Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 76: Death Stone (Wed/Wed) 5 is over! Ask for votes!

"My lord! The old servant is willing to be a cow and a horse for the adults for life! The three people just now are the old servant's nomination!"

The old man lowered his head, and saw Lin Tie not speaking and sweating on his head. He hurriedly took off his hand to take the jealousy off. After erasing the spiritual mark, he respectfully held Lin Tie with both hands.

"My lord, this is the old servant's mind, please accept it!"

The touch in his hand disappeared, and the old man lowered his head. According to his observation, this Dou Zong should not be a killer, otherwise he would not bow to the opponent in order to win a chance.

When the old man breathed a sigh of relief, the golden flame instantly swallowed him! Only a miserable cry was left on the spot, and the old man Dou Huang was burned into nothingness.

Lin Tie took the silver ring and snorted coldly. What kind of thought is this person, can he still see?


With a soft sound, the golden fireball was put away by Kuang San, and the sound of footsteps reached Lin Tie's ears. The man hurriedly turned around and knelt on one knee.

"Miss, this is a ring that was seized by his subordinates. There are many materials in the ring. Please also look at it."

Kuang San glanced lightly, "Keep it for yourself."

"Thank you, Miss!"

After Lin Tie put away the ring, forcibly cut off contact with the Zihuo in his body! His face turned pale, this time he really suffered internal injuries.

Sending the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyanzi to Kuangsan's side, Lin Tie said, "The place where the puppet lives, there should be a monument of death, and the subordinates will take the lady to check it out."

Kuang San stretched out his hand, and the golden sub-fire shook slightly, then poured into his body through his fingertips, and was finally absorbed by the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

"What the **** is the death stele?"

"This... what the subordinates know is not very clear." Lin Tie answered truthfully: "Five years ago, there was a large number of deaths in the northwestern mainland. We didn't care about it at the beginning, just treat it as a regular plague. . But after that, those who died unexpectedly came back to life again!"

Lin Tie's voice is still shocked, which proves how incredible he was at the time, "After many investigations, there is a shadow of the Soul Palace behind the matter. These death auras will continue to split and spread, but the powerful people are not afraid of being affected. Most of the people who died from the infection were ordinary people and low-level cultivators."

"We found something similar to a bead in the body of a deceased cultivator, and now we have found three types in total, which are divided into three colors: white, black, and purple. White beads have pure vitality. The higher the level of cultivation, the easier the body is. produce."

"The black beads contain a lot of soul power and a small amount of pure vitality. However, in addition to the soul power, there is a layer of negative emotions that are absorbed throughout the year, which will affect a person's personality and mentality. Because the cost of manual removal is too high, it is generally not recommended. Used as a training resource."

"Purple beads represent a strong resentment, and ordinary people can't touch it. It is easy to lose themselves in a large amount of resentment and become a living dead. However, those with firm perseverance can use purple beads to temper their soul power and temper their character."

"Of the three kinds of beads, black is the most produced, white is behind, and purple is the rarest."

Lin Tie paused, "After we attacked the source of death, we killed a dead monster guarding the black stele."

"The stone stele is called the death stele. Those of us don't know the specific function, but with your authority, Missy, it should be possible to inquire within the clan."

Immediately, Lin Tie said in a low voice, "Listen to those venerables, it is a rare good thing."

Kuangsan frowned and thought, she also killed human dead and beast dead, and she even studied black and white beads. I haven't seen the purple beads, but that death monument...what is it?

"Help Lin Tong look at the injury first, and we will go to the cave later."


Seeing Lin Tie stood up, took two steps slightly, and came to the strange rock in the water, swept it slightly with his soul power, and he knew what state Lin Tie was in now.

He took out a black bottle of pill from Na Jie, and the pill that was poured out was also black, and Kuang San did not see the pill pattern from above.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tie smashed the pill!

Kuang San was stunned, Lin Tie pulled up Lin Tong's upper body again, supported it with his thighs, opened his mouth with one hand, and the other hand that crushed the pill directly... patted it!

With a soft "click", Kuangsan touched his neck subconsciously, as if something was stuck in it, which was quite uncomfortable.

If Lin Bai stood here, he knew that these two little things must be soldiers retired from the Black Army!

Such a rough method can only be used by the fierce men of the Black Shaman Army!

After feeding the elixir, Lin Tie sent a trace of vindictive energy into Lin Tong's throat, and his scalp was numb. That kind of violent, untreated vindictive energy could really be sent directly into his brother's throat?

This is murder! This Lin Tie must always have hatred with Lin Tong? !

Lin Tie withdrew his left leg, and Lin Tong lost support on his upper body. With a "pop", his head was knocked on the stone!

Standing on the strange rock, Lin Tie stretched out his hand, drawing a thick current from the water and rushing directly to Lin Tong's face!

In the shocked eyes of Kuang San, Lin Tong, who collapsed on the strange rock, was directly rushed into the deep water!

After about five or six breaths, just when Kuang San thought that Lin Tonghun had returned to the tomb, a black head suddenly appeared on the surface of the water!


Lin Tong opened his mouth and spouted a stream of There were also small fish and shrimps, and shouted: "Brother Tie, next time you can't be gentle?! How many times have I told you, after being injured and unconscious , You must not use the method of the Black Army..."

Lin Tie frowned, "Come up soon after everything is fine, Missy is still watching!"

"Huh? Missy?!"

The bewildered Lin Tong jumped three feet high, and jumped directly onto the strange rock, making his whole person like a chicken.


As soon as Lin Tong saw Kuangsan standing on the riverbank, he was not calm in an instant. During the time he used the secret method, he completely forgot what happened!

‘Have you offended the eldest lady? ’

Lin Tong was uneasy, jumped to the shore and knelt on one knee to Kuangsan, lowered his head, his mind went blank, he didn't know what to say!

Kuang San put his hands on his chest, thinking that the two Lin family brothers are very interesting, and gestured to the strange rock, "I'm fine, but you beat the other girl seriously, what should I do?"


Lin Tong raised his head with a dazed expression on his face.

Turning to look on the strange rock, I really saw a woman in luxurious clothes lying unconscious on the boulder.


Lin Tong's brain couldn't turn around, did the eldest ask him to save the woman, or let him kill the other person to avoid future troubles?

"Lin Tong, bring your fateful pill here!"

The man's face was bitter, "Isn't it Tie brother, that woman was just in a coma, so she was using a pill for death?"

Lin Tie glared, "Stop talking nonsense to me, hurry up and get the pill!"

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