Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 170: Deceit and truth

The scepter did not resist, but the brilliance of the sapphire became restrained.

Kuangsan held it in his hand, the mass was only slightly heavier than steel of the same volume, and he didn't feel any power at all.


Looking back at the battlefield, Loki and Thor were both unconscious, and in the end they both shot out real fire, and even the biological battleships of Qiruita had a lot of blood mold.

I don't know if Loki has increased his strength so much by relying on the spiritual gem! Coupled with the invincible avatar technique, even if it is Kuang San, it is estimated that it will suffer a little loss.

Now she doesn't need to do anything at all, but Kuang San dare not care, his spiritual power flows slowly, and that mysterious sight has never left here since the beginning.

As long as she returns to Umbrella to get the universe cube, she can choose to return.

The magnetic field pattern was revolving for the second time, and the effect was remarkable. Hundreds of biological battleships fell nearly all! All the Qiruita army within it was also killed and wounded.

The magnetic interference blocked the signal again, and it is estimated that it will take some time before the Qiruita fleet will send people to die again.

Kuangsan rubbed his soft chin and looked at the sky above New York. If the transmission channel was not too small, it is estimated that the other party would swarm in!

"Red Queen, are you ready?"

"It is estimated that in half a minute, the virtual mental power will cover the Western Hemisphere, and it will provide the host with about ten seconds."


Kuang San made a deep voice, holding the right hand of the psychic scepter, and the complex magic patterns flashed by!

With boots on the battlefield, except for a few buildings in New York City, all the rest have been reduced to wreckage.

Many citizens were concealed in ruins before they had time to withdraw, or were brutally killed by Kirita's army.

Many powerful news organizations are now all gathered on the edge of New York. They can't go any further. Magnetic interference can make them destroy their instruments instantly when they enter!

All kinds of reports are overwhelming, and the battle time is far from as long as imagined. Many planes that are still flying in the middle directly fly to the border city.

Among them, Pepper is on one of the private jets, staring at the screen, and praying for Tony in his heart.

"It is reported that New York was invaded by an unknown, and the entire city was almost destroyed. There is also a rumor that the United States sent two divisions, but now there is no news."

The reporter stood in front of the camera, with New York in ruins in the background.

The signal flashed from time to time, and this was the best place they found.

Pull the camera in, and people can vaguely see the wreckage of the biological battleship!

The people exclaimed before the TV series, followed by endless fear!

The host's headset flashed, and after nodding in agreement, he boarded the helicopter and came to the sky above the edge.

They can't get close, but with the help of professional cameras, people can faintly see Umbrella's headquarters standing in the middle of New York!

The other building that was previously played by the public as the Twin Towers in New York has become ruins. There is a dark pit not far away, which is obviously the remains of the explosion of the Stark Industrial giant energy reactor.

The screen flashed, and the camera re-focused on the reporter. This neatly dressed and capable woman has a serious look on her face.

"According to the latest news, in addition to the unidentified number of troops participating in this battle, there is also a squad of superheroes."

"They are Captain America Steve Rogers; Billionaire Iron Man Tony Stark; Umbrella’s little princess Kuangsan Brooks. There are still a few people in the team, but it involves confidentiality regulations. We have no idea. know."

Just as the people in front of the TV were scolding, they heard the reporter say, “Among them, Tony Stark, who was suspected of being seriously injured in the fighting, has now been escorted out of New York. Captain Rogers is working on a handwritten map drawn by the military. To rescue."

"According to the information brought back by the disabled soldiers, we have already confirmed that the driver of the'Nightmare' is the mad three Brooks."

The female reporter's voice was a little low, "In peacetime, after I learned this news, I might be excited to open the party! But now, I don't want a little girl to bear the war, even if she is wearing armor."

"We cannot enter New York. The magnetic interference in the city is serious. It is suspected that the military has used a new type of weapon. The'Nightmare' and Iron Man are both metal armors. Mr. Stark has been seriously injured and sent to emergency treatment, but we cannot know anything. News about Brooks."

The people standing in front of the TV were aroused by reporters, and those families who had been cured by "Dawn" kept praying!

At this time, no matter who everyone believes in, they are praying for three peaces.

On the Internet, from why Umbrella’s headquarters did not fall, to whether the "Nightmare" had fallen, all kinds of news quickly swept the screen.

Many people have spontaneously come to the gate of the government to protest silently.

It was the female reporter who suddenly issued an alarm inside the helicopter, and the remaining dark clouds over New York were moved!

"My God!" The reporter who has always been mature and calm uttered a horrified voice, "Look, look at that! What is that!"

The lens is swaying back and forth, all kinds of sounds are mixed together, and the signal is still very unstable!

Over New York, there are countless biological warships pouring in from the blue-wrapped transmission channel!

This alone is not enough to shake people's That blue whirlpool is still getting bigger! It seems that there is a pair of invisible big hands, constantly tearing on both sides!


The air was trembling, and the pilot could not bear the pressure for the first time. The helicopter began to move away from the edge of the city and gradually landed downward.

But standing on the ground, this kind of epic scene is also enough to make people feel shocked!

The small blue light pillar is connected to the sky with the top of Umbrella headquarters!

At this time, the energy will become violent, turn into a tornado, and grow rapidly!

Except for the Umbrella headquarters in the center of the energy storm, the rest of the buildings have been brutally murdered!

The half-remaining Stark Mansion was destroyed into slag, and then crushed into dust in the violent energy!

Kuangsan's [beta] level of mental power is close to the edge of overdraft, his face is pale, and a beautiful person wearing a magical outfit is standing in the center of the wind's eye!

After the Red Queen covered the Western Hemisphere, Kuangsan quickly mobilized his mental power to attach to it!

Nowadays, the scepter of mind in her hands is nothing more than a highly counterfeit product made by the Red Queen!

The main **** attached ‘reality’ to it, which made Kuangsan’s original reincarnation point bottom out again.

Now even if Thanos comes in person, he can't tell the truth of these two infinite gems!

In the transmission channel, the space is squeezed by the violent energy source, the sky is like a mirror, and the cracks continue to spread to the surroundings!

The mothership of the Qiruita army, as well as the flagships of the two sides, finally revealed its hideous head in the passage!

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