Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Dalet

Tony still looks dazed up to now. The girl's dress is not intended to be a bit similar to that island cos.

Although he likes beautiful women, he also likes the appearance and temperament of each other. For clothing, Tony is not very interested.

But what the girl wore, this Lolita or something, did conflict a lot with the way he chose beautiful women.

But... Tony still wanted to say something in his heart... "Laughter."

He himself still likes the kind of lordosis, **** and big ass.

I glanced at it again...It seems that the other party is also completely consistent with this point, and the temperament that conflicts with Lolita...

She is underage!

Tony shook his head in a hurry, only to come into close contact with the helmet.

But...what is she doing?

Tony squinted his eyes and looked at Kuang San Na through the tiny slits. The guns in the void gradually solidified and were held by the girl.

Haobai's wrists were slightly sinking, and Tony knew that the guy was not light.

Try the retro style, no, it's just the flintlock style. This type of firearms should be eliminated in the century, right?

"Damn, what are you doing!" Tony panicked.

The girl raised her small head slightly, and flung the black ponytail lightly on her exposed shoulders, black and white intertwined, if it was in normal times, Tony would have to spend a few words. But now...obviously not the time.

The half crooked little head succeeded in attracting Tony's attention, and the burgundy eyes were very beautiful. Tony had praised it the first time he saw it.

But the like looking at a spore.

No one knows better than Tony! He looks like that when he looks at his little idiot!

Cherry lips lightly opened, and said indifferently: "As you can see, I'm saving him."

"Hat?" Under the helmet, Tony's face changed a lot. "Miss, this is not the time to make a joke. Even if you are not in the scientific category, you must at least be like a church pastor..."

"In the fantasy, the holy light released by the priest?" Kuangsan asked.

"You can think so."

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, "Perhaps you can find that group of magicians to solve this problem."

Tony was taken aback, as if his worldview had collapsed.

"'re not a magician? Um~ This dress should be similar to those succubus witches? Although I don't understand this."


Kuangsan held the flintlock and hung it on the side of his shoulder. "Mr. Stark, if you don't want me to save Ethan, please don't waste my time."

"Good, good." Tony raised the two arms of the steel armor, "I understand, I understand, please continue."

As if afraid that Kuang San would be angry and go away, Tony raised his hand again and again to signal, but he wore steel armor to do this kind of action...


The wine-red eyes glanced at Stark again. When watching a movie on Earth, Kuangsan really liked Tony Stark played by Robert Jr.

But... if you meet this kind of person in reality, you will definitely want to kill him!

Just like now.


With a loud roar, the "hour hand" in Kuangsan's hands was almost unsteady.

Taking a deep breath, a bright smile appeared on his face, "Mr. Stark, "please" ask what else do you have?"

"Uh..." Tony could easily hear something wrong in the words. Who would dare to talk to himself like that in other places? But now it is he who asks for each other...

And the other party is still a pretty woman...

"Miss, normal people usually ask questions in this situation, right?"

"I want to know... what are you doing with the gun at Ethan? Do you want to add a round of ammunition to his body? Not me, even if your old flintlock gun is well maintained, it has a bomb. danger......"


"Mr. Stark, do you want to try it first?"

"No, no, miss. Please start."

Tony doesn't think that ridiculous old flintlock can break through defenses, but the moment the muzzle is aimed at him...he has the feeling of drowning and death...


"Dalet?" Tony repeated in a low voice, but Kuang San ignored his interest.


The steel armor took a step back directly, and Tony's perception of danger has greatly increased since the small energy source was installed on his chest.

His eyes widened! If it wasn't for the arm's inconvenience, he would definitely take off the mask!

A ripple appeared in the void, and a huge golden clock appeared behind the girl. Only the upper half of the clock was exposed, which made Tony have an urge to run away!

Through the mask, the field of vision is not clear, but it can be seen roughly. On the clock, the hour hand points to IV. Afterwards, there seemed to be a black gas gushing out of it, into the old flintlock gun held by the girl.


Before Tony could react, the slender index finger pulled the trigger!

Maybe it was a bullet, anyway, Tony didn't see it clearly, and he didn't see bleeding on Ethan's body as he thought.

"This... missed?"

Tony turned his head and said to the girl. However, the girl's clothing has become a black dress style, and even the golden pupil that has increased the charm of the other party is covered by long hair.

"Remember what you promised me."

"What? Ethan still..."

Tony followed the opponent's gaze. He thought he was shocked to But what happened to Ethan...The heart was twitching, and he was afraid that the shrapnel would hit his atrium in an instant. .....

The soaked clothing dries slowly, to the point that the blood stains are disappearing.

Even the dust on Ethan's body returned to the distance one by one, and the broken glasses and debris were all restored.

In Tony's gaze, Ethan covered his forehead with his hand, as if he was experiencing a nightmare and had not woken up for a while.

Time... was turned back.

"Maybe science can do it too." Tony used his imagination, "but it takes time."

Seeing that Kuang San was about to leave, Tony shouted: "Miss, how can I contact you in the future?"

"Have we met?" Kuangsan smiled, "I'm just a junior of General Brooks, no other identity."

"But, at that time..."

"Shhh~" The slender white index finger was placed between her lips, "You don't want to be a baby, do you?"

Tony, who has a well-developed brain, understood the other party's meaning in an instant, and quickly said, "No, no, no..."

"That's good. Goodbye, Mr. Stark."

Kuang San, who lightly lifted his skirt, was reflected on the retina, and his body disappeared as if hiding in the void.

Tony murmured in the steel armor, "Should I go to study magic in the future? What if science and magic are combined? Is that stuff really going back in time?"

For a while, Tony fell into thinking...

"Well~Where am I?" Ethan clutched his head and stood up swayingly.

"Tony? Why are you here?"

The steel armor turned to look at Ethan. In the dark, his eyes gleamed, looking up and down Ethan's whole body.

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