Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 74: The Prestige of Zihuo (one/three)

Around the Warcraft Mountains, the big sect with the ‘wind’ attribute as the main sect seems to be the Yunlan Sect.

‘At this age, who has cultivated to Dou Huang, and is a female, is it possible that she is Yun Yun, the lord of the Yunlan Sect? ’

Kuang San jumped onto the strange rock on the water, still hesitating whether to salvage the woman.

On the other side, Lin Tong, who ran straight into the sky, wanted to kill the black-robed man in the same way. But he still underestimated the gap between Dou Zong and Dou Huang.

While blocking Lin Tie's attack, the black-robed man easily dodges so that Lin Tong can't catch him!

However, Lin Tong's threat was no less than Lin Tie's. After guarding the two of them, the black-robed man had to pay attention to the golden fire floating in the sky!

Lin Tie didn't say a word, but the way he swam around and struggled suddenly changed!

‘Beast Fist! ’

The low-level fighting skills of the stratum, as soon as they were used, consumed a lot of fighting energy in Lin Tie's body, but the effect was remarkable.

Lin Tie's fists changed so much in the eyes of the black-robed man, he couldn't hold it at all, let alone defend it!

The brawny black man who kept showing his power next to Gu Ji was accidentally caught by Lin Tie's opportunity and exploded the black robe with a few punches!

The rags were torn into residue by the hurricane swaying vigorously, and the appearance of the black-robed man was completely exposed to the air.

The bald head, the eyes are all green, and the skin is full of strange patterns! The breath of life is not visible, just like the group of demons and ghosts in the Soul Palace!

‘It’s a puppet! ’

Lin Tie was shocked, and he did not expect that the strong man who had fought with him for a long time was just a puppet!

But this also indirectly explained the reason why the other party sucked so much lifeless air, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Lin Tong took the opportunity to scream and slammed a pair of black iron fists on the bald puppet!


There was the sound of golden and iron clashing, and the sound echoing in his ear made Lin Tie frown.

Quickly mobilize his soul power to wrap the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame Zihuo, Lin Tie knew that he could not be impatient, so he settled down and slowly communicated with Zihuo.

The bald puppet was fighting with Lin Tong, and Lin Tie was standing in the air, which made the Dou Huang watching from the outside for dozens of miles wonder what happened.

Some people have faintly guessed something after seeing the golden fire.

But at that level of combat, they couldn't get in at all. Didn't see Yun Lanzong's Sect Master Yun Yun just now, was he stunned by the black iron man's punch?

The golden flames were suspended in the air quietly, without sufficient vindictive support, the power of the sub-fires was not obvious, and they just stayed honestly in Lin Tie's soul power.

Suddenly, the golden flames trembled slightly, and the surrounding space was faintly distorted!

Kuang San's heart moved, and he turned his head to look at the sky without worrying about Yun Yun who had just been salvaged. She knew that the Daozihuo of Emperor Jindi Burning Tianyan had been controlled by Lin Tie.

"Lin Tong, you let go!"

The black big man forced the bald puppet back with a fist, and a white air flow was ejected from his thick nostrils, slowly withdrawing downward.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that the time for the secret method is about to come to an end. The fighting energy in his body has long been insufficient to support such a huge consumption.

Sure enough, when he first fell into the air, the black metal skin gradually turned into a normal color.

The bulging muscles gradually slowed down, and the man turned pale, trying to forcefully prop up his back wings...

"Puff through~"

Under Kuangsan's gaze, Lin Tong's wings of vindictiveness only lasted for only a breath, and the whole person fell into the water!

The ripples splashed circle after circle, Kuang San was silent, she had just fished Yun Yun up, and now she is going down to fish for Lin Tong?

The fighting emperors who are dozens of miles away are still on the sidelines. The big one is no longer capable of fighting, but the two strongest are still facing each other on the battlefield.

Lin Tie, who was in control of the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Flame, was very relieved. They had dealt with things like "Death Qi" years ago.

This filthy gas is most afraid of being burned by strange fire!

Now he is in control of the sub-huo of Emperor Golden Burning Tianyan! Although it is only a sub-fire, with the dominance of the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, it is much stronger than the low-ranking abnormal fires!

Next... Lin Tie sneered on his face. Haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run? Although he has not learned the attack method of the alien fire, it is still very easy to inject vindictive energy into the alien fire to greatly increase its power.

While the bald puppet was inhaling the dead qi, Lin Tie's fighting qi circulated extremely quickly, rushing towards the Zi Huo in his right hand!


The flame soared, and Lin Tie wrapped himself in an instant!

His face was slightly embarrassed, but fortunately, Zihuo wouldn't hurt his controller, and once again mobilized the fighting energy in his body, using his soul power to guide Zihuo in a direction.

In an instant, a golden fire wave formed in mid-air, and when it encountered death, it burned more and more fiercely!

The golden sea of ​​flames burning in the sky reflected in the eyes of the onlookers Dou Huang, one by one was shocked, and some people even retreated in their hearts!

Of course, they were not shocked by the spectacle formed by the different fire, but the sea of ​​fire, with the power to burn them easily!

Even if I stand dozens of miles away, I can still feel the heat coming from my face.

The golden sea of ​​fire has already suppressed the splendor of the setting sun on the horizon. In the air, a unique golden fire cloud formed.

The bald puppet decisively gave up taking the death breath, and quickly fled to the outside. Unexpectedly, the golden fire sea layered layer after layer, gradually enveloping him.

When the bald puppet turned his head, he happened to see Lin Tie holding a small golden flame!

Green light flickered in his After looking at Lin Tie, he looked into the golden fire wave below!

Lin Tie was unclear, so he continued to compress the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire, trying to capture this puppet alive!

If he can have a Douzong-level puppet, even if he is finally turned over to the clan, he will be able to get great benefits.

Don't think about the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyanzihuo, he will definitely be taken back by the eldest lady, but the panacea and the more advanced fighting skills will not be stingy in the family.

'not good! ’

Lin Tie hurriedly mobilized the fire waves, squeezing his brain towards the bald puppet! But the rising momentum of the bald puppet still shocked Lin Tie!

‘It wants to explode! ’

Lin Tie hated that if he learned more soul fighting skills, he might control the puppet in front of him instead of just watching front of his own eyes...


The bald puppet rose to a point, and when the surrounding golden fire wave was about to surge, the bald puppet suddenly shrank into a sphere.

Then, a deafening noise burst out of the air!

Kuang San, who had just swam up from the water, happened to see two tracts of blood flowing out of the two small pinnaes of Yun Yun in a coma.

Throwing the same fainted forest copper onto the shore, Kuang San looked towards the sky, the huge sea of ​​fire was exploded into tens of thousands of golden flames by the puppets.

These flames have lost the support of Lin Tie's fighting spirit, and are steadily weakening, like raindrops, spraying to the ground.

And Lin Tie himself was even more embarrassed, his face was black, and his hair was turned into a more popular explosive head on the earth.

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