe it anymore!

As if angry, the girl lowered her head with her hands behind her, kicking the pebble on the ground with her tiny black Martin boots.

"People really didn't pretend, I was really scared just now, but I didn't have any money... Obviously you got here as soon as I woke up... ooh~"

Water mist condenses from the wine-red eyes again, sure enough...are women all made of water?

Thomson was full of black lines, and the fragrance of the girl poured into his nose, not like those disgusting and inferior perfumes, but there was a calming feeling.

The forearm was slightly loose, but it tightened again in the next moment. "Damn it!" Thomson whispered.

In normal times, White had calmed down a long time ago, but there was always something disturbing his mind.

With a grim complexion, in his opinion, Kuang San was flirting with Thomson just now! The anger surged, and his mouth shouted: "Go to hell, you stinky cousin!"


The moment the trigger was pulled down, the burly man Thomson's eyes tightened to the extreme! His body had already begun to react, and he threw himself to the side!

The girl's shocked face appeared in White's eyes, which made him very comfortable.

As a result... the opponent just tilted his head to the other side, and the bullet hit between the small head and the pony tail, and hit the back wall hard!

The girl blinked, at a loss.

White continued to keep a sullen face and murmured inwardly. It's good luck.

Only Thomson awkwardly did a standard tactical roll. He was still kneeling on his knees, holding a gun, ready to shoot.

White put down the gun, glanced at the girl, and then at the strong man who was kneeling on his knees.

"Well, Thomson. Are you still selling this batch of goods?"

"Sell, of course." Thomson stood up and patted the dust, seemingly random, but in fact...enough to make him do a "tactical roll..."

"This girl..." White pondered for a moment. "According to the original price?"

Thomson shrugged and said nonchalantly, "If you want."

"Well, I will transfer the money to you now, maybe I will trouble you again in the future."

Thomson smiled, "Thanks a lot."

"Boom boom!"

With three gunshots in a row, White was shot in his left shoulder. Even though Thomson had a tactical roll, he did not escape the fate of the calf muscle being penetrated.

White snorted Just when he wanted to order his subordinates to solve these troubles, he realized that he was soft...

"Ah ah ah ah, big brothers can't just die like this, or else..." Kuang San's burgundy eyes narrowed, revealing evil intentions, "Isn't it meaningless?"

White and their faces are pale, they are more than 30 years old, but the corners of their eyes have begun to wrinkle!

There are more and more head-up lines, and people are getting older and heavier on the ground, being absorbed by something!

The asphalt road has become black, like a pool of ink, depressing the human soul.

Everyone can't do their best, and the years continue to pass on them, just a few tens of seconds...just like decades have passed!

The gleaming eyes were already pale, and finally...everyone died.

The girl in the black dress lightly raised the corners of her skirt and gave a standard lady's gift, "Thank you for the hospitality."

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