Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Respective opportunities

   After the plague fell, the dead in the Northwest Continent rioted collectively, and some small forces suffered heavy damage, but big clans like the ancients made a lot of money.

The number of death stone tablets is very small, so a lot of disputes have arisen. If it is not for the exchange of interests between the various big clans, I am afraid that there will be another dispute. On the contrary, the number of soul orbs is extremely large, reaching an astronomical number.

Regarding the continued spread of lifeless spirits beyond the border, representatives of various clans gave different opinions.

The negotiating table is often the place where disputes over interests are most serious.

The eight clans discussed again and again, but in the end they still did not let the lifelessness continue to spread.

The Northwestern Continent fell, and there were countless undead dead. They were able to take away their benefits happily under the banner of "justice".

The ancient eight tribes have been standing on the Douqi Continent for so many years, and they are still able to survive in terms of face.

As for those who want to use their lifelessness to continue to earn profits, there is no good way.

In their minds, the least valuable on the Douqi Continent is going to be a life.

Almost all forces have stored a small amount of lifelessness, dreaming of studying the reason from it.

Kuang San still stayed in the Snake Man Empire capital in the Tagore Desert. Huo Zhi, who had lost the inexplicable aura interference, was again influenced by qi luck in his thinking. He hurriedly bid farewell to Xiao Yan, and after making a lot of promises, he returned to the Yan clan in the war boat.

The new generation of the Yan clan suffered extremely badly. Huo Xuan died, and the Huo Yun Shui Yan in his body was missing. Even a dozen or so strange fires are enough to make other people in the new generation feel distressed for a while.

Especially Huo Yao, Huo Yun Shui Yan was originally his, but Huo Ao robbed him abruptly and gave it to Huo Xuan!

This time, Huo Ao was seriously injured and far away. Only a trace of the remnant soul returned to the clan. Huo Xuan died, and Huo Zhi was lost all day long. In the new generation of Yan clan, many people were thinking carefully.

As for how the scene is staged, it is a different story. Maybe Xiao Yan will go on the "old way?" All the way, "Papa Papa" hit the Yan clan in the face, laying a solid foundation for marrying Huo Zhi?

Speaking of Xiao Yan, he had to mention Xiao Ning.

That weak body and bones were eroded by death air three times and again, and thanks to the bonus of Xiao Yan's air luck, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise and broke through to the realm of Dou Wang all the way!

However, he was continuously eroded by death energy, and not only certain organs were cut off by doctors, but the yin and yang in the body were also reversed.

In the past few months, she has become more and more fluid, because of the strong Yin Qi, the whole person is exuding the unique vitality of a girl, and her chest is slightly undulating, and she looks even more outstanding than her sister! While dancing the sword, the immortal spirit Ling Ran fascinated Xiao Yan who was cultivating on the side.

In addition to being unable to bear children, this acquired body of Yuan Yin has been photographed by many sects at a glance!

In the end, because of the face of Gu Zhen, the black pan army, the illusionist who came to the northwestern continent to fight for luck took him as a disciple, and when he broke through the emperor, he would become the next saint of the illusion sect!

The cultivation technique of the Symphony Sect... can it completely transform Xiao Ning?

No, maybe it should be called Xiao Ning now.

Knowing about Xiao Ning's past, Ye Huancai erased "Ning" and gave him "Ning".

Xiao Yan has been dumbfounded these past few days. There have been so many things that he suddenly couldn't accept it.

Except for the father who was captured by the Soul Palace, the two older brothers who had escaped from Rock Desert City, and several younger generations of Xiao Clan who had stayed at Canaan College to study... everyone else died.

Some members of the tribe were even killed by him when they became the dead.

I was very irritable when I was practicing, and the demons came to interfere from time to time. The good news is that after hard work, Yao Lao's soul has regained consciousness, can he help Xiao Yan, the son of Qi Luck, get out of the lost path? The eighth achievement is on Yao Lao's body.

Qinglin happily ran to Kuangsan as a maid, with a smile on her small face.

She thought that she would never see a savior in her life, but she didn't expect the world to be so wonderful.

Kuang San didn't say anything, and let Qing Lin serve Xun'er and Ice Phoenix every day. This matter was seen by several old snake-men and discussed with each other. With the acquiescence of Queen Medusa, the green scales were officially planned for the snake-men tribe, and they studied and practiced systematically.

They didn't expect that they would have picked up a shocking leak by holding Gu Mo'er's thighs!

Qinglin actually has Bisnake Sanhua pupil!

The originally restricted Snake People should panic because of this, but after a frenzy of the dead, their minds also changed.

Only the inheritors of each generation know that the good things left by the ancestors of the snake people are not few. Although it is mostly written and mentally narrated, it is not simple enough to let a little girl belong to the snake-human tribe in a subtle way.

The plan to remove the dead is still going on. Most of the hardest-hit areas are occupied by the big clans, and Venerable Symphony can hardly get any oil and water.

Because of the exceptionally talented Xiao Ning, after saying goodbye to Gu Zhen and Kuang San, Venerable Symphony took the newly born Xiao Ning to the Symphony Sect in the Eastern Region of Zhongzhou.

Xiao Yan eagerly watched Xiao Ning leave, he was promoted to the realm of Dou Huang after his heart demon obstacle was broken.

He was going to Canaan College next.

As for the three-year agreement?

As early as half a month ago, he fought with Nalan Yanran, and naturally he won a big victory.

Huo Zhi and Xiao Ning's departure one after another made Xiao Yan feel lonely.


"Hey~" Xiao Yan sighed. He had just called out Xiao Mo'er's name just now.

Gu Mo'er and Gu Xun'er were aloft, busy all day, and the three of them could no longer play around like they did in their childhood.

Wearing a black robe, carrying a heavy ruler, leaving only a letter, lying quietly on the wooden table in the room.

Kuang San appeared high in the sky and watched the son of luck leave.

She clearly saw Nalan Yanran was leaning against the edge of the city wall with her sword in her arms, and the place she looked at was Xiao Yan.

‘Are you affected by luck again? ’

Kuang San squinted his eyes, and the reason he didn't dare to make too much contact with Xiao Yan was because he was afraid of the other side's invincible luck in this realm.

If you want to change your thoughts imperceptibly, there is no place to cry.

That day, the cheap old man came to visit, Kuang San knew that it was the result of breaking the jade pendant.

‘It seems that my position in the ancients is already quite important? ’

Kuang San thought a lot, the cheap old man Gu Yuan just said a few words, then looked at the place where the technology weapon exploded, and said something inexplicable.

It's a pity that the cheap father didn't give her any jade pendant this time.

Time is silent.

During the period of stationing in the Tagore Desert, six months have passed, and the northwestern continent has revived a bit of vitality.

Yunshan and his party waited to bid farewell and left, preparing to re-establish Yunlan Sect.

Medusa teased Xiao Qicai from time to time, her eyes...just like looking at her own children.

By the way, Kuangsan's strength has reached the peak of six-star Dou Zun. The plague killed Huoxuan, and the Huoyun Water Yan in Huoxuan's body eventually fell into the hands of Kuang San.

Fen Jue was promoted to an intermediate-level technique, and when she heard the news from the pharmacist in the clan, it was time for her to return to the ancient world.

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