Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 170: Fairy Game

   "Ding~"Salted Fish Suddenly" was launched successfully and accurately hit the enemy, bringing huge psychological pressure to the enemy, and a stun time of 2.33 seconds."

A stream of silver light formed a phantom in the air, and the huge salted fish staring at the dead fish eye was holding a spear, and instantly hit Huo Ao's abdomen!

Effect: hp-1, 2.33 seconds stun

The plague twitched his eyes, always feeling that these statistics were mocking him, but being able to use the secret treasure of'Salted Fish Spikes' meant that he had already turned his face out of control!

There is a classification of ghosts and animals in the main **** space, because the function and various use conditions are too strange, the main **** has to reduce the price.

Those big reincarnations might take care of their own face and don't use it. But the plague....... What is the face? Can you eat it? Can you still make a pretty lady? What's the use of Miss Sister? He still has an enchanting vent.

Can those young ladies be enchanting and beautiful?

Plague took advantage of Huo Ao's 2.33 seconds of stun time, and the high mountains and running water released by the "Music Box" also kept suppressing Huo Ao, and strengthened the puppets under the plague.

"Little spicy chicken, eat my salted fish!"

A trace of his own grudge was taken away, and the light stream of the silver salted fish once again hit the dizzy Huo Ao!

Effect: hp-1, the stun period is extended by 1.88 seconds.

The plague who has used the ‘salted fish spur’ naturally knows that the effect of this item will become weaker when used on top of the same person. But for the plague of Dou Zun level, this weak advantage of a few seconds can already be used as an important factor for his comeback!

Several puppets quickly played various powerful fighting skills, and Huo Ao in a dizzy state was beaten to vomit blood, but he couldn't do defense at all.

The system hidden deep in Huo Ao's consciousness was shocked. How could there be someone more shameless than it? ! Is there a system in the opponent's body?

It shouldn't, it didn't smell any similar breath, or maybe... the other party is a fake and shoddy product?

Huo Ao's system father knew that he couldn't go on like this, and immediately helped Huo Ao deduct the origin point and help his dog son to get rid of the negative state.

‘Thank you system dad! ’

Huo Ao consciousness flashed past, and the system readily accepted it.

From the outside world, Bahuang Pu Miyan wrapped Huo Ao into a big ball, blocking all attacks.

Afterwards, Huo Ao quickly swallowed the healing pill, and the internal injuries he suffered were quickly healed under the action of the blood of the gods and the strong medicinal power.

"Yan Sheng pointed!"

There was a violent shout, the plague screamed badly, and the figure flashed thousands of meters away from the touch of his feet.

The fireball formed by the dark flames rushed forward one after another, and finally formed a thick ancient finger. The flaming waves fluttered, and even the space that was sealed off, the starting point was rippled.

Huo Ao, unaffected by the negative buff, used his full force, Yan Sheng, with a single blow, wiped out the soul of the two puppets and the strange music box!

The plague felt a pain in his heart. The music box was a gift from his first love in the space of reincarnation. He didn't expect that now...

As for where the first love is? Of course it was killed by him!

"Little spicy chicken, eat my salted fish!"

"Ding~The salted fish has successfully launched the stab, but the enemy used unknown coquettish footwork to make the attack missed, and the user is requested to work harder."

A mechanical stereotype echoed in his mind, and the plague opened his mouth slightly: "Lose your mother!"

Huo Ao is unknown, so he stamped his palm on the plague's chest!

The plague whole person... exploded!

It exploded into a cloud of black and red blood, floating over the border of the northwestern continent.

Huo Ao waved his hand to release the Eight Desolate Destruction Yan...

‘Ao Gouzi, wait! The other party is weird! ’

Huo Ao's heart suddenly burst, his palm turned slightly, and he quickly retracted the burst of dark flames to his side.

‘System Dad, what’s wrong with this? ’

‘Uh... your origin point is 80% out of the question. ’

Huoao: ‘? ? ? ’


Several kinds of aurora flashed in the black and red mist! Huo Ao couldn't dodge the attack of close-range light, so he could only watch the colorful aurora shoot into his body!

The Eight Desolation Disruption Yan did not have time to stop it!

Huo Ao was shocked, ‘what’s wrong with this? ’

"It's so hot~ so cold~ so... so cool~"

Huo Ao shivered.


The arrogant voice came from the black fog, twisted for a moment, and the plague with one arm missing came out of the fog.

"How is it? Are you feeling sore and unable to be yourself?"

The plague took out another white spell from nowhere.

"Ding~ You use the effect enhancement charm on the enemy. It is known that the enemy is interfered by five negative effects. After the spell is activated, the effect will be doubled within fifteen seconds."

At the same time, Huo Ao's sourness suddenly doubled!

The plague has even seen the virtual figures floating above Huo Ao's head!

-1hp-1hp...... suddenly the number jumps, -2hp-2hp......

A large swath of scarlet letters floated in the air, and if Huo Ao had a health bar, he would see that the health bar was rapidly decreasing.

The plague laughed loudly on the side. These negative effects are probably not very effective against the reincarnation, but it is definitely one by one to deal with the indigenous people!

And what is Huo Ao doing?

He is discussing with the system dad how to minimize the loss!

‘No way, no way, just remove the negative effects directly, the deduction of the source points is too much, I can’t accept it. ’

‘Ao Gouzi? You are dying, so what's the use of these origin points? ’

Huo Ao didn't hold back and didn't forgive him. Only he himself knew what he had paid for accumulating these origin points. This time he deducted a half. If the other party had any strange magic...

'Ok. ’The system seems a little helpless, ‘this thing can temporarily change your perception and turn the negative effect into a "burning blood" state. ’

Huo Ao took a look, ‘Quick! System dad, I want it! ’

Burning Blood Demon Revision (applicable to hosts in a severely negative state)

The vitality lost in the negative state is converted into a "burning blood" deduction. Its own attack power will increase by 200% in a short period of time. Movement speed increases, and sanity decreases.

Remarks: By default, the perception will be adjusted to "sweet feeling."

Huo Ao only had time to take a quick glance, how can there be time to modify the default state?

Ever since...

As we all know, there are many refreshing sensations. For men, they are undoubtedly when the essence is splashed, when the bones are stretched, when the toxins are deeply discharged, and when a certain kind of spiritual high level of joy...



"Ah! I'm so cool!"

In the plague and the Yan tribe’s melon-eating crowd, Huo Ao sang an unknown demon ballad in the state of Burning Blood Demon, squeezing a puppet with one hand!

The fiery red figure singing loudly in his pupils zoomed in, and the plague saw the approaching Huo Ao, and finally heard the meaning of the singing...

That's not exactly what he heard when he went to a certain ghost animal area when he was on earth...

"Brother Ao is so handsome!"

The crisp female voice made the plague twitch his mouth. It seemed that it was time for him to zoom in.

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