Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 25: Finally married

As the saying goes: "One pink is topped with ten blacks."

There is some truth to this sentence. It is terrible to bite at the sight of people. Is there still a small number of people who have used crazy methods to force celebrities to submit?

After Li Jiayu's hometown was exposed, people put wreaths in front of his house and splashed paint on the walls all day long. Neighbors in the neighborhood often made irresponsible remarks, and Li Donglin couldn't breathe.

We don’t know if these brain-dead fans have a deep love for Yang An’an. Maybe there are black fans who hate Yang An’an in disguise.

On Weibo, Yang An'an is like a kitten stepped on its precious tail, and blasts against the black fans.

Li Jiayu couldn't ignore her old father and re-arranged a house in Xijiang City.

Time is silent.

Under the management of the Red Queen, the Tokisaki Consortium’s external expansion plan is smooth, and the military technology tree continues to unfold, allowing the bigwigs to see the hope of counterattack the insect world, the abyss world, and the dragon world.

So increase investment in the technology tree, so that the rate of plot distortion has risen again.

The most important task of the Red Queen is not to help the Tokisaki consortium in its expansion plan, but to focus on multiple main actors on this timeline and adopt a data model for analysis.

The master's strength reached the ancestral realm, and it was only a blink of an eye after ten years of retreat, to put these important supporting characters on the line, and the rest depends on their own development.

If nothing happens, the interaction of these characters will lead to a gradual increase in the distortion rate of the plot, and it will also allow the Ten Thousand Realm Origin System to steal more sources.

In many "story", Kuang San also participated in a little, but everything went with the flow, with those epic gods, there is still no reason to be seen.

They can only let things develop.

After three months.

At Xijiang City People's Hospital, Yan Zisu held the hospital printed list with a happy face, and then drove home cautiously.

In the evening, Yan Zisu put the list in front of Li Jiamin. After reading the report form carefully, Li Jiamin, who has always been rigorous, instantly became extremely excited!

I just wanted to give Yan Zisu a hug...As soon as I saw Yan Zisu's lower abdomen, he resisted the excitement in his heart, squatted down, turned his head, and carefully placed his ears on the lower abdomen.

Yan Zisu looked at her husband's childish scene and couldn't help but smile: "Do you hear anything?"

"Shhh~ I heard my daughter's heartbeat!"

"You can hear the heartbeat even before the child has grown up? Can you still hear that it is a girl?"


Li Jiamin stood up, beaming with joy, "That is, don't look at who is her Laozi?"

"Go go." Yan Zisu put on an expression of disgust, "I have lived in the company for so many days, and I have learned to speak dirty words, and my daughter will not kiss you in the future."

"Hehehe." The shrewd Li Jiamin smirked and held Yan Zisu forcibly. "Daughter is my father's lover in his last life. Who does she kiss if she doesn't kiss me?"

Yan Zisu pretended to be vicious: "You still have a lover?"

"Dare not, I am not interested in the little girls in the company..."

Plot distortion rate: 75%

In the coming of spring and autumn, Ran Hongxia stepped down as the president of the student union, and took Li Banyue, a little girl, to travel around the world.

As transcendents, the two of them are looking for places with rich spiritual energy, and they often unite with nature and human beings, and perceive the good fortune of heaven and earth.

The two made rapid progress and soon reached the second-order peak.

They also found that around the time and space wormhole, the aura is the strongest, and there are many plants and animals, which are also catalyzed by the aura into other appearances.

Even the soldiers who guarded the wormhole of time and space have improved their physique in advance.

Now enter the military area that guards the wormhole of time and space, it all has to do with it!

It's like when the time and space wormhole first appeared, the soldiers who went to defend their home and the country with a mortal heart...

Ran Hongxia and Li Banyue saw a lot during their journey, and they also understood a lot. On a certain full moon night, the two finally opened up and accepted each other's existence.

The dim Jian Xin, dyed with Hongxia, became transparent again, like colored glaze, intriguing.

The sword stained with red clouds, from the sharp edge to the introverted sword light. It can often take people's lives casually.

In the past few months, the two of them have not travelled far. They have only fought against the extraordinary in China and Southeast Asia, and they have also hunted and killed monsters that **** aura...

This way is not only a tempering of strength, but also a baptism of the soul.

Li Banyue likes this kind of life, and she prefers to stay with Ran Hongxia.

The two watched the sunset together, and practiced together in the early morning of Bailu...The little things were engraved in the deepest part of their souls by Li Banyue.

The shadow of Li Jiayu in his heart has already gone with the wind.

Plot distortion rate: 80%

Under Li Jiayu's persuasion, Yang Anan started her global concert again.

Because of Yang An'an's domineering and perverted possessiveness, Li Jiayu had to stay with Yang An'an all the way.

Because of the Yang family's relationship, the company will only continue to grow. Yang An'an also found a headhunting company and found Li Jiayu a famous and experienced CEO to replace Li Jiayu's original position.

Now, Li Jiayu is completely free, just waiting for the company's dividends to hit the card every month...As for college? Not long after he founded the company, he officially went through the withdrawal procedures.

He wandered around with Yang Anan all day long, and even the makeup artist often saw this handsome "Yang’s son-in-law behind the Of course, once Li Jiayu appeared in the eyes of Yang Anan’s enthusiastic fans, That would certainly not escape the infamy of "scumbag".

As for where is the scum, it's just a curse.

Since following Yang An'an, Li Jiayu can touch his conscience and swear that he has not been entangled with other women.

Even Liu Yinsha...

Although it is a global concert, most of them are in China. Foreign fans are eager to see, and can't wait for their little angel.

Yang Anan felt too strenuous, and he was preparing to sing around the world after he married Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu was full of constipation when he heard Yang Anan was about to take him to see his parents.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is a useless little white face, a peerless scumbag who deceives An An's little angel.

If the old father-in-law and mother-in-law think so... then he might as well take the medicine and commit suicide earlier.

He had heard of Yang Anan's family a long time ago.

The top family in Shanhe Province, the top figure in the three realms of politics, military and business!

Many people have called Yang An'an the little princess of Shanhe Province.

On the plane to Shanhe Province, Li Jiayu's face has not been very good-looking, and her smile is slightly distorted.

As the little princess of Shanhe Province, Yang An'an, the pearl in the palm of the Yang family, was picked off by an unknown "little person". Shouldn't the young talents of Shanhe Province want to make gestures with him overtly and secretly?

Shanhe Province far surpasses Tiannan Province, and Li Jiayu, who spent so long in the business district of Xijiang City, has been in the business district. It is a sesame-sized fish in Tiannan Province. How does it compare with those abnormalities in Shanhe Province? ?

At the thought of this, Li Jiayu's face changed several times.

This way,

There are more ills than good luck.

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