Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 104: loose the temper

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! An art building next to the street has already become dilapidated by this time. Hulk and hate are fighting each other, and the air is coming. The sonic boom makes people’s eardrums unbearable!

The helicopter piloted by the ace pilot has been following the hatred. After the airborne firearms have been tested, they shoot at the hatred without mercy!

Disgust suppressed Hulk with one hand, and blocked his head with the other, to prevent bullets from shooting into his fragile eyes!


Punch Hulk into the ruins with a punch, and roar into the air!

The driver's arm controlling the lever couldn't help but shake!

The monster with the bright red comb on his head roared loudly, ignoring the bullets shot by the helicopter!

As if the flesh and blood were solidified on the edge of the skeleton, the bullet could not leave a white spot on it!

"Damn ants!"

He hated being hit by bullets and was irritable. Following the apes, he slammed his chest a few times, his face looked terrifying, like a giant black bear about to attack!

"Hurry up!" Rose knew what he wanted to do when he saw the abomination calf shrinking.

While the pupils were constricted, he still yelled to remind the driver!

The reaction speed is extremely fast, almost in sync with the roar of General Ross!

But this is a helicopter after all! Not a fighter!

The people in the helicopter only felt that the body sank and tilted downward at an angle of forty degrees!

"Damn it! Go on a horse!"

Rose drew a pistol from his body, opened the insurance, and shot at the hateful eyes!

However, the helicopter was stubbornly held by hatred, and the force used to stop the bullet was a little bit stronger!

"Haha, General, you didn't expect it! Let me show you the final form of power! Sending you to **** in this way, you will be happy if you think about it?!"

"Fuak! You **** lunatic!"

Maintaining a balance between two forces is not an easy task. A **** mouth on Rose's forehead is the best proof!

After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his other arm!

He slapped the young soldier who was shooting with a machine gun! Even with the machine gun fixed on the helicopter, only the distorted base is left!

The soldier did not even utter a scream, and his hatred was too fast. The moment he was slapped and fanned by a huge slap, the poor child had already died into a pool of rotten flesh!

Disgust pressed on the helicopter deck, with a grinning smile on his face, "General! I will send you and your daughter to see God right away!"


"Damn, you green coward! Step on the horse and let me go!"

Hulk jumped up from the ruins, clinging to a thigh of abomination!

The immense power made Ross's arm about to die to fall down!

The only thing left to hate is to grab the railing with one hand, spit out extremely dirty garbage words, and kick the Hulk with his right foot!

The pilot is sweaty now, as long as he relaxes, the helicopter will be "pulled" down by two monsters in an instant!

Then successfully hit the ground! If you are lucky, they may not turn into a ball of fire, but if God does not care for you today... Then you deserve to be unlucky!


Disgusting raised his right foot high, kicked it hard, and kicked the opponent's face!

The power is so great that even the air is hated and stepped out of a white air current!

At this time, the bottom railing of the helicopter that had persisted for a long time was finally overwhelmed and broke off from the other side!

The two forces that had been in a stalemate suddenly relaxed, and the helicopter immediately tilted to the other side! Haven't waited for the driver to adjust the state...

There was a cold light in the eyes of hatred, and he kicked Hulk hard again! The arm is vigorous, suddenly exerting force!


The railing under the helicopter was torn off alive! With this strength, hate, even though there is still a Hulk hanging below, he still has one hand on the deck, with his upper body extremely strong!

The deck made of special steel alloy seemed to be pressed by a hydraulic press, making an overwhelming squeezing sound!

Ross can clearly see that the deck not far from him has been deformed, and even some steel is almost unable to withstand this force!

The daughter clasped his arm tightly and looked at this bright red comb with horror, like a monster with disgusting yellow flesh growing out of a white skull!

"General! The helicopter is about to hold on! We must find a place for an emergency landing!"

Ross's face was savage. Under the military uniform, the muscles were high and bulging. After the cyan blood vessels were squeezed, they appeared on the upper layer of the muscles, tightly wrapped in skin!

He wished he had this kind of power, and then fought this ungrateful white-eyed wolf for three hundred rounds, and he couldn't even recognize his mother!

It's a pity...I'm powerless.

As for the helicopter, the siren sounded and the red light kept flashing, indicating unknown.

He hates a smile on his face, but on that hideous and ugly face, it becomes more disgusting and weird!

With his right foot kicked on Hulk from time to time, his mouth suddenly said: "General, the emergency landing is so Let your former subordinates take you on a journey to hell! Let you see. Here is a work that you are proud of! This body has the power of a god! No!" He immediately changed his words and said viciously: "Even if it is a god, I will crush him into scum!"

Just when Disgust was about to mobilize his whole body strength, Hulk seemed to feel something, and with a roar, his arm muscles energized, and he suddenly rushed to Disgust's waist!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The woman's exclamation was mixed with Hulk's roar, and her abhorred arm slipped a little bit, and then Hulk was forcefully thrown into the ruins below!

Relying on this huge force, Hulk actually achieved a short pause in the air! However, the broad and muscled green back "accidentally" hit the helicopter!

The complexion of General Ross and the pilot changed!

Fortunately, relying on the opponent's superb flying skills and the propeller that can operate one or two times, the speed is not fast or slow towards the other side of the building... hit!


Dislike the sound of jumping out of the ruins and the sound of the helicopter crashing on the other side of the street at the same time!

"Hahaha, green coward, look at what good things you did!"

Abomination ridiculed desperately, trying to arouse Hulk's anger, so that he could fight him well!

"Destroy my own concubine! As expected, it is a monster with a little green all over!" When hatred is mocking Hulk, he naturally skips himself. If Dr. Banner is controlling Hulk at this time, he will definitely do it. Turn the hatred into anger!

"Hahaha, why is there no green on your head? Because your concubine is dead! Even if she wants to bring you..."


The steel cracking sounded, and the two figures helped each other out from the burning helicopter.

Disgusting narrowed his eyes, picked up a big rock and threw it over there!

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