Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Want to hit someone

() "Crack, chih~"

The elevator door opened, and Nick Fury's clothes were a long black trench coat. As for why, maybe it is his unique hobby.

In the bureau, there was nothing to hide his information. After Coleson left, he had the authority of the director to delete the information.

Now, he came to the laboratory where the 23 dead bodies were kept.

The compartment was well protected, and people in white coats kept nodding to the black chief.

Although Nick Fury didn't know them much, he nodded frequently in response.

Until an old professor walked up to him, "Director, are you here to see the dead bodies?"


The old professor took a deep look at him, "Director, you need to wear chemical protective clothing to enter, because we can't guarantee any accidents."

Seeing the black chief frowned, he didn't explain much. Instead, he turned and walked into another small room, "Come on, chief, I don't think you want to waste time here."

As an agent, especially a top agent like Nick Fury, although he has retreated from the front line for many years, his basic qualities have not been lost.

The chemical protective suit was quickly worn, and he was a full head taller than the old professor.

On the way to the laboratory, the old professor carefully explained to the black chief, such as some taboos...

There were only a few dead bodies in front of them, but they looked strange.

There is even one that has completely turned into a corpse!

It looks like the mummies left from ancient Egypt!

"Director." A faint electric current rang in his ears, and the old professor was calling him.

After all, everyone here is wearing chemical protective clothing, and it is not easy to identify them.

"Come with me, you read that right, this is one of the dead people."

Nick Fury took another look, the strange death form, he even saw endless fear on the opponent's already shriveled face!

On the transparent display, all the data was clearly displayed, and the old professor kept introducing him through the headset.

"Director, if it weren't for his DNA to completely match that young man, we would never believe that the two are the same person."

"That corpse seems to have been a hundred years old, everything in his body... even the parasites, all dead and clean."

"It's like..."


"It's like being eroded by time."

Nick Fury squinted his eyes slightly, bringing his already fierce appearance to the next level, but no one would see it now.

"With the current biotechnology, can this be achieved?"

The old professor fell silent when he heard the words, and thought for a while: "It is easy to become a corpse, but to make him completely dead, everything in the body is aging, it is by no means easy."

"In other words, can it reach this level?"

"Theoretically so, but with that kind of difficulty, no company can do it alone."

"And..." the old professor looked at the mummy, "doing this kind of unthankful technology wastes a lot of time, energy, and money. Those capitalists don't have no brains."

"Useless?" Nick Fury continued to ask.

"No, but in actual use, it is really unsatisfactory. It can be solved with a single bullet, why is it so..."

Through the chemical protective clothing, Nick Fury could feel the helpless look of the old professor.

"Bah~Bah~ Director, we have fixed the general video, would you like to take a look?"

"I'll be there soon."

"Professor, you should go out with me first."

The old professor was a little dazed, but he reacted quickly, "Oh, okay."

When changing clothes, the old professor told the black chief of many possibilities, but most of them were just hypotheses. Every one seemed reasonable, but they couldn't stand scrutiny.

Nick Fury stood in front of the elevator, "So, the most likely virus is the ancient virus?"

"Yes, but this is only the most likely..."

When I saw the other party, I wanted to continue, Nick Fury waved his hand quickly, "Well, after watching the video, we are confirming your speculations."

The old professor fell silent. In the elevator, Nick Fury gave him the hair and asked the other party to submit the experiment report as soon as possible.

Seeing the serious look of the black chief, the old professor had to stuff the small bag deep into his pocket.



Coulson hurriedly got up after hearing the voice, "Chief, here you are."

Nick Fury nodded, "Where is the restored video?"

Coleson could only nod to the old professor. Even if he said hello, he even used film projection to keep it secret.

The room is dim, and the video is dim and unclear, but the entire development process of the incident can be seen.

The girl in the video still cannot see her appearance, as if she was maliciously marked with a mosaic.

"But the girl should be very beautiful." Nick Fury thought in his heart. He is not a worm, he just inferred from the action language performance of the two "heads".

Fighting and fighting, until he saw the tall man shivering, he realized that the girl was standing behind him!

When? Nick Fury was shocked, but he was "watching a movie!" and he was not immersed in the scene, there was no reason not to pay attention to the girl!

His pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye, and even Coleson, who had seen it several times, felt cold all over.

On the contrary, the old professor, who has no experience in secret agents, looked at it with gusto.

In the dim room, the faces of the black chief and Coleson were not very good.

Just being "off the court" is affected. If they go to the scene, it happens that the girl wants to assassinate a few people... absolutely unknowingly!

The film is still playing a little bit, and the asphalt road becomes pure black. Although it is inconspicuous in the night, it has a fascinating power!

Coleson swallowed. In just ten seconds, those who fell on the ground... all of them quickly dried up.

"It's this! It's this!" The old professor yelled in surprise almost scared the two people next to him.

Coleson stood up decisively and pressed pause.

Looking at the old professor, the other party came to the projection wall with a look of excitement, his eyes revealed a blur, and his mouth muttered: "This is definitely not science, this is another system, a brand new system!"

Nick Fury didn't stop him, but asked, "Professor, do you know this thing?"

"Of course!" The two were overjoyed.

"do not know!"

This is so categorical that even Nick Fury can't help but want to hit someone!

The old professor didn't intervene with the two at all, his eyes were vivid, like seeing an old lover who hadn't seen him for many years.

"But I have seen in an ancient book that there is another form of energy use in this world. It is called magic."


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