Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 106: Tragedy Hulk

The muscles kept contracting and stretching, and the green fist beat back and forth on the ugly face that hated it!

Hulk grinned, with a fierce appearance, but compared to the abhorrence under him, it was a little insignificant.

Dr. Banner has not studied fighting skills systematically. At this time, Hulk is also a few slaps, relying on his extremely abnormal physical fitness, he bows to his hatred from left and right!

The green cortex wraps strong muscles, contracting, stretching, contracting, stretching...

The hatred was directly beaten and stunned!

What's the matter? Where am I riding a horse?

'Nightmare' silently plunged the spear into the rear bone wing, quietly watching the two power monsters fighting each other there.

How to say, this method of opening the bow from left to right is only suitable for ordinary people who have no experience in fighting. Otherwise, once the enemy finds a flaw...

Kuang San suddenly remembered the anti-Hulk armor in the Second Women’s Federation, that set of boxing came down...Even the guy from Thor had to be beaten up, right?


With a loud noise, just as Kuangsan thought, Hulk's fist as big as a "sandbag" bombarded the hatred forearm!

For a time, the two sides were in a stalemate, and the hatred was because Hulk was unable to mobilize all the power by itself, and this would have just reacted.

"Ha! You green coward, this kind of sneak attack skills can only be learned by disgusting monsters like you!"

Disgust spread his arms slightly, his turbid yellow eyes stared at Hulk tauntingly.


Hulk raised his head and roared to the sky, his anger rose once more, and when he was about to give another blow to hatred, a sneer appeared on the ugly yellow face.

There is another loud noise! The hatred just flashed his head slightly, and Hulk's heavy blow that mobilized the whole body's power fell on the ground!

The rubble shattered into the air, and occasionally a few pieces of disgusting skin flashed past, but compared to a green fist, this kind of thing is innocuous at all!

A small piece of spider web pattern appeared on the ground, and even the head with hatred had a downward trend, but the ugly face was full of impatient, turbid yellow eyes looked at Hulk, like a wolf about to attack!

The bone-spurred left arm elbows to the side, and the right arm supporting Hulk's body is blasted open, leaving a dent on the ground!

After Hulk lost his support point, his entire upper body subconsciously pressed his hatred, and this scene happened to be seen by Kuang San...

Through the second drone, Fury happened to see the scene of'Nightmare' reaching out his hands and covering his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

The monk Ferry was the second zhang who couldn't figure it out, and quickly turned the camera around, and saw such a scene with such spicy eyes...

Before the corners of his mouth twitched, a heavy punch of hatred hit Hulk's abdomen very firmly!

The huge power made Hulk soar into the sky!

The lower part of the shorter body suddenly lifted up, and the abdominal muscles were squeezed to the surface of the skin, and pieces were about to stretch out...Fortunately, this scene was not seen by Kuang San, because that kind of picture is really beyond words. Describe...

Then kick it up with relatively short legs!

For the first time, Hulk's crotch soaring into the air has a close contact with the yellow thick feet that hate!

In an instant... Hulk's roar can be heard in half of New York!

Ferry unconsciously stretched his hand to the cup, and continued to focus on the screen. When he entered the entrance, he realized that there was no tea in the cup.

When he put it down, the shiver slipped from the tailbone, which can't be blamed on the agent leader. Feel free to watch this video with a male comrade, I believe they will feel a kind of "egg pain".

Hulk was kicked into the air by a huge force, a big mouth with hatred, a sufficient amount of air was sucked into his abdomen, his waist and abdomen exerted force, and he got up instantly with hatred.

The right foot withdrew half a step, the tight muscles beside the skeleton showed a red and yellow color, making Kuang San frowned.


The ground that was already shattered was cracked further, and hatred followed Hulk into the air. The whole body was like a yellow sharp arrow, hitting Hulk with a bright red comb on his head!

I don't know if he intentionally or unintentionally, this hit the crotch really!

Hulk glared wildly, his mouth turned into an "O" shape, and his scattered hair had a lot of erections, which made Kuangsan think of the black cat who is against the red queen.

Want to come... It's just like that when it's frying.

However, the expression of this "big green cat" is a bit too funny.

The eyelids twitched, and the hatred fell directly on the ground after a blow. Perhaps it is in the heart of New York, and the road quality is not bad, otherwise...I really can't stand the toss of these two monsters!

He raised his head and looked at his crotch with his hands, and turned his back thick and heavy against the Hulk that was hit by the "Nightmare", Kuangsan stepped decisively to make room for him.


The ground did not bear it this time, Hulk was smashed into the ground, and the "Nightmare" stepped on the edge, looking inside through the dust...

Hulk has become Dr. Banner, with his upper body naked, but the image of covering his crotch with his hand remains unchanged. There are faint green blood vessels under the white skin.

General Rose also grinned straight, with both happiness and worry in his heart.

If that bastard’s little brother is can we still be with my daughter?

But... if the two of you are about to have a platonic love, in the end, even the grandson didn’t make it out for him, then...

Rose looked at the big pit, and there was a strange change in his eyes.

"Haha, the green coward is just playing with eggs! You are still suitable to go home and play in the mud and call mother!"

Abomination stands in the ruins and mocks loudly. It knows that the more angry the Hulk, the more terrifying its physical fitness, but its little abacus can be regarded as frustrated, because Dr. Banner... has now passed out.

Yes, he covered his crotch with both hands and left in a coma.

'Nightmare' stood by the big pit and didn't mean to shoot at all. Even the weapon was inserted into the bone wing by her. Fury couldn't help but secretly anxious. He couldn't help but wait for the gun to go to the battlefield by himself! Then suddenly the hatred!

But... he is still a bit self-aware, staying behind and playing tricks, if he really lets him fight on this battlefield... how many episodes he will survive is still unknown.

Maybe it should be in seconds, no, maybe it can be counted in "frames".

Abomination stepped on, pulling out from the ruins step by step, still mocking Hulk in his mouth, but his muscles were already stretched, and he could enter a defensive state at any time!

Otherwise, Hulk suddenly jumped out to give it a shot, although the injury is not serious, but it is definitely not uncomfortable!

For a time, on this small battlefield, apart from the sound of burning flames, there were only disgusting mocking words.

No one has noticed that the dark blue lines on the leg armor of the Nightmare are constantly lit up, but then they become introverted. The dark blue light flows in the lines, and the energy purity is so high that it exceeds everyone's imagination!

Bone wings spread out on the back of'Nightmare', and the blue was reinvigorated, and the leg armor seemed to be entangled with stripes.

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