Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 54: Legend II

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As the protagonist of the Mohei Universe, Li Jiayu summoned a legendary aura in the accidental collision. At the end of the main timeline, the consciousness of the Black Universe also slowed down the constraints of the power of the Kuangsan.

The earth...has completely accommodated legendary powerhouses!

Kuang San instantly raised his momentum to the pinnacle of the legend, and took one step further, which is a half-step epic!

Kuang San felt that an inexplicable consciousness had been paying attention to her, the momentum of the legendary peak gradually stabilized, and he did not take a step forward.

Once the upper limit of strength is raised again, Kuangsan will definitely be repelled from the main timeline by the end black universe consciousness.

However... the strength of the legendary pinnacle level can easily suppress any strong man on earth at this stage.


The slight noise changed Xiao Wanqing's face, and she glanced at the wall, and found that the collision of the two had already caused cracks in the wall!

The cracks are like continuously weaving spider webs, circle after circle, expanding without regularity!

"Banji! Protect Hongxia!"

The reason why they didn't feel too much pressure was because Kuang San resisted the breath of the demon lord.

But the violent energy of the two is still not the ability of an ordinary building.

In the great universe, vindictive energy is a kind of violent energy, and the strong will break the mountains and rivers and set the universe! It relies on its own energy to provoke the violent energy between heaven and earth.

The Profound Sky Continent, one of the lower realm planes at the same place, although its elemental power is not compatible with fighting energy, it is also a type of violent energy.

As for the evil dark power of the Demon Lord of the Abyss, there is no need to say more.

"Crack, click~"

Scalp-numbing voices continued to explode in the ears, and the soul power swept away. The mad three general Xiao Wanqing and others sent out of the building to confront the demonized Li Jiayu alone.

There were more and more cracks on the building, and finally, with a loud "bang", the gravel dust rose up, attracting the attention of many inheritors in Yulin City.

city ​​center.

Head Li, who just wanted to sit down, had an unstable foot, and his **** crossed the edge of the chair and fell to the floor fiercely!

The piercing pain from the tailbone was not as great as the fear that gradually spread in his heart.

" another legend?!"

The old friend who drank with Captain Li remained silent and did not laugh at Captain Li who was frightened. His right hand trembling constantly while holding the glass of wine had long betrayed his mood at this time.

The bosses of the major forces in Yulin City, one by one fell off the bed, or choked on drinks, or...

But their eyes are all focused on the place where the two legendary breaths erupted.

In the end what happened? !

The stronger the inheritors, the more fearful they are in their hearts. In Yulin and here, no one knows the destructive power of a legend better than them!

Regardless of whether the legend is a human or a worm, even a monster that is not alike can easily razed Yulin City to the ground!

But... two legends...

The dark knight Luo Peiyang, who had just put on his trousers, couldn't care about other things, staring blankly into the distance. With his eyesight, he could faintly see two monsters walking through the air!

They... are legends!

The black and red light curtain was distorted, and the light blue mist facing it did not let it go. The collision between the two brought great pressure to Luo Peiyang.

Under the carefully trimmed stubble, the raised apples moved up and down, and Luo Peiyang only felt his mouth dry and couldn't swallow any water at all.

"That...that's the Dark Knight?!" Luo Peiyang looked at the growing light blue mist, trembled, and stared at the legendary powerhouse with a profession similar to him. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Immediately, Luo Peiyang aimed at the black and red that was competing with Danlan. The monstrous blood and evil spirit contained incomparable heat. She was like a little sun! After that, it still exudes the charm of vicissitudes of life.

"That person... has at least three inheritances!"

Luo Peiyang was extremely sure.


The man's sturdy body trembled because he saw... those two surging weather breaths had already begun a small-scale tentative attack!

"This....... These two monsters are going to fight in Yulin City?!"

"Damn! Damn! Are they crazy!? Crazy! Crazy! Both..."

Luo Peiyang grabbed the tops on the hangers and didn't even look at the scarred boys and girls on the bed. He turned to break the glass and jumped easily from the upstairs to the ground.


Just as the past inheritors wanted to say hello, they saw Luo Peiyang turn into a black air and flew away into the distance!

The inheritors looked at each other, and at the same time looked up at the two "suns" in the distance.

"They... are they going to fight?"

"Listen to the captain, those are two legends..."


"Run quickly! Didn't you see that the leader had all escaped?!"

I don't know who said the words. These inheritors remembered the scenes they had seen in the inheritance. Their predecessors and teachers have not yet reached what level, let alone them? !

"Who will inform the army?"

"is that useful?"

"Yes, Shabi!"

"Hurry up and pack up things and run! Those two are more restrained in their shots, but who knows afterwards..."

"Boom! ~ Om-Om-Om -"

Before the inheritor could finish, the trembling aftermath of the two legends fighting each other, from the station of Xijiang University, rippled the entire Yulin City in a circle. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Some buildings that cut corners have collapsed one after another. Fortunately, there are no people living in these houses, otherwise...

The aftermath continued in a circle, people squeezed into the air-raid shelter like crazy, the army quickly organized the interception line, even the third-order inheritors did not dare to approach the battlefield easily.

"That's the resident location of Xijiang University?"

The clerk who recorded the populations of various forces wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, pointed to the signature on the paper, and confirmed to Head Li again.

Regiment Commander Li glanced at his old friend who was commanding the army in the distance, and waved his hand to let the counter leave.

‘Is one of the two legends a fallen angel? ’

‘The one who has left long ago, only the fallen angel is the closest to the legend! ’

Head Li thought to himself, looking into the distance...

Not every big boss has the courage to go personally, most people still send powerful subordinates to inquire about the news.

Those subordinates had to bite the with the surging weather radiated by the two legends, rushed to the station of Xijiang University.

Above the station, Black Red and Light Blue kept clashing in the sky. The seemingly fierce battle did not affect the mind of Kuang San in the slightest.

At this moment, Kuang San Dai frowned slightly, and with her strength, it was easy to kill the legendary demon lord.

But... how to get Li Jiayu back to normal is the most important thing.

Kuang San struggled to find from Mo Xiao's true spirit fragments, only vaguely remembering that it was the light force who saved Li Jiayu.

Only when Li Jiayu is alive can the progress of the plot be promoted normally, and she can enter the copycat moderator **** space more quickly.

Flashed the attack again, Kuangsan made up his mind.


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