Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 5 Chapter 58: erosion

Unimaginable wind pressure erupted from the strange cylindrical slits of the Deviated Sword, and this wind pressure, under certain characteristics, simulates a strangling effect similar to space debris!

Seeing with the naked eye, liberate the real-name Deviance Sword, and easily break up the entire space on the river surface!

In the dark time and space, there are hundreds of silver space fragments, blowing through the strong wind, as if to kill everything in the world!


Just like thunder in a dry day, the space cracks simulated by wind pressure immediately collide with the universe formed by the fallen tree!

The silver shards are extremely fast, reaching the point where they are invisible to the naked eye!

The stars around the "fallen tree universe" are all swept into the turbulence of space and wiped out!

From the perspective of the situation, it seems that the Deviance Sword that has liberated its real name will not be long before it will completely swallow up the "Unborn Tree Universe"!

Crazy in the deified state is expressionless on three faces, as if the oncoming spatial turbulence will not harm her!

Until the first silver fragment came around the fallen tree, it was finally stopped by the inexplicable Weili!

The other silver fragments that were flying in the turbulent flow also stopped abruptly at this moment!

Not weird!

The whole scene is like being taken by a master photographer with a camera!

Everything in the field of vision is still there!

The pale gold eyes lifted slightly, and the fallen tree itself suddenly released a powerful suction!

In the turbulence of space, the fragments reflected into silver light were crushed into powder, and then absorbed by the fallen tree!

The trunk of the fallen tree itself seems to be solidified again!

The wind was calm, the golden glittering opposite to the divine Kuangsan, his face was very stiff, and the deviating sword in his hand was extremely heavy.

That weird fallen tree, its body was shining with a little silver light, like a silent mockery of him!

The EA, which should have collapsed and destroyed everything, just disappeared silently?

Jin Shining looked at the shallow silver tree, and there were spatial fluctuations that he was very familiar with, but the more so, the more shocked he was!

The Fallen Tree Universe quietly hovered beside the "witch", without any warning signs of attack, and no killing.

A trace of fear rose unnaturally in his heart.

He can't understand this thing at all!


Under the quiet night sky, large swaths of steaming steam immediately attracted the confrontation between the two sides.

The armor on the back of the "Nightmare" was opened, and the superheated energy reactor that had run out of energy accidentally slipped into the river.

The astonishing heat and the cold river water reacted for the first time. The Red Queen held the original reactor and pushed it into the "Nightmare"!

After closing the armor, the little guy wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his cuffs. It was so bad that I had to cross my hips.

Another night breeze blew by, and the'Lock of the Sky' was dragged back by the'Nightmare', the red queen blinked and finally set his gaze on the battlefield.

There was a "thump" in my heart!

A smile was forced on the little face, " guys, are you in the intermission?"

"Boom boom boom!"

Before the Red Queen reacted, the "Treasure of the King" shot a large number of treasures, purely as if to vent.

However, the golden light flow is getting more and more, and the shooting speed is getting faster and faster. The ‘Nightmare’’s simple bone-wing defense plan has already been clinked by a large number of lasing treasures!

The original black paint is even more messy! The innumerable scratches, as well as the recessed points, make the little fellow Hong Empress distressed!

Hiding behind the "Nightmare", although her own magic lines are very advanced, she doesn't want to play side-to-side games with barrage games like "The Treasure of the King"!

The little face leaned back towards the sky, and yelled, "Master! Get rid of the Golden Pickup soon! The "Nightmare" is almost too much to bear!"


After the Red Queen yelled these words, the "Treasure of the King" was about to reach the point of full firepower, and the ruins that fell in the river were all washed away!

Not to mention the "Nightmare", under the Bone Wing Defense plan, it is considered to have fulfilled the previous idea of ​​the Red Queen. Now the big guy "Nightmare" has half of his body submerged in the water!

The extremely fluid rivers have extremely strong cooling properties for the overheating of the body! But the red queen was crying with a small face, and her back was tightly attached to the "Nightmare", for fear that the treasures from the lasing would give her a pair of her small body!

The most terrible thing is! The initial energy reactor cannot provide huge amounts of energy to the armour of the limbs! Compared with the previous reactor, the energy transmission state is about one-third lower!

In other words, the ‘Nightmare’ can no longer tighten the ‘lock of the sky’. If the masters in the divine state do not quickly resolve Jin Shining, then they may overturn the boat in the gutter!

Treasures shot out from the "Treasure of the King", and the strong wind blew the golden blonde hair to one side.

The Deviance Sword is still in his hand, he even considers whether to liberate his real name once?

If it hadn't been for the fear of the unknown that made him lose his judgment, he had already won the victory now, and he might have begun to enjoy the spoils.

He shouldn't attack that weird fallen tree! If the deviance is released on that armor, the ‘lock of the sky’ will definitely be relieved!

At that time, dealing with the witch in the state of divinity will be the best!

But now!

The scarlet eyes narrowed, and the ‘Treasure of the King’ who shot diagonally never stopped attacking!

He watched Kuang San's every move, and the witch in the deified state opposite, like an innocent little girl, carefully observed the fallen tree in front of her.

"whispering sound!"

The red queen's yelling voice was masked by the torrent of treasures, she now very much wants to pull out the seed of divine power in her master!

"Nightmare" has been sending messages to Kuangsan, but Kuangsan in a deified state is not interested in it at all!

Had it not been for the subconsciousness still existed, I'm afraid she would have taken action long ago and killed the "fly" that had been grinding in her ears!

"Bah la la-"

Sparks burst out from the'Lock of the Sky', and the body armor of the'Nightmare' moved back a few minutes again, and if this continues, it won't be long before the thing will be out of the control of the Red Queen!

And in this state of the master! Oh my god, take jujube pills!

In the ‘Nightmare’ database, the Red Queen is doing a lot of modeling. After getting the answer, the main consciousness returns to the ontology.

After taking two deep breaths, his long skirt turned into a black and blue combat uniform, his eyes condensed, and he jumped from behind the "Nightmare" into the cold river water!

The barrage-style attack method of "Treasure of the King" left a large number of treasures on the river bed. The Red Queen looked greedy, but also distinguished the priority.

Cautiously avoiding the treasure that rushed into the water, the Red Queen followed the planned route, holding her breath, and quickly swam behind Jin Shining!

The computational modeling in "Nightmare" continues, and it can provide the best solution for the Red Queen at any time.

If she attacked Jin Shining now, she would definitely not be hit hard!

If she is charged for a sneak attack, she may be detected in advance by the other party!

The Red Queen had to hide carefully at the bottom of the river, waiting for Jin Shining's mood to fluctuate, and then launch an attack in one fell swoop!

This kind of scheme has been modeled thousands of times, and the success rate is amazing, otherwise she would not use this kind of scheme!

In this state, although "vase" cannot be used to describe the owner, it is not that far away!

For a while, Xiaohong Empress's heart was filled with a sense of mission. In previous battles, the master was on the front line. Now, it's time for her to protect the owner!

In order to prevent the owner from becoming the flesh of Gupika...Bah, baah! Xiao Honghou hurriedly shook her head, what he thought of!

The big eyes stared at the Golden Pickup under the water, the magic within the body slightly aroused the magic lines, and tried to suppress his own breath to the extreme!

At the ruins of the bridge, the power supplied by the ‘Nightmare’’s own energy reactor surged to the maximum, but it still couldn’t satisfy the "competition!" between the arm armor and the ‘lock of the sky’!

Small sparks continued to burst from the connection between the two, and the "lock of sky" gradually broke away from the hands of the "nightmare".

The red queen, composed of data streams, looked at those conventional weapons and silently suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

And the Kuang San in the deified state completely forgets his purpose of coming here!

The pale golden eyes have been staring at the fallen tree. If someone can stand from her perspective, he can easily see that the goddess is actually staring at a certain area!

The dim circular pattern, even with the bonus of space fragmentation, is inconspicuous.

But she has a very familiar feeling about it! As if that was her origin!

who is she? Where is she from?

She is Tokisaki Kakuzo! It's a time wizard!

She is Mo Xiao! It is the reincarnation!

All kinds of messy information filled Kuangsan's head, staring blankly. Even from the perspective of passers-by, the goddess was thinking about problems, but it cannot be denied that Kuangsan's whole person was in a "downtime" state!

Jin Shining hopes that Crazy Three keeps doing this, so he can have enough time to prepare!

Once the ‘lock of the sky’ is out of the control of that weird armor, he will have a great chance of winning this battle!

Jin Shining couldn't help making a smile at the corner of her mouth.

What is this, thank the gods?

Thinking of this, the smile on his face added a little bit of sarcasm, as if he was quite disdainful of the word "god".


The loud sound made Jin Shining turn her head, and the'Lock of the Sky' finally got rid of the control of that weird armor, and the strong rebound caused the chain to hit the ruins of the bridge!

A deep gully formed, and the "Nightmare", who was also caught in the water by the huge strength, hurriedly adjusted its propellers, and was about to hold on to the "Lock of the Sky!" ’


The mocking smile on Jin Shining's face remained unchanged, and behind the "Treasure of the King" shot a lot of treasures toward the location of the "Nightmare"!

For a while, the "Nightmare" who was struggling with these treasures missed the perfect opportunity to seize the "Lock of Heaven"!

The'Lock of the Sky' was taken back by the golden ripples and the'Treasure of the King' was taken back, and Jin Shining took back the Departure Sword.

The sight full of aggressive intentions, unabashedly placed on Kuang Sanjiao's body!

The arc of the mouth rises upward, enough to show that he is very happy now!

It is also now that while the'Nightmare' is passively defending, all conventional weapons that can be deployed are aimed at Shining Gold!

From the "Lock of the Sky" out of control to the "Nightmare" launching weapons, the whole process takes less than two or three seconds!

And it was just these two or three seconds that the Red Queen who had been waiting underwater for a chance finally inspired the offensive magic pattern engraved on the body!

The small body turned into a black sword, rushing towards the golden glitter standing above the ruins!

Her goal, first of all, is the heart! Even if the opponent can dodge the attack during the re-modeling calculation, she can also crush the opponent's back!

Even for the heroic spirits, that was a terrible injury!

In addition, the opponent's lord is not nearby, and there is no way to heal him! Secondly, the magic of her attack has a very powerful erosion effect!

Sure enough, the magical fluctuations brought by the red queen made Jin Shining "the alarm bell rang loudly," and the nerve reaction seemed to dodge aside!

Then... the worst attack result that appeared in the modeling was cut down by the Red Queen in one fell swoop!

Bright red blood was sprinkled into the river, and an arm attached to the golden armband rose into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Jin Shining's leaning weightless body fell into the water, a large amount of blood gushing from the gap in the broken left arm, and was quickly washed away by the water!

The face of the red queen turned pale, and she mobilized a huge amount of magic power for a while. For her small body, it was a living suffering!

In the modeling calculation, the chance of cutting off Jin Shining's left arm was less than one-fifth, but she did not expect that she would encounter such a bad situation!

On the other side, after firing the "Nightmare" of conventional ammunition and avoiding the "Treasure Rain", the back thruster received sufficient supply from the reactor.

Quickly unfold the cockpit and wrap the red queen inside!

The armour of the hand dropped the heavy spear from the ruins, and the "Nightmare" flew into the air in an instant!

The precision electronic eye can see the blood that is gradually being diluted by the rushing water in the water even in the dark.

Jin Shining's arm that had been taken away hit the ruins, moved a few times, and disappeared into starlight.

And Jin Shining herself, clutching her right arm and soaring into the sky!

With a grim face and blond hair wet by water, this scene resembles Director Ken who has been miserable by Eimiya Kirito!

The Red Queen was guarded by the ‘Nightmare’ in the cockpit, and when she saw Jin Shining look like this, she couldn’t help but beat the drums in her heart.

Her eroding magic power seems to be working, I believe that after a long time, that magic power is very poisonous, and it will be able to successfully conquer the golden heart, and then die!

The black bloodshot coiled to the golden glittering face, the face that was originally very hideous, now it is even more terrifying!

The cut left arm gap still has blood flowing down, but the blood has gone from bright red to dark!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

An angry roar resounded in the middle of the water, and his heart beating more violently, he glanced at Kuang San, and the'Lock of the Sky' immediately appeared around him!

In an instant, the chain fastened the deified Kuangsan firmly!

Both arms were entangled in chains and pulled into the air, without the support of the gods, the fallen tree turned into a phantom and disappeared.

Even the divine power in the body has become blocked.

There was no change in the pale golden eyes, and he tilted his head slightly to look at the ‘lock of the sky’, as if he was still thinking about why this thing had to tie himself up?

Seeing such a scene, the Red Queen hurriedly raised the height of the "Nightmare". In her opinion, the hero king could not last long. As long as the erosion magic power reaches the heart, the opponent will undoubtedly die!

Half of Jin Shining's face was entangled with black bloodshot eyes, and when she was about to shoot down the'Nightmare', her body suddenly stiffened!

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