Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Rin and Sakura

In the dim light, Sakura's steps were a little hurried. Since Xiaobai said that there are two magical powers in the impact, does that mean that her sister is in conflict with others?

Of course, she doesn't have to be her elder sister, but Ying has this premonition in her heart.

"Master, the magic power fluctuates significantly ahead, please step back."

Ying faintly heard the quarrel inside, and said anxiously: "Xiao Bai, blast open the iron gate!"


The eyes originally carved from sapphires light up slightly, Xiao Bai stretches out his right hand, and a few magic lines are wrapped around his skin. The magic circuit in the body is modified by the red queen to provide her with magic power.


Magic bullets about the size of a normal adult thumb cover accurately hit the iron door lock, and the destructive magic bullets instantly pierced it!

The hole was reddish, and white smoke rose up. Even if you didn't touch it, you could feel the scorching heat.


The iron door lost its support and slowly opened inward under the action of inertia. The room was not as dark as Sakura had imagined.


Rin Tosaka's brain was thinking very fast, and the knowledge her father Tosaka Tokimi taught her was constantly recalling from memory!

She has seen through the nature of young men!

This brown-orange-haired man with an unusually weird aura all over his body is actually an ordinary person!

The reason why the wave of magic power came from his body was because of the weird bracelet he wore on his wrist!

The bracelet is shining with strange colors, the magic is pure, and there is no evil to be seen, but this young man uses magic props to do frightening things!

Tosaka Rin guarded Kototone behind her, and looked around with big eyes.

If you run away now, both she and Qin Yin will survive! But other children...

Rin Tosaka gritted his teeth. Since he is not proficient in magic, he only needs to break the wrist, the bracelet with weird colors, and he can successfully crack the technique!

Rin Tosaka's idea is simple, but the child's way of thinking ultimately limits her. Why do ordinary people have magic props?

How did he get that thing?

Is there a powerful magician behind him?

These are not in the scope of Rin Tosaka's consideration, and she has no time to think about so many things!

She just wants to rescue these children, and then she can go home! Live the same life as before!

Just... just smash the handle ring!

"Hi, hello!" The young man made a louder voice, seeming to express his dissatisfaction.

"Children, this is a place for parties, how can you do this?!"

"Come on, come here." Yusheng Ryunosuke smiled on his face, his eyes narrowed into slits. I have to say that such a Yusheng Ryunosuke is still very attractive, at least in terms of temperament, just like the big brother next door.

"Come on, little girl, you see here are all kids as old as you, let's have an unforgettable party~"

The words are deceptive, but there is no magical power. Tosaka Rin doesn't believe what the other party said.

Especially the bracelet that exudes restrained light, in a dimly lit room, it is extraordinarily permeating!

Even the young man was contaminated with a filthy breath!

Seeing Rin Tosaka was unmoved by Ryuunosuke, he didn't care about it himself. For these little ghosts, he is an expert.

How to tease, how to play? Even in anatomy, he has accomplished something in recent days.

Especially when he used the ancient books handed down from his family and fiddled around to summon the "devil", Yusheng Ryunosuke was even more obsessed with it!

That kind of murder, that kind of fascinating method! It made him stimulate his adrenaline and he was in a state of excitement all day long!

Yusheng Ryunosuke took a few steps forward, and since this relatively special little girl couldn't come, he simply went to catch it by himself.

Even without using the power given to him by the "boss", he can easily grab the opponent.

Just like...this way!

"Huh?" Yusheng Ryunosuke said in a puzzled voice, "What are you doing?"

Rin Tosaka was very excited!

She grabbed the **** bracelet! Just break it, that group of children can be dehypnotized!

When Yusheng Ryunosuke was in a daze, Tosaka Rin urged the magic power in his body and poured it into the bracelet drastically!

This **** broken wrist must not be able to withstand the huge magical impact! What she needs to do now is to pour her own magic power in!

Yusheng Ryunosuke was still in a daze, he didn't understand what the kid wanted to do.

But this force, which is almost the same as the "boss", made him temporarily give up his ability to think.

The large bracelet floated, and the light it emitted was completely covered by the other party. The two magical powers impacted together, and the energy overflowed to the surroundings!

The air was squeezed out, and in this cabin, between the two, there was a sudden strong wind! The magic shock formed it, blowing the two hair back!

Rin Tosaka's little face gradually turned pale, and for the first time she mobilized her magic power greatly, which made her very uncomfortable.

Moreover, apart from the overflow of energy, there is no sign of breaking the bracelet! This made Tosaka Rin's face more and more pale.

'what to do? Do you want to continue? I......'

His eyes condensed, and the magic output power in his hand increased again, and even the originally ruddy lips gradually turned into an unhealthy white.


The same as the sound of the cup falling to the ground, Rin Tosaka realized that the noise from the iron gate was louder than her here before he was happy!

The strange magical breath, is the magician behind him?

Rin Tosaka's face was already ugly to the extreme, and the unhealthy paleness was very permeating in the dim!

Abandoning Yusheng Ryunosuke, Tosaka Rin quickly ran to Kototone and protected her firmly.

Many children in the room woke up, seeing the dim place here, a sense of fear instantly filled the whole heart!

Many children cried, and Rin Tosaka was overwhelmed by the sound of the piano in his arms, and whispered: "Rin..."

"Stop talking! He seems to have an accomplice!"

Kotoyin immediately closed his mouth, his big eyes were full of fear, and his young body trembled slightly, which also caused Tosaka Rin's heart to gradually sink to the bottom.

Why didn't she think of this? How can ordinary people have magic props that can hypnotize people's hearts?

Xuebai porcelain teeth bit her lower lip tightly, if...if she can be more cautious...

At Yusheng Longzhisuke, his wrist hurts. The bracelet that was forcibly activated by magic power pulled out a red mark on the skin. Now it is broken, and there are a few small fragments that have cut through the skin and flowed from it. Blood came out.

But he didn't care. He raised his head and looked at the iron gate, as if he had some doubts as to why the thing was opened.

"Sister? Sister?!"

"Master, please stay vigilant. The magical power inside the house is strong, and it is suspected to be traces of fighting."

Xiaobai is very cautious, she doesn't even want the master to walk into this dim room.

And Rin Tosaka's expression was full of weirdness. Whose voice did she hear just now? ! That is Sakura! But she should be at Ma Tong's house, who the **** is it? ! Am I being hypnotized too?

Tosaka Rin shuddered, and bit his head and shouted at the dark shadow outside the iron gate: "Sakura?"


The child's voice is full of surprises, even in the sound of crying, it can be easily distinguished.


The footsteps were flustered and hurried, Rin Tosaka saw the slender young figure at the door, and quickly ran towards him!

However, she did not relax her vigilance. She had suspected Yusheng Ryunosuke before, and she had already found a very good excuse for herself.

Who is the magician behind the other party? Since he has hypnotic props, is he more proficient in this kind of magic?

The most important thing is, is she currently under hypnotism?

Tosaka Rin didn't know, she could only be careful, but the body temperature of the piano sound in her arms was so real that she could even feel the flustered heartbeat of the other party!

The little hand stroked his back naturally, trying to relax the piano sound.

"Sister! Sister, are you okay? Sure enough, Xiaobai's detection is correct!"

Ma Tongying ran not far in front of Rin Tosaka, only to find that her former sister was actually holding a girl she didn't know!

The expression was taken aback, "Sister...this is?"

Ying was stunned, but the shock she brought to Lin was even greater!

Xiao Bai was floating in the air, looking around, judging the dangerous information here.

In the end, the sapphire eyes were aimed at Yusheng Ryunosuke who was in distress!

"Master, he has a strong smell of blood, it is human blood."

Hearing Xiao Bai's judgment, Ma Tongying's heart tightened, and she pulled Tosaka Rin to her side!

Rin Tosaka then reacted, glanced at Xiaobai, and said anxiously: "Sakura, let's run! Behind him there is definitely a magician we can't deal with!"

"Run into the street! There are police cars on patrol there, no matter how unscrupulous the magician is, he will not dare to kill at will!"

Rin Tosaka's guess was correct. The Caster standing behind Yusheng Ryunosuke was hundreds of times stronger than an ordinary magician.

But she didn't dare to kill people unscrupulously... She too underestimated the psychopathic Marshal of France.

But the one who was wounded in the heroic contest, God knows where he is hiding now.

"Xiao Bai, is that right?"

Xiao Bai cast his gaze to the broken crystal on the ground, and his tone remained unchanged.

"The producer has a higher level of magic power. It is recommended to enable the'Nightmare' permission."

"Can nightmares be dealt with?"

"Insufficient information and data cannot be estimated."

Rin Tosaka squeezed his hand, "Sakura, get out of here now!"

After speaking, before Ying could answer, she shouted at the crying children: "Don't cry! Come with me!"

Yusheng Ryunosuke squatted on the ground. The magical impact just now made his mind still in a state of bewilderment. The blood smashed to the ground along the fingertips and splashed on the scarlet crystal.

"Master, do you need to destroy him?"

"This..." A hint of hesitation flashed across Ying's face. Kuang San taught her that although she remembered deeply, but about the murder...

"Xiao Bai, just help us stop him!"

"Understood, Master, please rest assured."

The smarter child, after Rin Tosaka yelled, hesitated for a moment and ran towards the broken iron gate. After all, it was obviously more secure outside than the dimly lit room with the strange atmosphere.

As for the remaining children, after seeing the people around them leave, their fears were temporarily suppressed, and following them, they squeezed their heads toward the door!

Fortunately, the number of people is not too much, otherwise...


A large group of children suddenly appeared on the street, and the city of Fuyuki, which was stepping up police patrols, naturally discovered it in the first place.

The police officer who was investigating had a headache. There was a group of sensitive and fragile children in front of him. He really couldn't ask for any useful information.

Qin Yin didn't find Rin, and her sister named "Ying".

The scene I saw today was unbelievable, and the wise she kept everything in her heart and didn't say anything to other people.

The other children's claims were all regarded by the police officers as watching TV too much, and handed over a report of "excessive fright".

Otherwise...who would be regarded as a neurosis in the end? They don't want to be picked up by their superiors in the middle of the night, pointing their noses and yelling!

The case will continue, and the lost children far exceed this. I am afraid that they are also the luckiest group.

The Red Queen watched the scenes from the "Nightmare" and couldn't help but feel the power of the protagonist's halo, otherwise these children would escape?

A single Yusheng Ryunosuke can make them all into "art works!"

Of course, his “artwork” can only intoxicate himself, and other people dare not watch it easily.

Except for some people who control extraordinary powers, if ordinary people see... it is probably not far from death.


Rin Tosaka watched the police cars leave, and his best friend Kotoyin, who was also carried away, finally turned around and breathed a sigh of relief.

The pupil looked at the sister beside her, strange and familiar, if it weren't for her, what would become of this evening is still unknown.

But if you are a sister, even if you are no longer a "pro-sister," you still have to show your sister's majesty!

"Sakura, why are you here?!"

"It's red..." Ying was stunned, remembering that after she was taken away by her elder sister, the family still thought she was with Jian Tong.

"What is it?" Rin Tosaka looked at his sister with suspicion.

Although reunion is a joyous thing, but in that weird scene...

She didn't want to see her sister hurt.

"Sakura! Did the old man from the Jian Tong family force you?!"

Rin Tosaka said with an unquestionable tone, seeing Sakura not speaking, he thought that his guess was correct!

Angrily stomped his feet, "I knew it! Uncle Yan Ye was forced to go home by him, how could he let..."

" Sakura looked at Tosaka Rin," Xiaobai felt that there was a wave of magic power here, so I wanted to take a look. "

"You!" Tosaka Rin's teeth tickled suddenly, "I won't find any good excuses! What's the matter with this "Xiao Bai"? Could it be that he gave you it?"

Ying shook her head, not wanting to say anything else.

Rin Tosaka vented his anger, which was about to reach its peak, and suddenly stepped forward and hugged Ma Tong Ying.

"Sakura, I miss you so much."

Rin put his head on Sakura's shoulder, but he twitched. No matter how strong she is, she is just a little girl.

"Uncle Yan Ye's expression was terrible that day!" Rin recalled, "He yelled at his mother and said that he would bring Sakura back. He said Jian Tong's family was not as simple as we thought."

Rin Tosaka shed a drop of tears, "Isn't this good? It doesn't seem to be as scary as he said."

Sakura's body trembled, and the memory was instantly invaded by countless engraving insects!

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