Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 30: "Black Pot"

"The helicopter has come to pick me up." Kuang San gave a slightly apologetic smile.

Tony glanced at Admiral Brooks not far away, and silently hung his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, "Oh, that's really a shame. It's obviously more fun to ride the Happy Jeep in the desert."

The helicopter had already descended not far away, the wind was blowing wanton, and his eyes were squinted slightly, "Then, Mr. Stark, goodbye."


The door of the car was closed by the soldiers to isolate the wind and sand blown by the helicopter outside. Tony sat in his "Happy Jeep" and beat the beat.

The soldier accompanying the **** was a young man. It seemed that he had not been in the army for a long time, and his young face was full of vigor and excitement.

He seemed to admire Stark very much, and when the vehicle started, he tried to talk to Tony.

Listening to the soldiers chattering next to him, and because he was a fan of him, Tony couldn't stop him.

"By the way, do you know who that girl is?"

The soldier was taken aback, obviously not keeping up with Tony's leap thinking.

After a while, it suddenly dawned on him: "Ooo, you mean Brooks."

"Brooks?" Tony frowned. "Isn't that Mr. Admiral with bad temper? With all due respect, I don't see how they are related."

"This..." The young soldier scratched his head, only touching the ice-cold helmet. "We little soldiers don't know, we only know that she was brought by General Brooks. I heard that they have a close relationship."

The soldier remembered Stark's various romantic past, and immediately winked at him, "Do you want to soak her, sir?"

"Huh?" Tony said quite strange, his eyes under the sunglasses fixed on the soldier, "Seriously: "Do you think I am such a person?" "

"Isn't it?" The soldier didn't care about Tony's more ‘outstanding’ face. "You are the idol of American men!"

He thought for a while, suddenly felt something was wrong, and added, "Except those gays."

"Look at that pretty girl, it is said that they all want to climb on your bed. Oh~ if I have..."

"Stop, stop, soldier. Being empty is not suitable for defending the country."

The soldier holding the gun nodded and said nonchalantly: "You said yes. But can you sign me before that?"

"If it's not troublesome, remember to count me, sir."

Another soldier's voice came from the front cab, and Tony shrugged, "Okay, where are you going to sign?"

Tony glanced at the heavily armed soldiers. "I mean, does the military still allow soldiers to have memorial symbols on their weapons?"

"No, no, of course not, sir, please sign here." The soldier untied his defense in an instant, revealing the clothes inside.

"Oh~" Tony opened his mouth slightly and looked awkward. He never thought that he would sign a man's clothing, especially "underwear".

If it's a pretty girl, he certainly won't care, for example... the girl in the black dress before.

Look, what a perfect temperament, good tutoring, handsome appearance... Tony frowned, "It's just a little bit younger, maybe that temperament makes me forget her age."

"Sir? What are you talking about?" The soldier was still holding his clothes, ready to let Tony's marker "fortune" on it at any time.

"Oh, nothing, soldier."

"Then what are we waiting for? I can't wait!"

Tony looked weird, he always thought he was familiar with these words.

The marker was getting closer and closer to the "men's underwear", and Tony seemed to put all his perseverance into it.

Suddenly, the tip of the pen turned and returned to the cap in an instant, but there was no mark on the "men's underwear".

Tony raised his brows as expected, and said seriously: "I suddenly remembered something."


"Boom! Boom!"


There was a sudden explosion outside, as well as the sound of guns emitting bullets.

The vehicle in front was directly blown up! The flames flooded the carriage in an instant, and no one survived.

The driver braked quickly, trying to conceal, but the bullets hit the glass without mercy, and "white flowers" appeared. If it weren't bulletproof glass, he would have been more ill-fortuned.

"Fuck!" The soldier yelled and quickly put on his gear. His young and immature face was full of seriousness. He just wanted to get out of the car and turned his head. "Sir, the body armor is underneath. Please put it on quickly. protect yourself."

Tony was still in a daze, the young soldier opened the car door and ran out to fight the terrorists.

"Huh?! Hurry up... Damn it!"

Tony hurriedly set up his body armor. Looking from the car window, he could see a soldier being penetrated by a bullet. There was blood flowing out of this land every second.

After seeing the terrorists blow up the fuel tank forcibly, he knew that hiding in the car was never a good way.

Opened the car door and walked out cautiously, a bomb happened to fall next to him...


A non-standard tactical rollover made Tony survived. He turned over to the back of the sand dunes, and just wanted to stop to take a breath and look at the injuries on his body...

A bomb fell not far from him again.

"Oh fuck!"

Tony couldn't help but explode Before he fell into a coma, he saw the font clearly.

"Stark Industries."

That bomb was an invention he was more proud of.

Shrapnel grenades, even if they can't kill you, those small shrapnels with high temperature and kinetic energy caused by the detonation of explosives will split into your body in an instant.

The body armor can only play a small role, and then these small fragments will lurch in the body, tearing blood vessels, and every second will cause inhuman pain, until...too much bleeding and death.

Tony... finally tasted the evil results he brought.

"Killed by your own invention, there is nothing more ridiculous than this, right?"


When the military arrived at the location, there were no clues except for the blazing flames in the damaged vehicle and the dead soldiers' bodies.

Tony Stark was kidnapped by terrorists!

Admiral Brooks's face was quite gloomy, and the officers who accompanied him looked at their noses and mouths, and did not dare to take a breath.

This time is obviously a secret experiment. The outside world knows very little about it. The most likely thing is that a traitor has appeared in the army.

It is completely conceivable what kind of drastic changes will happen to Stark Industries after knowing that Tony Stark "disappeared."

As an arms giant, the Stark Group, which pays a huge amount of tax to the country every year, after the far-reaching is the impact?

At least these officers can't afford it, and General Brooks...this's very baffling.

The army began to move, after determining the approximate location, began to search, day and night.

Obviously it was just an "ordinary" kidnapping incident, and no one expected that it would involve General Brooks.

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