Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 65: the truth

? Kuang San narrowed his eyes and said: "This time, I am here to satisfy your cautious wish."

‘Be careful? ! Yang An's eyes widened, like a child, looking expectantly at the divine girl not far in front of him.

‘Hahahahaha, I really have the destiny, the son of destiny! Even Kuangsan who became a goddess can't stop my charm! I must......'

Kuang San couldn't know Yang An's thoughts, but he also knew something from the expression on the opponent's face.

Kuang San was very disgusted.

She didn't have the slightest consciousness. From Kuangsan's point of view, once Li Jiayu, who possesses the aura of "the first beauty under the stars", appeared, she could instantly suppress her sense of existence to a minimum. At that time, Yang An's attention will also shift from herself to Li Jiayu, and she will fall in love with each other madly, making countless promises...

As for whether Li Jiayu will have blue veins on her head and slap Yang An into meat sauce, Kuang San is not known.

She just wants to promote the progress of the plot, not to mention... Yang An as the "protagonist," how can she not have the protagonist's halo?

Later, I will fall in love with Li Jiayu and kill him... Kuang San himself can make up an epic masterpiece with a length of tens of millions of words!

When Kuangsan was immersed in his wild fantasies, Yang An straightened his back, restoring his embarrassed self to a handsome and unrestrained appearance.

The sword eyebrows are lightly raised, and the star eyes are full of spirit. Yang An thinks that he has achieved the ultimate in the word "handsome".

It's been a long time since he used his own charm to tease his sisters. For women, it is often only a small thing that touches them. If you can do countless small things well, congratulations, you will be beautiful.

Yang An thought about it. Before the end of the world, some of the women he had soaked in admired his talent for driving Ferrari with one hand, some were infatuated with his body, and some were fascinated by his coquettish hairstyle.

However, this is not the point.

Yang An looked directly at Kuangsan, and the girl tilted her head slightly, as if waiting for his answer.

Yang An's heartbeat suddenly intensified, thinking, ‘how can those ordinary people compare to Kuangsan, and how can mortals understand the preferences of gods? I should... let Kuangsan feel my connotation! Let Kuangsan personally touch my fraternity soul! ’

Thinking of this, Yang An finally opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth in an arc, revealing a self-confident but evil smile.

"Dear Miss Tokisaki, can I call you Kazami? This is my little wish."

Yang An's eyes were sincere, pious, and without a trace of desire, Kuang San looked at the tiger-backed but polite "gentleman," and couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth.

Yang An is indeed very handsome, but this standard Long Aotian template also makes Kuangsan deeply doubt the aesthetics of Mohei universe consciousness.

There is no doubt that Yang An is in estrus with her. Thanks to his own powerful strength, Yang An's three auras have been exhausted, and they have not been able to cause much effect, so the kid did not dare to move strong. Now I can only use "self charm."

Kuang San turned his head in disgust. Among the men she knew, even Xiao Yan and Lin Dong were much better than Yang An.

Maybe... "Yang An" was born just to please the existence of Mohei Universe Consciousness...

Maybe, like Yang An, he also exists to please some creatures, and he is not qualified to laugh at each other.

After all, everyone just wants to live.

Kuangsan turned his head in disgust, and in Yang An's brain, he naturally became the appearance of a young girl holding the spring, shyly looking at herself.

Even Kuang San's white and pretty face was blushed by Yang An's fantasy.

‘Sure enough, women are emotional animals, and even gods can’t avoid it! ’

Yang An cheered himself up in his heart. From his point of view, it was only a matter of time before the beauty he hugged was returned. There is no woman he can't handle in this world!

Perhaps in a certain timeline, even the black and white Jiayu couldn't refuse Yang An. It might even open the Crystal Palace and create a dynasty that was immortal for billions of years.

but! Kuangsan is not a creature of the end black universe.

Under the illumination of Shenhui, all the places where the light touched were controlled by Kuangsan. Yang An's three auras did not have any effect on her at all. Even if Yang An said the flowers, Kuangsan would not be moved.

Yang An saw the reaction of Kuangsan, "Evil Charm"'s smile stretched again, and when he was about to speak, he heard the sound of the film breaking.


"You...Kuang San, tell me what's going on?!"

Just a moment later, Li Jiayu in bright form chased Kuang San, and stretched out his hand to burst the divine radiance.

The flawless pretty face was slightly hideous, with a trace of hostility lingering around him.

Kuangsan frowned slightly, Li Jiayu's mentality was on the verge of collapse. At this time, let her see her enemies in her previous life, wouldn't it be more irritating to her nerves?

With the power of the light and divine power, even the scum that was enough to purify Yang An at this time was not left.

"Yo~ is this Kuang San your friend?"

Yang An greeted Li Jiayu quite familiarly after a brief period of stunnedness.

"Go away!"

Li Jiayu's willow eyebrows were erected, and the bright divine power of circulation and body surface immediately gushed out, and instantly hit Yang An's chest!


When the explosion sounded, Yang An's figure had long been embedded into the thick city wall.

You Baojia received a blow for him, and Yang An was seriously injured, but his life was not in danger.

"Kuang San! You must be Kuang San, right?" The expression on Li Jiayu's pretty face was slightly broken, like a wife who caught her husband's affair.

This picture reminded Kuang San of "Gui Yanye" in Mo Xiao's memory.

"You must know something? Tell me, tell me, please tell speak!"

Li Jiayu's eyes widened, and the light divine power exploded, using only energy bombardment, and blasted straight towards Kuang San.




The inheritors who were kneeling on the ground did not dare to raise their heads, Kuang San dodged the attack lightly, letting those light divine powers compressed to a high concentration bombard the distance.

The female emperor's worm nest and the corpse clan wormhole passage in Shanhe Province were all cleansed by Li Jiayu.

For a while, Li Jiayu sweated on her forehead, and the half of the light godhead in her body also There was a heavy breath in her small mouth, and the gas came out with the light power that Li Jiayu could not control.

"calm down."

Kuangsan said: "As long as you beat me, I will tell you everything."



Kuangsan smiled: "What about your own light spiral? Why don't you use it? There should not be a minority of the bright camp powerhouses you are fighting against? Even Aunt Xiao's technique of using light power, do you know a little bit? "

"Come on, feel the light godhead in your body..."

"Charm" gradually affected Li Jiayu, and those who possessed the divine power of light gradually calmed down, closed their eyes and felt the divine personality of light...

Suddenly, Li Jiayu opened her eyes wide and looked at the city wall.


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