Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Mountain River

The light stream flew straight above the battlefield, Li Jiayu didn't even care about what was underneath, and now she just wanted to figure out who the suspected mad three was?

And why did she become a woman? ! Why become a candidate for the Goddess of Light.

Doesn't this pull the calf? Epic gods are enshrined by hundreds of millions of worlds, how can they fall easily?

Suddenly, the speed of the light ahead slightly slowed down, and Li Jiayu was overjoyed, she could faintly see the figure wrapped in the divine glory.

Gritting his teeth and speeding up, the light and rain all over his body whirled, and the raindrops emitted by the light and divine power were more joyful for a time.

The figures of the two legendary tycoons quickly disappeared from the sky, and those corpses and zerg who were about to retreat, they deserved bad luck.

The rain of light containing rich light and divine power can have a "healing" effect on any creature.

However, if the creature itself contains attributes such as darkness, corrosion, etc., and has an evil aura, the response of "healing" will be even better! The light divine power will not spare a little bit of evil aura, it will purify the opponent completely and restore a healthy body.

But what are the corpses in the abyss and the zerg in the worm world?


Because Li Jiayu was moving at high speed, the light and rain that fell seemed to be even greater, and the corpses and zergs on the plain battlefield were crying and howling, and there were "sizzling" noises everywhere.

The black and purple gas purified by the light power floats to the sky, and the corpse races and zerg races that emit evil gas have already been turned into ashes, and they have been completely "purified by the light power!"

In the space wormhole, only a few corpse clan soldiers escaped back, but there were still countless corpse clan ready to go, and the darkness was crushed like a dark cloud, with no end in sight.

The king of the corpse clan with gold bones all over sticks out his head, feeling the light and divine power remaining in the air.

Stretching out the fingers and squeezing the raindrops, the corrosion sound immediately sounded.

Lifting his head, his gaze seemed to cross the sky, staring at the two legendary powerhouses of the same level.

"The king?" (Abyss language)

"Close the space wormhole, we will come again in two years." (Abyss language)

"But this is the best time to occupy the new time and space! The Zerg guys will never let go. Our corpse race needs a foothold in the new time and space!" (Abyss language)

"I don't want to repeat what I said a second time." (Abyss language)

The silver skeleton trembled, lowered his head, respectfully saying yes.

The corpse clan who went to earth for the first time retreated temporarily, and Li Jiayu didn't know how much he had contributed to mankind.

Kuang San continued to lead the "Goddess of Light," to let her brilliance spread to the earth and to more areas.

After destroying the Zerg army, Kuangsan changed direction, and Li Jiayu accidentally killed the Zerg mother emperor, making the land along the river extremely safe.

After that, the two traversed the land of China, set foot on the sea, and came to the area of ​​Yingzhou Island.

Here, Kuang San saw a new power, Shiyi, Shijiu, and Himura Sakura-kun, with the reserves of the Tokisaki consortium, established the strongest power on Yingzhou Island.

The zergs on the island were almost wiped out. In addition to the threatening wormholes, a small number of humans also appeared on the streets, and they are working hard to restore their homes.

Kuang San didn't perceive the breath of Old Man Tosaki, presumably he had already returned to heaven.

After all... the moment the time and space godhead was taken away by her, the power of the godhead was not taking care of the old man.

Kuangsan shook his small head and cleared the distracting thoughts from his mind. After crossing the Yingzhou Island, he made a roundabout and continued to fly towards the land of China.

Li Jiabei clenched her teeth, her thinking was so confused that she was unacceptable, and chasing that light and shadow had become all of her beliefs today.

Shizaki Building, Yingzhou Island.

The Tokisaki Consortium at this time has long ceased to exist, and even the iconic building has been cut off, showing the meaning of the ruin.

The breath of a legendary powerhouse made the three of them frown, and Sakura-kun Himura held down the long sword at his waist.

When the rain came and healed everything, Sakura-kun Himura closed his eyes and relaxed a lot for a while.

"I smelled a young lady." (Japanese)

Shiyi and Shijiu were silent.

"Is that really Missy?"

"Perhaps, the eldest lady is so talented, it's just a matter of time to become an epic god..."

"Miss, why didn't she come down and take a look..."

"Maybe the eldest lady... is there something unspeakable?"



The weird conversation between the three of them ended in a hasty way. Suddenly, the three of them turned into shadows and shot away into the distance at the same time!

The three of them have been to the beach, looking across the sea to the ancient land, a ripple in their hearts gradually.

‘Perhaps, after we become a legend, we will have a chance to meet Missy...’

Above the land of Shenzhou, through technological means, I saw the three red queen rubbing their chins. After highlighting Shiyi, Shijiu, and Sakura-kun Himura, they sent the coordinates of the next location to Kuangsan.

It is the mountain and river province that is equally severely affected!

Unlike Tiannan Province, Shanhe Province, because of Yang An, the "protagonist" who sits in town, as the son of destiny, he easily provokes the main beam and wins the zerg and corpse!

And Yang An himself is also a template of Long Aotian, taking hundreds of wives and concubines, and at the same time he is in power, and there are many top talents around him.

Just as Yang An's hard fight was over and he was about to go home to comfort his many sweet wives, the "Questioning Heart Mirror" suddenly showed a picture.

The light rain that heals all living beings, and the master of the light rain.

Yang An narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the person in the mirror who was obscured and distorted by the haze...

The tiger's body shook, and then shook!

Hold the mirror body tightly with both hands.

"When is she from this? Who is she chasing?"

Yang An didn't believe that there are legendary powerhouses in the world now, and with the reminder before asking the heart mirror, Yang An mistakenly thought that this was the future.

Just as Yang An looked obsessively at the person in the mirror, the mirror surface was rippling lightly like a lake, gradually showing the ancient words.

"The target is 1,800 kilometers away, and he is rapidly approaching the position of the mirror owner. The opponent is suspected to have undergone an abnormal change, so he obtained it in"

"What did you get?" Yang An's eyes and why? You made it clear! "

Yang An is anxious, is there a legend born at this stage? As the son of destiny, he couldn't reach that state, how could this be...

"One thousand eight hundred kilometers...Legendary...Bright power..." Yang An muttered softly, and the tiger's body shuddered suddenly.

Looking towards him, his jacket had long been shattered into pieces by the aftermath of the battle, and his lower body was only half of his trouser legs. The flowing blond hair was also stained with green blood stains and became the fashionable "forgiveness green" in the future.

Let him go to see the goddess like this?

Yang An jumped out of the battlefield in two steps. Without celebrating with others, he hurried back to the luxurious palace built for him.

Others were suspicious, "Major General Yang An what happened today?"

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid it's not that Major General Yang An hasn't killed enough bugs, he's too eager to let go, and he's about to go home to have a good discussion with his wife and concubines..."

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