Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Charm and Brain Supplement

"Is there anything you two want to do with me?"

Kuang San felt like a lazy girl for the two of them, but after a few words, the two of them were dumbfounded.

So direct? ! Shouldn't you follow the routine first?

Without Andre’s "suppression", the second son of the predator turned into a look of doing nothing. According to various factors analysis, with his handsome face, this kind of free and uninhibited appearance, the most attracted the attention of those little girls force.

Although he still likes those milfs with **** and cocked butts, but now there is a special event. If he can really get this girl, he doesn't mind changing to a new taste.

Since Kuangsan said it, an awkward atmosphere seemed to condense in the air.

The second son of the crocodile just wanted his good friend Justin to say a few words, and saw that Hammer was now sweating. If you look closely, you can see the shaking lips from time to time!

Swallowing without leaving a trace, the second predator turned his head to look at the girl.

There was a smile on his face, this time he had learned to be honest, even if there was no Andre on the side, the second son of the predator did not stretch out his hand to exercise "international etiquette".

"Introduce yourself, Shiraz Moer. The current chairman of Moer International Trading. You know the man next to me, the head of Hanmer Industries."

After a pause, Moore added: "He and Stark are in a competitive relationship, but one is cutting-edge and the other is logistics, which can be considered as mutual assistance. But they are really rich."

Speaking of "logistics," Moore took a heavy sigh, but there was no change on Kuang San's face, as if he didn't care about it.

The opposite Han Mo also resisted the pain emanating from the depths of his nerves, wanting to see how the eldest lady should answer.

Switching his hand to rest his cheek, the black tea on the table was slightly cool, Kuang San had no desire to drink it, but after hearing the other party's self-introduction, he became interested in it.


Sila, the second son of the predator, immediately became excited, but she cleverly concealed it on the surface.

"Yes, maybe you have some impressions of my stubborn father, miss."

The young man's tone was affirmative, even Hanmer couldn't find a reason to refute. Because the father of his "friend" is indeed one of the most famous financial predators on Wall Street.

It can be said that as long as it is in the upper-class society of the United States, almost everyone knows this person. After all, the identity background is placed there, and it can be regarded as the upper class in the United States.

As for the daughter who is suspected of being at the helm of Umbrella, it is normal to have heard of such a character.

So... even if Kuangsan asked, Sila brags there, Hanmer can only stare at it.

Men will express themselves in front of strange and beautiful women, and this will never change.

Unless he and Billy are companions!

However, the girl's reaction was unexpected by the two...

The burgundy eyes tightly exposed beside the oblique bangs blinked, and the long eyelashes trembled playfully.

...If placed in normal times, Sila Moore would definitely cover his chest...He felt that he was shot through by Cupid, the goddess of love!

In an instant, he was tired of those mature women before, and now he likes the girl in front of him!

Noble temperament! The figure is difficult to hide even under the black long skirt! Lolita and maturity are together, pure and charming!

The more you look, the more obsessed, how could there be such a perfect woman in the world!

What help Hanmer Industries, let Justin go to hell! If he can really see this one in front of him, I believe his father will raise his hands and feet in favor!

On the other hand, Han Mo was not much better at this time, his eyes were blurred and tranced for a while, and the pain from his nerves suddenly awakened him!

Aware of his failure, he had to smile at the girl.

Kuangsan glanced slightly, and from the other side, he called up the character panel that he hadn't seen for a long time. At the bottom of the engraving on the "Charm", the pink mist that ordinary people could not see gradually appeared.

With this kind of "passive" skill, Kuang San herself was quite helpless. She suddenly thought that when she was in the Apocalypse, she still wanted to take the route of'spiritual charm', but now it seems that it is obviously going further and further. Part...In addition to being passive when it is not necessary, to increase the charm of'Kuang San' itself... Other functions are still in the state of development.

Gently move the palm away from the cheek, leaning back toward the seat, and the three of them quickly stretched away.


The wine bottle was placed on the table, and Moore subconsciously moved his eyes away...

Andre’s handsome and handsome face was reflected in his pupils, and his body shuddered violently! He escaped from the "charm buff".

Although he didn't have a friendly relationship with Andre, as long as he thought of Justin's miserable situation, Moore couldn't stop the hair.

Squeezing a faint smile, handsome Biandre also gave him a bright smile.

That appearance...In Moore's eyes, it is even more dazzling than the sun!

Kuang San gave a light cough, everyone immediately turned their eyes to her, and Andre also signaled to turn on the red wine.

But it's clearly Moore's favorite voice... but as soon as it sounds, it feels uncomfortable.

When looking at Kuangsan, there is no longer that kind of obsessiveness... the feeling of preferring to give everything for the girl Except for being amazing, Moore has no other feelings anymore.

Frowning, he rarely does this in front of other people, at least in front of ladies, Moore still has to maintain his elegant gentleman side.

But... what will happen this time is really weird!

His gaze kept staring at Kuangsan... It made Hanmo who was sitting across from him feel embarrassed.

Lamenting in my heart, this is all over! Obviously Andre went to get a drink, but at such a good time, he didn't even say a few words!

He felt that even if he were a few teenage boys here, he would be better than them!

Glancing at Moore again, he was still staring at the girl...Where did he go in the usual ten thousand flowers?

Where is Syrah Moore who can talk about everything, even serious academic research?

Step on the horse, I must be dreaming today! I am still a nightmare! All this is fake! Fake!

When Andre took out the wine glass and placed it in front of him, Hammer came back to his senses.

...Andre’s smile made him tremble all over, although part of it hurts...but Hanmer can swear! Even if he fights Stark all the time! Lie together!

Even for a second!

"Sorry, the sobering time is a little short, so I'm good at making suggestions. Please forgive me, Miss."

Obviously this sentence should be addressed to the "guest"! Hammer complained in his heart, and at the same time found that... In the eyes...

Kuang San did not answer Andre, but touched his soft face, wondering: "Is there anything on my face?"

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