Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 1: "Reincarnation" (one/three)

? The three traction beams seem to run through the sky, human beings in front of them, not even ants.

Kuangsan raised his head, his snow-white neck was exposed, revealing a color from the sacred breath.

Looking directly at the beam of light, Kuangsan felt the power of time and space transition from it, and the three beams of light faced her, Li Jiayu, Yang An and others.

Definitely the handwriting of "destiny"!

That bad old man was very bad, seeing that the situation was not right, he wanted to throw all of them into the space of the Shanzhai Moderator God.

But... this is exactly what she wants.

The divine brilliance of the whole body gradually converges, and the soul power is attached to the surface of the physical body, and on it is a thin layer of divine brilliance particles to protect the physical body.

The "destiny" at this time was no more than epic high-level, at most half step into transcendence, under the full eruption, Kuang San was still confident that he could escape.

The huge traction beam pierced through the sky and shot directly towards the mountains, rivers and provinces of the earth, so many inheritors saw this scene.

Many people are directly scared of incontinence!

They haven't slowed down from the power of the legendary level, how come there are methods comparable to the epic gods?

In these last days, human beings... is there really a way to survive?

No matter what other people think, Kuangsan is enveloped in a beam of light, and there is no attack energy in the beam of light. The energy simply distorts time and space, and even separates a small strand to protect Kuangsan.

As the world turned around, Kuang San saw the last scene in the dilapidated city.

The beam of light that enveloped Li Jiayu was torn in half by the erupting divine power of the goddess of light. Li Jiayu, who was in the form of the goddess of light, was in a sharp decline, her pretty face was pale, and her original cherry-red lips were even worse. No blood at all.

And then... the light divine power wrapped Li Jiayu who was in a coma, and flew directly in the direction he came...

It seems that Li Jiayu's dear sister-chan, does not want to send Li Jiayu into the space of the main **** of "destiny".

The light godhead erupted, and Li Jiayu escaped. It only happened for a moment. The inheritors only saw the beam of light torn and twisted, and there was no more text.

On the other side, Yang An, who was extremely close to Li Jiayu, was also shrouded by a beam of light. The wives and concubines who came to the rescue exerted extraordinary powers in their whole body, and could not get close to the beam of light. .

With Kuangsan's eyesight, you can clearly see Yang An's damaged baby inner armor, and the internal organs are even more confused. Only one heart is beating weakly, supplying blood to the whole body, making Yang An survived until now.

However, as the "son of Destiny", Yang An will easily heal his injuries and help him find some powerful reincarnation girlfriends by the way...

This kind of routine has long been seen through Kuangsan, Yang An's sweet wives and concubines are still crying, and the numb and panic expressions of many inheritors in Shanhe Province are all seen by Kuangsan.

Right now, Kuang San gave up resistance, Shenhui Particles defended himself, and he obeyed the traction of the beam of light, twisting time and space, and came to a dark and cold place.

In an instant, Kuang San converged the divine radiance particles into his body, using his soul power to trap these deified factors.

At the moment, a beautiful girl wearing a jk uniform and stepping on black silk appeared on the ice-cold splint.

It was cold and humid, and there was still a slight smell of blood in the air.

For Kuangsan, this is harmless, but for ordinary people, it is the ultimate torture comparable to a horror movie scene.

Kuang San kept closing her eyes and did not release her soul power. She was trying to establish contact with the Red Queen.

The little fellow of the Red Queen did not follow her to the "main **** space," but continued to stay on the earth in the main timeline of the end black, staying with Xiao Wanqing and others.

Judging from the speculation data given by the Red Queen, it is very likely that the "Master God Space" was not created by "Destiny", but rather imitated the works of other forces.

A large number of planes are projected in the Suehoku Universe, including Dragon Ball, Naruto, Inuyasha...

Even in the inheritance, various energies such as magic, fighting spirit, and vitality appeared.

Not to mention the different worlds of epic gods and beliefs, it is endless.

If there is a projection of "infinite horror" in such a huge universe, Kuang San is not surprised.

After "Destiny" is busy all day long, it is impossible to monopolize the "Main God Space," and the "Main God" in the "Main God Space" is just an operating mechanism, just like other reincarnations have guessed. A rigid computer with amazing computing power.

Of course, the "destiny" as the master of the "main god" naturally has all the powers.

The identity of Kuang San in the main timeline is the powerhouse of another world summoned by Li Jiayu.

The mere "legendary", of course, is not put in the eyes of "destiny", attracting the traction beam, but it is just easy to do.

legend? Powerful people of this level belong to mass-manufactured products in the main **** space. Only by becoming an epic **** can we provide some help to "destiny".

After ensuring that Yang An is safe and sound, "Fate" waved his hand and let the immortal venerable monitor the main **** space on his behalf, and then escaped into the endless darkness and made some plans against the gods...

As an epic god, Xianzun can see Tokazaki Kakuzo's "true strength" at a glance.

I saw the immortal venerable stroked his beard, and immediately made a decision. He pointed out, controlled the main god, and changed the world of this cute new team led by a senior...


The train continued to move forward, cold, dark, and wet.

Among them, there was an unknown smell of rust, which made Zheng Sheng very uncomfortable.

The icy splint under his body was taking away his poor body temperature all the time, and the goose bumps were layer after layer.

Finally, the cold stimulus hit the brain nerves, causing Zheng Sheng to open his eyes wide, and a carp reflexed like a carp to get out of the cold splint.

"Yes, you are the best in this group of people."

Before Zheng Sheng could come back to his senses, a rough voice suddenly poured into his ears.

For a moment, he seemed to figure out where he was.

His body was trembling Zheng Sheng raised his head, and sure enough, on the seat on the other side of the train, there was a fierce-looking strong man sitting.

There was a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and the rising white smoke made the man half-squinted his eyes.

From the chin, the mouth, and then to the ears, a scar penetrated most of the man's face, making the already vicious face even more hideous.

However, these are not what Zheng Sheng cares most about, his eyes are slightly downward, and the murderous man clearly holds a pistol in his hand!

Judging from the appearance... it looks like a desert eagle with great reputation.

Zheng Sheng turned his head, there were still a few people lying scattered in the carriage, all of them looked like ordinary people.

A young girl in a jk uniform lay on the other side, her face covered with long hair.

Zheng Sheng looked straight at the vicious man, his face trembling.

"Just kidding..."

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