Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Jarvis

() The man is still half-asleep and half-awake. The black circle at the corner of his eye shows that he didn't sleep well last night, or that... he didn't sleep at all.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, his head leaned back, as if he didn't hear the sound just now.

Ten minutes later, the man opened his eyes again and twisted his stiff neck.

"Jarvis... I remember you were talking to me just now, right?"

"Yes, sir." The male voice rang, and if you listen carefully, you will hear an electronic sound.

The man squeezed his eyebrows, his mind is still full of pictures from last night, and his mouth is muttering: "That girl is really exciting."

"Okay." The man forced himself not to think about those unsuitable images for children, "Jarvis, what did you just tell me? I..." The man turned his finger on his left ear a few times," I didn't hear it clearly just now."

"Sir, I think there is one thing you are interested in." The electronic male voice is still in that tone, and seems to be used to what "sir" does.

"Oh? Come and listen."

The man was very interested when he heard it, but before Jarvis spoke, he was preempted again by him, "Don't, let me guess what."

"Did this year's model contest winner write to me again?"

Jarvis didn't say a word, the man only touched his **** beard, and raised the corner of his eyes. "Or, is there any beautiful girl who sent me a courtship message?"

There was still no response, and the man stood up directly from the sofa, looking not at all frustrated, "Well, talking about girls in the morning, it really makes people less interested in sex. Let me order a meal first, and give me a big size. How about burgers?"

"Sir, the order has been completed for you." The intelligence named Jarvis knows the man quite well. Although the man issued a question, he did not ask again, because he knew that the man was quite stubborn.

A man with a **** moustache is standing by the living room window, looking at a sea area, and the location of the villa is on a cliff.

"Go ahead, I suddenly don't want to guess."

"About four o'clock in the morning, I encountered another artificial intelligence on the Internet."

"Really?" The man seemed to respond casually, but the two eyebrows were already twisted together.

"Yes, sir. The other party is a woman."

The man nodded and said with a serious face: "Jarvis, it seems that your spring is coming too."

......The artificial intelligence did not answer the call, and continued to answer after being silent for a while: "It's a little girl, I mean the image, the appearance formed by data."

The man had already walked to the other side and took out a can of drink from the small freezer. "Puff!" The water splashed out, but the owner didn't care.

He took a sip first, with his mouth down, his eyebrows facing up, his eyes wide open, and he said noncommittal: "Unexpectedly, you still have this habit of Jarvis."

Touched the bottle with his hand, "It seems that there is no love issue about artificial intelligence in the law."

"What? Do you want me to help you attack her? Then you didn't find the wrong person. First of all, you have to be attractive."

The man wanted to grab the collar, but he grabbed his hands empty and didn't care, "Secondly, you have to..."

"Sir, are you not worried?"

"Well, this is really boring. The other party is an artificial intelligence, what can you think of me?"

"If nothing happens, she should belong to a newly born artificial intelligence, and she is curious about everything. Moreover, she is quite obedient to the orders of the'master'."

"Really?" The man sat on the sofa, frowning, as if thinking about another very important thing.

"Sir, she didn't disperse her programs on the network, instead she lived on a low-level game console."

"Is it an accident?"

"It should not be, the other party has the complete..."

"Okay, okay." The man pressed his hands slightly and motioned to Jarvis not to say more, "What harm can she bring to us?"

"For now, not yet."

"Pop!" The man clapped his hands. "That's all right. I don't have the time to take care of this artificial intelligence, not to mention that I can't think of a good way now."

"Just leave the headache to those boring politicians."

"Okay, sir."

The man nodded, and his serious face suddenly became serious again, "Jarvis, have you ever thought about finding a company for yourself? I think the new artificial intelligence is good."


It wasn't until the sun rose that the old high, and even started to slide, Kuangsan got up from the bed, with his hair draped on his shoulders, his mouth slightly opened, and he opened his eyes after completing a set of actions.

The silver "squares" on the computer desk projected a red back in the next instant.

The little girl bowed slightly, "Master, good afternoon. Would you like to order a meal?"

Kuangsan got off the bed, "Let's have some fruit salad."

"Okay, Master."

After Kuangsan finished washing and eating "breakfast", the red queen appeared again.

The projected little face seemed a little embarrassed, and Kuang San glanced at it, "What's the matter? What happened to the creation of the company?"

"No, all the documents have been prepared, and the owner can choose the address at will. If you want, the documents can be delivered to you at any time."

"Oh, what happened then?"

The red queen's two little hands were entangled, and said: "When wandering on the Internet yesterday...we were...discovered."

"Huh?" Kuangsan Liu raised his eyebrows, "Impossible, as a [Beta] level of intelligence, will be discovered by humans?"

"No, no, no." The Red Queen shook her little hand quickly, "I was discovered by an artificial intelligence. Also... I also blame myself for being careless, otherwise he would never find me!"

The projection of the red queen reflected in Kuangsan's eyes. Since becoming this image, she seems to have begun to change her personality to a little girl.

As for the other artificial intelligence... Kuang San touched his smooth and tender chin. Who else but Jarvis?

As Tony Stark's butler, he will tell the other person when he knows about it, but with Stark's temperament, it is estimated that he will not mention it to others.

And Jarvis... doesn't exist in a certain device, as long as you are using the Internet, he can feel it.

Yes, this is such a bug, unless it is a local area network.

However, in this world where "black technology" is flying all over the sky, it might not be difficult for the other party to crack the local area network.

It exists in any corner of the Internet, and even computing is estimated to use cloud computing.

As long as there are electronic devices on the earth, Jarvis will not die. So, if you want the Red Queen to fight against Jarvis, now is not the time.

What's more...why did she want to fight each other?

At the same time, the two dozen dead bodies that died last night successfully attracted the attention of some organizations.

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