Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 177: Let go of my red queen

   Xiao Qicai poked his head out of the gold cuffs with three silver patterns. The small white wings stretched out on both sides and the half-asleep posture made the Red Queen look like a big enemy.

The black cat is not on this plane, and the red queen thought she could play as much as possible and enjoy it.

did not expect......

Little Qicai blinked her eyes and looked curiously at the "Master" floating in the air.

The dress is very similar to the previous owner, not to mention the face and the familiar breath of the body.

Xiao Qicai's eyes were shining, and she flew towards the red after she drilled out of her cuffs.

The Red Queen looked at this "new enemy" with fear.

"I tell you, you..."

Before the red queen finished speaking, Xiao Qicai wrapped her around her side, and affectionately rubbed her head against her undeveloped chest.

The face of the red queen was slightly stiff, and she could not use the magic pattern network to model and deduct her. She completely lost the precise psychological conjecture of other creatures.

‘What does this stupid snake want to do? ’

I couldn't help but mobilize the magic line network, but when I thought of my poor energy source, the Red Queen abruptly stopped her desire.

The free energy in this realm is quite abundant, far exceeding the Earth in the Marvel universe.

But after losing the red energy of the energy converter, it is still unable to directly absorb the free energy of "fight".

Therefore, she needs a normal creature in this world to act as a carrier, absorbing a lot of energy, and supporting the operation of the magic vein network.

The red queen pushed away the little colorful snake with disgust, quickly stroked the folds on the black dress, and looked up at the colorful little snake floating in the air...the snake pupils were full of humanized depression.

‘What is this going to do? I didn't do anything! This scheming snake must be trying to win the sympathy of the owner! ’

The Red Queen, who was unable to run the magic pattern network for the time being, opened his mind and instantly defined Xiao Qicai's innocence as "scheming."

"Red Queen."

"the host!"

The black long skirt fluttered with the wind, and came to Kuangsan with a "swish".

"Are there any tasks for me? I promise..."

"Well... there is a task for you."

The red queen's face was filled with joy, and she glanced at Xiao Qicai triumphantly.

Xiao Qicai blinked, unable to understand the meaning of the red queen, she surrounded her, spit out the snake letter and licked her red face.

The burgundy eyes were squeezed into a crescent shape by the smile, and Kuang San had a panoramic view of the expressions of Xiao Qi Cai and Hong Empress.

"Let Xiao Qicai take you out for a stroll, but I must be back tonight."

"she was?!"

The red queen pushed away the head of the little colorful snake, "This mean, what else can this beautiful vase snake do besides being cute?"

"Don't underestimate Xiao Qicai, she is the emperor here~"

The red queen raised her eyebrows. The master's movements had already been integrated by her. She learned the similarities seven to eight points. For a time, Xiao Qicai couldn't distinguish clearly, twisted her body and surrounded her again.

Feeling the many powerful individual creatures from the outside world, it is almost no different from the heroic spirits on the plane of fate!

‘This stupid snake is the overlord here? It's impossible for the master to lie to me who is so cute. ’

After the Red Queen thought about it, she patted her flat chest at Kuangsan, "You can rest assured to give me this stupid...Little Qicai!"

Seeing his owner smile and nod, the red queen gently stroked Xiao Qicai's body. The colorful scales were all over the sky, flashing alternately under the light, which was exceptionally beautiful.

The Red Queen certainly saw that Xiao Qi Cai was the body of the soul, but because the condensation was so successful, even if it was in the outside world for a long time, it would not have the slightest impact.

Hmm...In a way, it's no different from her now.

After going out, the red queen looked back carefully at the house, and after making sure that her host would not follow, she showed a bad smile on her face.

The red queen's small face was slightly excited, and her black long skirt was rolled up, transforming into a crisp and neat riding uniform.

In Xiao Qicai's bewildered gaze, with one of his hips, he sat on the snake with the colorful scaly lights strobe.

"Pipi snake, let's go!"

The familiar breath from the red back made Xiao Qicai especially relieved, and she whispered, "swish", she appeared thousands of meters away!


This kind of speed is nothing to the Red Queen who has been driving the "Nightmare" to fight the little monster all the year round.

Ever since...In the capital of the Snake-Human Empire, many snake-men saw the colorful streamers flashing through with excitement.

But the excited laughter is still full of magic, and Xiao Qicai often slips around. When returning to the origin, the red queen can still hear her own (mist) laughter.

At this time, Kaoru, who had just discussed the specific matters with Queen Medusa, was walking out of the palace with Medusa.

There was a giggling magical laughter in the air, causing the two to look at each other.

Suddenly, colorful streamers flashed, and the two of them were extremely powerful. Naturally, they could clearly see a small "Gu Mo'er" wearing weird clothes straddling the small colorful, all the way around the snake city.

The two of them twitched their eyes at the same time, hypnotizing themselves at the same time, their sister (Gu Mo'er) was definitely not such a person.


A sonic boom suddenly exploded in the air!

Xiao Qicai inadvertently saw Medusa and Gu Xun'er, ignoring the red queen sitting on her back, swaying her body and came to Medusa.

Snake Xin vomited and opened his small mouth.

With a maternal smile on Medusa's face, she took out the medicine that nourishes the soul from the ring, wrapped it with the power of the soul, and fed it to Xiao Qicai's mouth.

"you you you!"

The Red Queen flew up from Xiao Qicai, looked at Xun' with her eyes wide open, and said in surprise, "How come you look like me!"

Xun'er was also very curious. She thought it was her sister who had set her up and let her go, trying to vent her pressure.

But now it seems that things are much more than that simple.

The shrunken person is extraordinarily similar to himself, and his face is a bit of the beauty of the sister.

‘If my sister and I had children, they would be so cute, right? ’

The red queen looked suspiciously at Xun'er. Why did this girl who looks a lot like her blush? Is it because you are too cute?

‘No way, no! Saying that you are cute is not equivalent to saying that the other person is also cute? Oh my god, what's going on? ! ’

Medusa gently stroked the little Qi Cai wrapped around her arm, and looked at them with a smile.

Although Xiao Ren'er exudes the unique aura of Gu Mo'er, she is definitely not Gu Mo'er herself. Moreover, this body... is a bit weird.

Both sides exuded an aura that made each other familiar and intimate, and Xun'er reached out and said that the strength of the Dou Zun level was far beyond the current Red Queen's ability to stop it.

"Ahhhhh! Don't eat the red queen! Otherwise, the master will avenge the red queen!"

Xun'er finds this little person who is similar to her sister more and more interesting, "Your name is Hong Empress? The master in your mouth is Sister San'er, right?"

"Sister?!" Honghou opened her mouth wide, as if she knew everything.

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