Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 27: I ask you, you are...

There is a big mountain not far away from the rift valley, which seems to have been smashed in half by an ancient giant holding an iron whip, creating such a peculiar scene.

The three human-shaped deep holes still remain on the surface of the mountainside, and Kuang San can even feel the remaining breath of Emperor Ke Ke.

The blood sprinkled by the Centipede King of Saint Armor has long been robbed by various insects, and she has come to the main timeline of Mohei, belonging to the era of Bai Jiayu.

Kuangsan stepped on the void, looking towards the top of the center of the Great Rift Valley, Ke Kedi's aura stayed there all the time, even disrupting time and space, causing the space to be continuously distorted, and the surrounding auras could not penetrate the slightest.

The last "she," or the last "self" just left.

Maybe that person is her, but who knows.

In order not to attract fate's attention, Kuangsan suppressed his own deep energy and prevented them from resonating with the aura of the outside world.

Here, the sky is blue and the ground is green. Various plants have changed their genes to adapt to environmental changes due to the invasion of aura.

Getting bigger is their common choice.

Because the invasion of Reiki causes plants to grow larger, the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed increases, and the population of the earth is rapidly decreasing. In a short time, the oxygen content of the earth will greatly increase.

It is very likely to return to the ancient era.

If the oxygen content increases, the earth-born insects that people can trample to death on weekdays will also have a chance to evolve.

They will grow bigger from generation to generation, even surpassing the red top beetle! Because of the aura, they are also very likely to evolve into bugs with extraordinary powers!

The earth is no longer the era when mankind is the master of the house. In the last days, it is the only thing they have to do to survive and save their lives.

After Kuang San pulled out the red from the ring, after the activation, the little guy looked left and right, as if he was full of curiosity about all this.

Soon, the Red Queen simulated the earth-shaking scene of the Saint Armor Centipede King that day. The figure on the screen was blurry, and even the engraved emperor was transformed into a group of regular and distorted matter.

"Huh! Master, you just left not long ago!"

"No, right, the breath is very consistent, exactly the same as when I saw the master! The'master' who has just left is you!"

Kuangsan ignored the red queen's yelling and carefully watched the simulated scene of the red queen, until when Kikyo handed over the jade of the four souls to her, she turned into a light beam, the cherry blossoms drifted away and disappeared completely.

Kuangsan touched her neck subconsciously, and the jade of the four souls given to her by Kikyo had long been lost.

This time, Kuangsan saw the power of the rules of the Mohei Universe. What the Lord God was fighting against at the beginning was not the ‘fate’ being first-rate, but the rules of the entire Mohei Universe!

The main **** during the severe injury period has this ability...When she escapes from the space, can the main **** not see it?

Or is the Lord God deliberately letting her go?

Crazy Sanbai was puzzled.

Reaching out to erase the chaotic time and space, Ke Kedi's breath dissipated, and that time and space returned to normal.

In the next instant, there was an inexplicable great power watching her...

There was a cold sweat from Kuangsan's forehead, which could force back the cosmic consciousness of the Lord God during the severely injured period, but she was not an existence that she could contend with.

Even the God of Creation cannot disobey its will!

After a long while, the pressure on his body disappeared, and the red empress who was stiff in the air also let out a long sigh of relief.

"Master, there is an agreement in the original system of the Ten Thousand Realms, which seems to be able to reach a consensus with these procedural cosmic consciousness."

Kuangsan is speechless, distorting the plot, and extracting the source. She has always thought that the original system of the ten thousand realms is a predatory system, which is deeply rejected by the cosmic consciousness.

But I didn't expect that the roots of the people are Zheng Miaohong, who can lead the host to play casually.

But the problem now...the host of the original system of the Ten Thousand Realms is the Red Queen. Although she is the owner of the Red Queen, she is a vassal of the Red Queen from the perspective of the universe consciousness.

It belongs to the existence that can be obliterated at any time...As long as the red queen is okay...

Fortunately, she had signed a symbiosis contract with Hong Empress. Otherwise, when the cosmic consciousness came just now, she would be able to report to Lord Yan.

"Master, you must never use power far beyond the current world level! That thing is terrible!"

"When we go to the Shanzhai Moderator God Space, it will not be too late for you to release yourself."

Kuang San took a deep breath, evaporated his cold sweat, and asked Honghou: "What is the highest combat power that the earth can withstand today?"

"Uh...probably around the quasi-legendary. The reason why the Saint Armored Centipede King did not break through to the legendary realm is most likely due to the limitations of the earth."

Kuang San carefully recalled the memory of Mo Xiao's true spirit. Judging from the engraved emperor's breath, the large troops fleeing had not gone far. The strongest combat power in the troops was probably around Tier 3.

What realm is the third-order equivalent?

Kuangsan thought for a while, Da Doushi? Dou Ling?

The fantasy world pays more attention to energy, and the free energy contained in the air of the fighting spirit continent far exceeds that of the earth. Even if they obtain the inheritance of the ghosts and cultivate to the fighting spirit, they cannot compete with the great fighting masters of the fighting spirit continent.

Very pitted, who has not fully recovered the aura of the earth?

Crazy three speechless.

At this stage, the strength limited by the end black universe consciousness is quasi-legendary.

When the mad three struggled to kill the centipede king, legendary power broke out, and was watched by the black universe consciousness. If it hadn't been for the main **** to block her, she would have turned into a scum.

But can she use the power of quasi-legendary? It’s still not sure The other epic gods are okay. They have been hit hard one by one and slept more dead than pigs. Naturally, they will not pay attention to what the earth becomes.

But "Destiny" is a complete voyeur!

She has the legal status of the Mohei Universe, so she is naturally not afraid of ‘fate’ to see any problems.

But she just wants to get involved in the Shanzhai Lord God Space to score points, and she doesn't want to participate in Li Jiayu's family ethics drama.

Li Jiayu can save the world by the way when he regulates family conflicts, but Kuang San can take this leisurely time.

but! She must attract the attention of ‘fate’ and send her to the main divine space of the Shanzhai.

Kuang San sighed, but he couldn't hold back for a few years anyway, so he simply learned the other protagonists' ability to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

Kuangsan figured it out, and just about to go to the front to find Li Jiayu, a mysterious force bound his body.

Much like contract summoning, is there any other small world summoner summoning her?

The summoner's heart is really big enough, isn't it afraid that the power of the ancestral realm will burst the small world?

Kuang San can break free at any time, but he wants to burst out with legendary strength...

And the burst of legendary level strength will attract cosmic consciousness.

Oh my God.

Kuang San stretched out his hand and pinched the red queen. Just as the red queen was in a daze, the two disappeared from the summoning formation...

Not far from here, near the town of Green Tea, it is being shrouded in mist.

This is one of insects' favorite weather.

The army and civilian forces are fully defensive. Li Jiayu rushes to the front line. After hunting down a few powerful insects, he is using insect crystals and brains to summon creatures in another world.

Suddenly, he felt an extremely powerful force...

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