Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 44: Joy in hardship

Abandoned vehicles are everywhere on the streets, and there are not a few luxury cars that have been destroyed and divided by bugs.

It is entirely possible to use this scene to imagine the opening of the wormhole and the invasion of low-level insects.

There was still blood on the street, but there was no **** smell.

The girls seemed to be used to this kind of scene long ago, chattering. Seeing people accustomed to dead, and broken bodies killed by insects, these insignificant bloodstains, for them, can be called the beauty in the back garden.

Han Xiaoqi has been following Kuangsan, and Cherry's mouth opened several times, thinking about the topic quickly in his mind.

Because she felt that Tokisaki seemed incompatible with this place.

Before the end of the world, Tokisaki was the eldest of the consortium, and after the end of the world, he was even a high-level inheritor. The beauty and the knowledgeable temperament are all refreshing.

But...what kind of topic should she look for...

While Han Xiaoqi was thinking hard, Kuang San glanced sideways, as if he could feel the uncertainty in the darkness.

The plants around the road conceal the figure in the dark alley.

The figure is very mixed, Kuang San doesn't understand why they chose this place, maybe because of their unique quirks.

Continue to move forward, ignoring the "lurking" black forces squad.

Staying in the fantasy world for so many years, the ancestral realm has brought her not only strength, but also a transcendent character.

Except for the pursuit of transcendence, nothing happened in the last days to interfere with Kuangsan.

When they are bored, they may play "play house" games with these ants, or they may use thunder means to kill them.

To be honest, there is a kind of "moody" mood.

No way, in the main timeline, Kuangsan couldn't mobilize the power of time and accelerate the progress of the timeline. She wanted to enter the Shanzhai Lord God space created by fate to score points, so she could only wait slowly.

At the same time, be careful not to be paid attention to by the end black universe consciousness...

It's like a top account coming to Novice Village, after enjoying the fun of killing rookies, it will become empty again.

No matter how top the account is, no matter how much Krypton is, it is impossible to beat GM.

Unless you turn it on, but after you turn it on, it will be killed by the "anti-plug-in" program of the end black universe consciousness.

There is no need to explain what the meaning of "banned account" means here.

In the dark alleys, the infrastructure has long been destroyed, and lighting tools such as street lights no longer exist.

Today's survivors are even more accustomed to using the red-top beetle's eyes as a wick to burn and become a lighting tool in the dark at night.

With a slight moonlight, ordinary people can still move cautiously after adapting to the darkness, but for the inheritors, every move in the dark can't escape their eyes.

Flowing air and wretched appearance, the thin bamboo pole sticks out his tongue and licks his upper lip.

"Fuck, Boss! That girl looks more real! I haven't seen such a beautiful girl since I was born! It's so much better than us..."

The thin man looked like a few companions, wretched and long-faced, showing a smile that could scare a child to cry.

Rubbing his hands, the thin man took a deep breath. The strong physical qualities brought by the inheritor made him faintly smell the fragrance remaining in the air.

"Si Gouzi, I will give you a credit this time. When I return to the camp, I will ask if the above can transfer you to the guard."

When the skinny monkey named Sigou heard it, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he made several compliments to the bald man before continuing to focus his attention on the few watery female college students.

"Brothers, don't worry. Among the female college students of Xijiang University, there is at most one inheritor, and Xijiang University is not like Nanhai Wushu. It is estimated that there are few powerful inheritors. We just need to enjoy it!"

Several other people showed their lustful faces one after another, and they were so disgusting.

In the previous Gongzhou team, the strength of the army is intact, and the strength of the inheritors is also quite amazing. Under the strict military style, they can be suffocated.

None of the "gang leaders" and "guild leaders" in the forces touched the red line set by the army, and they naturally dare not go beyond them when they are little brothers.

The high pressure in the apocalyptic environment is oppressing everyone's nerves. Those who don't lack food urgently need to vent, mentally or physically.

Gongzhou City and Yulin City, all kinds of extraordinary forces are intertwined. The emperor also has a few poor relatives. You can stabb your aunt with a knife on the side of the road. One of her relatives may be an extraordinary person of a certain force, which makes it difficult for them to start. .

But the new Xijiang City fleeing team...but there are not so many scruples.

Bald... can't be said to be bald, he also has three sharp surfboard hairstyles.

He is the inheritor of the rock type, the most powerful inheritor of this group, so he is the boss.

His face is not fierce, and he has some tattoos on his arms.

There are traces of hardening of the rock ability in the lower abdomen. From the point of view of body size, the rock boss is likely to be a fat bald man with a beer belly before this.

Ignoring the thoughts of his younger brother, the rock inheritor stepped directly out of the alley and set foot on the street in three or two steps.

The boys looked at each other, moved quickly, and quickly surrounded the Kuangsan class.

The rock boss also specially used his abilities. The petrochemical foot didn't wear shoes, and he really stepped on the cement floor step by step. He was alone, abruptly stepping out of the marching momentum of the Marine Corps.

The ground shaking stopped, pulling Han Xiaoqi back from his thoughts.

Looking up at those "little **** with inheritance," Han Xiaoqi showed a confused look.

They... are here to find something?

Under the protection of Xijiang University, female students like these logistics department have not received any harassment. After encountering this situation, after a small disturbance, they became excited again.

The thin monkey named Siguo scratched his head, he always felt that something was not right.

Could it be that this group of female students, like them, were too hungry in the last days?

The skinny monkey glanced at Kuangsan, and then quickly averted his gaze.

The burgundy eyes are as calm as a pool of water, but they possess strange magical powers.

The heartbeat speeded up, blood surged, and a blush appeared on his black face.

Fortunately, the companions all stared at the group of female college students, and did not notice his embarrassment.

He love...

In fact, everyone at UU Reading www.uukā is focused on Kuangsan.

The speechless rules of the end black universe once again played a vital role.

"Charm" decides everything, just like Li Jiayu, as long as you are beautiful, even fate can "seduce..."

Some of the other forces who wanted to participate in the bonfire party quietly walked around the road, while others opened their eyes and were ready to watch a good show, but were quickly bluffed away by the gangsters.

Those who were a little conscientious among the forces in Xijiang City ran to the Xijiang University camp to inform them.

Soon, there were only two forces left on the scene.

Kuang San was speechless, lightly opened her lips, and said: "..."


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