Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 185: I really know the King Heiyan!

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"Yiyi, now, you might as well escape to a place where the Black Army is stationed. There is a dragon on it, and they will definitely notify the leader to come. Only in this way can you escape the wedding and live the life you want. ."

Lin Yiyi cried with a small face, and responded to the half-emperor master in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Tui'er is thinking! But Ye Jian, the bastard, has surrounded this mountain! He must have captured me today and got married! "

"I don't know what grandpa thinks, shouldn't my five-star fighting sect's strength stay in the family and cultivate it?"

Gu Sujin in the sea of ​​knowledge did not speak, her remnant soul was extremely weak, and she couldn't even perceive the surroundings if it wasn't in the peak period.

Lin Yiyi's marriage to Ye Jian, the eldest son of the Ye family's direct line, is strange.

With Yiyi’s talent process, it is possible to break through the fighting sect and reach the realm of the ancestors of the Lin family. How can I marry?

And it hasn't been approved by this little Nizi!

The high-ranking Gu Sujin is very confused about what happened to these small families. Now she just wants her stupid disciple to find the direct descendants of the ancient clan, and all difficulties will be solved.

I don't know how things are going on with that kid Gu Yuan.

"Fucked! Ye Jian's **** narrowed the encirclement! One of the elders of the Ye family was among them!"

Gu Sujin was silent for a moment, and said in the sea of ​​knowledge: "It's possible that you have recently entered the territory too fast, and at the same time defeated a few proud children of heaven, this Ye family doubts you, thinking you have some secret treasure."

"That's why they went to the ancestors of the Lin family to propose marriage. Even if you don't have any secret treasures, a woman with such a gifted beauty will provide good genes for the next generation's growth."

"The next generation..." Lin Yiyi shivered, "I don't want a baby!"

"Huh! Isn't there a few Dou Zun in the Ye Family? If I also become Dou Zun, they..."

Gu Sujin shook his head and chuckled, "Ke Yiyi, you are not Dou Zun now."

"Oh, master! Can't you help your poor disciple?"

The Gu Sujin phantom in the sea of ​​knowledge spread his hands, "How can I help you when you look at me like this?"

"Ahhhhh! Ye Jian that **** really caught up, I want to run away quickly!"

Gu Sujin smiled and didn't speak, she didn't think that her apprentice could escape under the blockade of a Dou Zun.

Even with the blessing of various secret fighting skills, it is unrealistic for Lin Yiyi, who does not have the bloodline of Dou Emperor, to insist on a low-level Dou Zun.

At the same time, all kinds of information about Lin Yiyi also spread to Kuangsan. The elite fighters of the Black Yat Army who went to investigate have also watched Lin Yiyi's combat tactics from the projection stone video, and accidentally discovered... The exercises used by this little girl are very similar to those of a direct lineage!

After repeated confirmation, it was passed to Kuangsan's ears after being red.

"Are you sure it's that little girl?"

The Red Queen nodded, "There is about a 67% chance of 65."

Kuangsan waved his hand, "I don't need to calculate so finely, I will be moldy if I stay here. Hurry up to meet the ancestors of the Hui, let's go to the wild."

Tianyuan City. Lin Family.

The ancestor of the Lin family accompanied a Dou Zun-level elder of the Ye family, and the two of them looked towards the distance of Heavenly Wish City with a smile on their faces.

Next to the two venerables, there was a Hei Yajun Douzong wearing black profound armor.

The ancestor of the Lin family smiled, but in his heart he scolded Lin Yiyi's little Nizi thousands of times! The movement made by the escaped marriage attracted the elders of the Ye family! Forget it, it actually attracted the attention of the Black Shaman!

Is there really any secret treasure in Yiyi? How can it be? !

Lin Yiyi has been staying in Heavenly Wish City for these years. How can there be any secret treasure in a place like Heavenly Wish City?

"The two sages, most of them will come together later, and yet the two know everything."

The ancestors of the Lin family and the elders of the Ye family agreed again and again, and they usually saw the leaders of the Black Annihilation Army, or the lower rankings. Most of the newcomers came here, and they naturally wanted to be entertained.

Before long, a white jade flying boat with beautiful lines appeared on the horizon. The three of them were shocked and hurriedly greeted them forward.

Just when the two venerables of the Eastern forces met with Kuang San, Lin Yiyi, who was running away from a mountain range, was finally caught by that Dou Zun!

After a while, Ye Jian rushed to the scene with a kind of domestic slave, and Lin Yiyi sat on a large bluestone with a displeased face.

The young man named Ye Jian has the strength of Dou Zong, and his face like a knife has a sharp aura! With a three-foot green front in his left hand, the strong wind attributes surround it back and forth.

He opened his mouth and said, "Yiyi, this time you should always get married back to Ye's house, right?"


Lin Yiyi turned his head away, which made Ye Jian amused. The little girl is just a little girl. Escaping marriage is no longer a rare event, but being able to escape for three days under the pursuit of Dou Zun is also regarded as the first case in the Eastern Region.

Ye Jian stepped forward and grabbed Lin Yiyi's arm.

"Don't come here!" The little girl seemed to be frightened, "If you are not married, you can't touch me!"

Ye Jian helplessly, "Yiyi, don't let other people watch the jokes, hurry up and follow me."

Ye Jian took a few steps forward, and Lin Yiyi hurriedly backed away, "Don't come over! Don't want me to go back to Ye's house with you today!"

"Is marriage a child's play?" Ye Jian frowned with a pair of swords. "The wedding given by the ancestors of the two family, you can't help but have sex!"

"Don't you come here! I tell you, I know King Heishan!"

"King Heishan?" Ye Jian really stopped when he heard this, and then smiled again: "I also know King Heishan, but that kind of big man doesn't know me."

The people around laughed, making Lin Yiyi's face flushed with anger.

Knowing the sea, Gu Sujin hid his face and smiled, Lin Yiyi jumped on the side.

"Master, he doesn't even believe that you are the King of Darkness!"

Gu Sujin didn't care and said with a smile: "You said you know Gu Mo'er, maybe it is more shocking than the three words of King Heishan."

"Gu Mo'er?" Lin Yiyi nodded. Although she had never heard of the name, Master said so, there must be her reason.

When I brought up my consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness, I saw Ye Jian walking in front of him, and Lin Yiyi subconsciously said, "Don't touch me! Gu Mo'er and I are good friends!"

After Ye Jian heard of the "Gu" surname, he stopped. His fiancee, like him, had participated in the baptism of the ancient imperial altar. It was not impossible to meet the speculative descendants of the ancient clan. It is not impossible to become a good friend .

At this time, Dou Zun, who had been watching by the side, transmitted to Ye Jian: Jian'er, that Gu Mo'er is the new general of the Heiyan Army, and I can't afford to offend Ye Family.

Ye Jian's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle's eye, and he hurriedly said through the voice: That was built by his uncle...

Haha, the old man doesn't believe that little girl knows Gu Mo'er.

(= one second to remember)

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