Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 136: The most unlucky in history

As time went by, the cultivator on the left of Kuangsan took the lead to enjoy the pure energy bath, and the third step on the Gu Qingyang side, but even a free energy shadow could not be seen.

The broken "funnel" was also full of cracks, and Kuangsan allowed it to develop. Finally, after dozens of breaths, the "funnel" formed by three different fires was completely blasted by huge amounts of energy!

Like a fountain of grace from the sky, a waterfall of pure energy liquid smashed on Kuang San, and the liquid that had not been absorbed was flowing downward one after another.

Although the first seven floors are all of the ancient family, the number of people is only close to 100, and the speed and extent of energy absorption are quite limited.

What really absorbed this huge energy liquid was the soldiers of the Black Shari Army who surrounded the upper part of the tower!

They are like black sponges, absorbing the energy liquid flowing from above!

However, as time passed, the vindictive energy in these Black Pan Army soldiers gradually became saturated. When most of them started to break through, the energy liquid spread downward again.

The number of people from the ancient ethnic group who have not joined the army is more, and it is ten times as many as the soldiers of the upper-level black army!

But because of bloodline and talent limitations, they only absorbed a very small part of the energy liquid. People with good luck broke through two or three small realms.

And those who have not found a sense of breakthrough...can only rely on swallowing the overdraft potential of the pill to continue to draw external energy.

In their lives, they rarely have the opportunity to participate in such a feast again. Before the baptism of the emperor altar, they often prepare a large amount of overdraft potential and increase the probability of breakthrough.

The lucky one broke through to Douzong all the way, although the aura in his body was impetuous, but it was also a real Douzong! On the edge of the mainland, he is also a figure in the male town anyway!

With poor luck and the overdraft potential pills have no effect, they can only watch a large stream of pure and masterless energy continue to flow downward along the "pyramid".

This is the culmination of their life, the peak of Douwang. Unless you get the appreciation of some big people, you have the chance to break through the emperor to extend your life.

Therefore, the ancient clan who even chopped firewood and cooked food was Douwang...This sentence is not groundless.

Except for the kind of useless people who don't have the slightest aptitude for cultivation, the lowest strength of the ancients is the Douwang level.

The baptism of the emperor altar has been passed down for many generations, and all these different surnames participated in the baptism when they were young.

There are even people with extremely bad luck, relying on this to make a breakthrough in Dou Zun! Become a miscellaneous elder who manages different surnames.

Of course, those are very few, expecting these people to rely on the baptism of the emperor altar to become Dou Zun, it is better to expect the next god-rank bloodline owner in the clan to appear.

When the lucky ones are advancing all the way and the losers are frowning, they are at the bottom, and the people of the Eastern Territory subordinate forces with the largest overall base also begin to taste the sweetness of the baptism of the imperial altar.

Staying on the first level below the line of different surnames, they are often the true princes and daughters of the heavens of the great forces of the Eastern Region.

Those parents of the ancient tribe with fairly good family conditions focused their attention here.

They choose a partner for their own kid, always looking at the best one, entangled with a medium-sized one, and firmly grasping a passable one.

In the baptism of the emperor altar, the talents of these people will be exposed! Most of their exercises are ground level, and the absorption speed is just like that.

However, they don't have the bloodline power bonus, and they need to rely on their own understanding to make breakthroughs.

The higher the savvy, the faster and fiercer the breakthrough level! At the same time show that the other party's talent is higher!

In the baptism of the emperor altar, there is almost no need to worry about energy issues, they just keep pushing their body exercises, and keep looking for breakthrough opportunities!

Further down, there are some small family forces in the Eastern Region who have occasionally obtained the baptism opportunity.

They cherish this opportunity very much.

When the energy water curtain completely enveloped the "pyramid", the emperor altar below swallowed up the remaining energy.

These energy will accumulate for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. The ancient emperor phantom draws energy from it and summons it!

The ancient world, which has been reinforced by generations of saints, has already used its energy utilization rate to its current limit!

There are not a few people who pay attention to the baptism of the emperor altar, except for the few boring four-star fighting saints who have just left the customs, most of them are high-level fighting sages, first-class elders.

Among them, the most concerned, of course, are the seven people at the top of the "pyramid."

Judging from the energy fluctuations, Gu Mo'er is probably around Jiuxing Douzong, which is an amazing level!

Gu Xun'er, who is also the other half of the twins, has already reached the realm of the high-level Douhuang! After the baptism of the emperor altar, Douzong was not a problem.

Gu Qingyang, absorbing energy for a period of time less than twins, but with a rich background, he also came to the realm of Jiuxing Douzong!

Among the four people below, except for Gu Zhen, the gaps are not too big.

"it has started."

In the air, a word from someone who didn't know made those high-ranking Dou Zun look at Gu Mo'er and Gu Qingyang one after another.

Both are the peak of the Nine Star Dou Sect, who will step into Dou Zun first?

Most people tend to Gu Qingyang. After all, this person was in the realm of Douzong before participating in the baptism of Emperor Altar. After the baptism, breaking through Douzun is just a matter of course.

There are also a very small number of people who are optimistic about Gu Mo'er. After all, this "Young Master" has a more unique position. Although it is impossible to enjoy energy alone again, the ghost knows that this person can do some unexpected things.

Kuang San kept putting his mental power in his body, and Shen Yan had already taken it into his dantian and burned.

With a large amount of pure energy, the divinity of Shenyan has been weakened again, but in practical use, it can keep pace with the top ten different fires.

Fen Jue is fully absorbing energy all the time, and the energy in the interlayer of space has almost no impurities at all.

But only Kuang San himself knew that the energy burned by the different fire was more than five times the energy absorbed by himself!

When the fighting spirit in his body was overflowing again, and he was about to launch an offensive against Dou Zun, Kuang San suddenly remembered the hypnotic props he had obtained!

After hesitating for a while, with a wave of his small hand, a stick-style hypnotic prop appeared in front of the futon.

Countless energy liquid washes away...I hope it can absorb some of it by itself.

Kuangsan closed his eyes, and Fen Jue continued to absorb energy. The amount of energy that should have overflowed instantly became a lot less!

Do not! It should be said that the "container" that carries the grudge has become larger.

Fen Jue became more and more unscrupulous, assisted by four different fires, and once again forcibly connected the energy outlet!

The four-color dragon rolls at the tip of the "pyramid", directly connected to the sky, and the breath of the girl in the black dress soars to a daunting point!

Under the pressure of Dou Zun's momentum, black cracks broke out in the space around his body!

Below, Gu Qingyang, who should have been brewing a breakthrough to the Supreme Dou Zun, reluctantly opened his eyes.

He is sure that he is definitely the most unlucky second-tier practitioner in the history of the ancient imperial altar baptism!

After waiting for hundreds of breaths, the broken "water curtain" returned to normal.

Kuang San opened her eyes during the practice, and she has firmly established her strength in a star Dou Zun.

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