Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 85: Green scales (three/three)

Kuangsan held a map of the Tagore Desert and studied it left and right.

The people coming and going around all looked at the girl in black dress with curious eyes.

Mocheng is located in the Tagore Desert. The hot weather is naturally nothing new. Most of the men who come and go do not even wear a shirt, and the women are exposed to the air except for important points.

But suddenly there appeared a girl in a black dress who wrapped herself tightly! In a place like Mocheng, it is impossible not to attract attention.

Seeing that there was no sweat coming out of the girl's forehead, people mostly bypassed Kuangsan and moved forward. In their opinion, the girl is most likely a strong person with a high level of vindictive cultivation.

Mocheng is the gathering place of human beings in the Tagore Desert, and occasionally strong people come here. Most of them are not afraid of the heat, wearing black robes or luxurious clothes.

People who live in Mocheng know that this kind of person is extremely difficult to mess with.

Kuangsan raised his head and looked at the sky, the sun hung high in the sky, continuously releasing its light and heat.

After the elixir was collected, she and Xiao Yixian separated. Little Doctor Immortal took the Blue Eagle and circled a large circle from outside the Warcraft Mountains, heading to the nearest empire, preparing to set off for Zhongzhou from there.

For a fighter who just broke through to the second star, that is almost impossible.

Kuangsan flew all the way from the Warcraft Mountains to Mocheng in the Tagore Desert.

The first thing is to find the ice emperor Haibodong who was sealed by Medusa.

This accurate map of the Tagore Desert was taken from the opponent's hand. In addition to this thing, there is also a remnant picture of the Jinglian Demon Fire, which is also quietly lying in the ring of Kuang San.

Thinking of pushing everything to Xiao Yan's boy, Kuang San smiled.

As for whether Haibodong's hand-painted version of the Jinglian Demon Fire Remnant Picture is useful, Kuangsan is not sure.

Kuang San didn't find Xiao Yan's two older brothers. Unfamiliarity is one aspect. Even if he finds them, what will happen?

Kuangsan held the map and watched it repeatedly. This map of the Tagore Desert carefully drawn by Haibodong, the position occupied by the snake man was repeatedly marked.

These are of no use to Kuang San, she only needs to know where the fire in Qinglian's heart is.

In the original work, Medusa took away the heart of Qinglian, and it should have been within this period of time.

She can never fly directly to the snake-man base camp and ask Medusa at the peak of the Nine Star Fighting Emperor for a different fire, right?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the other party didn't?

Kuangsan recalled carefully, in the original work, Xiao Yan seemed to rely on a strange little girl to find the location of the heart of Qinglian.

The little girl was called Qinglin, a hybrid of snake-man and human.

However, this kind of mixed race is an extremely unwelcome type of person in Mocheng.

Snake people and humans, the two races are constantly in friction in the Tagore Desert, and even the surrounding empires have more or less friction with the snake people.

Because Queen Medusa, the pinnacle of the Nine Star Fighting Emperor, is in town, it is guaranteed that the Snake People will be safe and secure in the Tagor Desert.

In addition, the various empires are not interested in the barren land of the Tagore Desert, and various factors are intertwined to produce this strange ecology.

The hybrids of snakes and humans are often called "hybrids" and "hybrids" by the two races. Each of them is a hostile existence.

Even if there are some human beings with good intentions, they are only a few.

Kuangsan needs the help of that little girl. Thinking of this, Kuangsan's wings ignited with flames and flew straight to the sky amidst the exclamation of people around!

There were many people around with their eyes wide open. A Dou Wang came to this small place in Mocheng. That was great news!

What's more, this Dou Wang is so young and beautiful, that ignited the bragging minds of those idlers!

Kuang San flew to the sky, and after unfolding the map, he confirmed the mercenary group founded by Xiao Yan and his two brothers.

The mental power swept through immediately, and all the buildings were carefully checked.


Scan again, still nothing!

Kuang San Shen frowned. Could it be that Qing Lin has not been taken in by the two brothers of the Xiao family?

Looking down at Mocheng, where the area is not small, Kuang San suddenly got a headache.

If Qinglin is still in Mocheng, it will be fine. It's a big deal that she spends more time, if she is not in Mocheng...

Kuangsan shook his head and began to explore from the edge of Mocheng. This made many people in Mocheng see the King of Fighters flying in the sky.


"Hit her! This bastard! Labor and management are bothered to see her all day long!"

"Yes, this kind of people hurt us!"

"Fart, can it still be called a human?"

"Yes! It's a beast! A livestock! My father was killed by a snake man! How can this livestock have the face to stay in Mocheng!"

The little girl huddled in the shadow of the alley in a shabby overcoat, did not dare to look up. Because when she was begging, she accidentally showed snake-man's unique scales on her arm, so she was dragged into the alley and beaten by them.

There was a huge force on her back, and the little girl snorted. She knew that she was a product of humans and snakes, and she was hated by everyone in the city.

She thought about leaving this Mocheng, but since she was conscious, she has lived here...How to get out, she doesn't know.

With exposed scales in this small area, she could only wait until night and ran to another city to beg.

She also wants to obtain food through her own labor... But in Mocheng, for a "hybrid" like her, it is simply an unrealistic thing no one wants to use "hybrid "Even the most sordid slaves, those masters only like snake girls with fiery figures.

These are all she heard from the teahouse next to her when she was begging...

Unfortunately, after today, she can no longer listen to the story in the teahouse...

If... if she was a normal human girl, how good would it be? Even without parents, in a place like Mocheng, you will not be starved to death...

Pain slowly took over the nerves, and this body recovered quickly, but the little girl was overwhelmed by the successive beatings.

She didn't know what to do except curling up to protect her head.

Outside the alley, Xiao Ding, who was drinking tea with dozens of mercenaries, couldn't help frowning when he heard the curse.

Standing up from the teahouse, the mercenaries around also raised their heads.

The teahouse owner became nervous, thinking that he was not doing well enough, and hurriedly came to Xiao Ding's side.


Xiao Ding threw a gold coin to him, "Nothing to do with you."

"Yes, yes! Lord, please take your time!"

The tall and sturdy figure walked out of the tea shop, turned his head slightly, and saw several men constantly beating the little man in the corner.

As soon as Xiao Ding was about to scold him, his body felt a high-temperature heat wave.


Feijuan airflow blew the tea shop, and many people were about to swear, they found that there was a man in a black dress waving huge flame wings in the air!

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