Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 31: Jai Xuan must report to Xiao Hong Empress

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Kuangsan injected a small amount of weak energy into Doraji's body, turning it into a warm current to nourish the internally injured body of Doraji.

The whole body seemed to be bathed in a hot spring, and the moan of platycodon made Xiao Wanqing turn her head subconsciously.

The Red Queen is still floating in the air, learning from the master, holding her hands on her chest, her small face is very serious and full of majesty.

Kikyo got out of Kuangsan's embrace, his complexion turned red, as if water was about to drip out, his feet were soft, and Kuangsan held him with one hand.

"Thank you." The voice was like a mosquito, Kuangsan smiled at Kikyo, and when the maiden regained some strength, he released Kuangsan's arm and stood quietly beside Kuangsan.

Kuang San not only cured her internal injuries, but her perception was also quite sharp.

The blush on Qiao's face gradually calmed down under the pressure of spiritual power, but the witch costume was a little wet, like clothes that hadn't been dried.

Kuangsan turned his head and said to the red queen, "What are you still doing here?"

The original majestic red queen, like a little yellow dog reprimanded by the owner, instantly wilted down.

Pouting her little mouth, he took out a small bottle of spiritual liquid from the small ring that Kuang San made for her.

The soul power was precisely controlled, the cork was pulled off, and a small drop of spiritual liquid was dripped into Li Jiayu's pale lips.

Then, following the same procedure, another drop was given to Ling Shaoping who had been wailing.

This kind of spiritual liquid reorganized by the energy converter is not precious, but it is not a lot. Only two drops are used to rescue the dying, which shows that the Red Queen treats others with a little scorn.

The high-concentration spiritual liquid placed in the fantasy world can't achieve the effect of life and death, but it has a miraculous effect to heal these "ordinary people" who have just stepped into the transcendent realm.

Ling Shaoping's wailing gradually weakened. After a short while, he groaned comfortably, and then fell into a sleep state.

With the keen perception of the dark temple, it can easily fall asleep, and the effect of that drop of spiritual liquid can be imagined.

If nothing else, at least it must be very comfortable.

Xiao Wanqing put down the hands that used the primary healing technique, and turned around. The more generous clothing couldn't conceal her mature and graceful posture at all.

Even if the coquettish Liu Yinsha is compared with it, I am afraid it can't take the slightest advantage.

Li Jiayu likes married women and milfs for a reason.

In such a comparison, the figure of dyed Hongxia and platycodon really differed a lot.

Xiao Wanqing put her hands on Ling Shaoping's chest, closed her eyes, and felt the wounds of this dark temple.

The injuries suffered by bones and internal organs are completely repaired!

On the broken ribs, there is even a layer of faint fluorescence swirling around, like a fetish!

Xiao Wanqing looked more and more surprised. On the way, the Xijiang City migration team suffered more and more attacks. Although the many inheritors of Xijiang University did not say anything, they were already exhausted physically and spiritually.

It is like a bowstring that has been stretched all the time. The longer the time, the greater the torture on the string.

When that drop of strange liquid went down, Ling Shaoping's injury was not only healed, but even the mental exhaustion was very likely to be cured. When Ling Shaoping woke up, the dark temple at its peak would show a sharper edge!

What about Li Jiayu?

Xiao Wanqing hurriedly stood up, and after turning the corner, squatted down again to explore Li Jiayu's injuries.

The spiritual fluid slides into the pale lips, drips into the mouth, and penetrates into the body. The high-concentration spiritual fluid continues to decompose, looking for serious injuries and performing repair operations.

This speed is very fast. Li Jiayu's swollen pig's face returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Baby-like delicate skin has returned, and pale lips gradually become bloody.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

But the spiritual liquid is only a spiritual liquid after all, even with a high concentration of the spiritual liquid, it does not have as much energy as the thousand-year magical medicine.

Li Jiayu was kicked into the air by the little guy who was comparable to the epic of the Red Queen. Even if the Red Queen controlled her power, it was not something that Li Jiayu could bear.

That drop of high-concentration spiritual liquid was quickly consumed by the body.

Xiao Wanqing raised her head and looked at the Red Queen with hopeful eyes.

The Red Queen looked up at the sky, pretending to be unaware.

Kuang San glanced at the red back lightly.

Hong Empress sighed, pulled out the plug with a painful expression, and dripped another drop of spirit liquid into Li Jiayu's mouth.

Seeing the little guy's distressed look, Xiao Wanqing, Ran Hongxia, and Platycodon grandiflorum, thought that it was something extraordinary and precious, and thanked Hong Empress again and again.

Kuang San’s face was very strange, thinking of the scene where he took a bath with spiritual liquid in the ancient world...that thing, just use some magic medicine, you can squeeze out a pot, after red, this is measured in milliliters. Splurge...

Until the red queen put away the bottle, everyone turned their eyes on Li Jiayu, naturally ignoring the subtle expression on Kuang Sanqiao's face.

Spirit liquid is also divided into inferior and superior, forcibly compressing free energy and turning it into liquid, which is the inferior product among inferior products.

There are various attributes in the free energy, which are combined into a spiritual liquid, and can only be used to distribute to people of different surnames for cultivation.

The stronger ones who are a little more particular will extract the spiritual liquid of different attributes to distribute to the younger generation or to irrigate the elixir of the same attribute.

The best thing is to use elixir to make elixir, because during the production process, the effect of the medicine is hugely lost, and more pharmacists refine it into a pill to maximize the retention of the effect.

Except for some special effects, no Shabi alchemist will squeeze a good elixir into a spiritual liquid.

Unfortunately, the Red Queen is one of them.

The bottle of spiritual fluid that the red queen took out was blue, and it must be the spiritual fluid suppressed by the water-based spiritual medicine.

Perceived from the breath, it is very likely that it is the three-flowered night grass growing in the extremely gloomy land!

This new type of elixir will only grow in the Bone Mountain Range in the Beast Territory and in the Great Nether Rift Valley next to the Black Pan Army’s station.

It is suitable to be squeezed into spiritual liquid for use by some cultivators who are incapable of pursuing the spirit.

Simply put, Sanhua Mingyecao is a very yin elixir, and Li Jiayu at this time is doing his best to control the estrogen in her body to prevent her appearance from becoming more motherly.

Kuang San glanced at the red queen, and sure enough, the little guy had a gloating expression on his face.

She told the Red Queen all the memories of Mo Xiao's true spirit, how could the Red Queen know?

Silently glanced at Li Jiayu who was lying on the blanket, Kuang San sighed in his heart.

She has already sensed that the female hormones in Li Jiayu's body have finally been suppressed, with the help of the extremely cold spiritual liquid, quickly attacking the city and plundering the village, and the male hormones fighting against it are losing ground...

In Li Jiayu's body, the area contaminated by the Sanhua Mingye Cao Lingye had already transformed into the "Yuan Yin". After a while, Li Jiayu could become a big girl like a flower like a jade.

Hmm...this way, "she"'s popularity among the forces of Xijiang University should be even higher, right?

Xiao Wanqing, who was feeling the changes in Li Jiayu's body, suddenly changed her face.

Three inches below Li Jiayu's lower abdomen...

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