Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

: Double again???/a>

Want to say goodbye,

I couldn’t sleep with the pain in my right shoulder blade last night. I went to the hospital today... Ordinary arthritis, nothing.


Waiting in line until I doubt life!

When I get home, it's noon.

Eat, wash your face, friends call, go to install the machine.

Fiddled for a long time... Go home and cut your hair, look at the time at half past five.

I hurriedly took a bath, and just put on my pants and got ready, my dad took me down to dinner again.

After all, the last night.

When I got home, I packed my clothes and removed the video card, feeling exhausted physically and mentally.

Go to bed, get up early tomorrow and go to school.

By the way, whoever says that college is easy, I will blow his head!

I swear!

A full week, almost full class! It's scarier than my high school! Because I didn't join the club, I could only earn credits by studying classes, and I was very tired.

Morning exercises at six o'clock in the morning, evening self-study from six o'clock to eight thirty, go back to the dormitory, take a shower and wash clothes.

Then slowly fell asleep to the accompaniment of the glory of the roommate king.

It will definitely be updated on weekends. At other times, I will try to keep it updated every day (although the possibility is extremely low.)

In fact, this book is like some book friends said, it is over a long time ago, and there is no point in delaying it.

To be honest, my mind is blank. The worldview has spread, and it is over now, how can it be over? How about writing a chapter casually, similar to the divine book of Niangmou? (The protagonist was so handsome by himself)

I am not in pain. To be honest, although I was very tired during the military training, I at least didn't lose my hair again!

Recalling my dark and thick "hair," I touched my head again...

I'm bald, but unfortunately I haven't gotten stronger.

So, is this book a eunuch?

Do not!

I will definitely finish writing this book, even if not many people read it.

That's it, everyone is destined to see you...

By the way, who is saying that college life is good, college is particularly easy, how is college, believe it or not, I will blow your head!


Ps. Good night everyone

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