Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 7: 4th true ancestor

Combining the thinking mode provided by Mo Xiao in his brain, Kuang San believes that young girls are also an important role, and they can even act as heroines or important supporting actresses in the drama.

A female student with a certain strength, holding a powerful weapon, and a cute appearance that can be seen as an important role...

The suspected vampire **** grabbed the girl's shoulder with one hand, and another orc youth also wanted to push forward. As a result, a small breeze blew through, and the pink under the skirt corners flashed into everyone's eyes.



The girl took the lead, using her skills to throw the vampire aside, and using a technique similar to that of dark power to easily knock the young orc into the air!

The young man hitting the fly slammed into the street lamp by the side of the road. Under the impact of external force, he could no longer maintain his human form, and the appearance of the orc could not help showing up.

On the other side, a young man with silver hair and a normal white sweater entered Kuangsan's sight.


The opponent's body, like Xiao Nasha, possesses a huge amount of magic power and is genetically a vampire. He is the most powerful vampire Kuang San has ever seen since he came to this world.

But... the opponent just used brute force without any skills at all.

There is no bright spot in the body method, just relying solely on its huge power to cause a rapid sprint effect.

"Detection of abnormal magic power, please go to the shelter as soon as possible from the surrounding people."

"Abnormal detected......"×N

The roadside radio began to broadcast, and the street shops were all locked. A large number of people burst out of the street with few people just now, rushing to the so-called "refuge."

The silver bracelet on the vampire’s wrist was shining crazily, and purple inflammation emerged from the soles of the feet, gradually forming a horse-shaped alien beast with strange purple inflammation on its feet!

"Unexpectedly release the beasts in the downtown area!..."

From the dialogue between the girl and the vampire, Kuang San got a lot of information, and when the girl took out the weapon from the guitar backpack, Kuang San slightly became interested.

As she had guessed, the weapon was designed to grow into a spear shape, and the superimposed formation had a magic-breaking effect. The beast of the vampire **** was forcibly sent back to a different space after only blocking it for a moment.

Just when the girl wanted to kill the vampire, the young man who was optimistic about the madness easily blocked the shooter of the demon weapon.

The girl's body was tense, her calves and waist exerted force, pulled away in twos and threes, and jumped onto the van where they were...

The crowd of cute new people in the car held their breath, and even the gazes peeping out of the window were temporarily lowered.

Zheng Sheng and others would not think that their neck would be harder than a sharp blade!

The two people who were diametrically opposed to each other, after the youth forcibly explained a wave, the girl decisively packed up and left.

The silver-haired youth put on a hood and whispered a few words.

Just as everyone in the car thought that everything was over, the silver-haired young man seemed to have discovered something suddenly and walked towards the van.

Everyone held their breath again, and Zhang Jie's face was even more serious, holding the desert eagle tightly in his hand.

Before reaching the van, the silver-haired youth suddenly squatted down and picked up something from the ground.

"Ji Tuan Xuelai, she is also a student of Caihai Academy, is she in Class C of the third year? Find a chance to give her back..."

The silver-haired young man said a few words to himself, slipped his wallet into his trouser pocket, turned and walked, leaving behind a messy scene.


Heavy gasps filled the entire carriage, and Zheng Sheng touched his hair, which was already wet with sweat. It was the first time to see extraordinary power at close range. For these ordinary people, the impact was too great.

No matter how you imagine it in your mind, you still can't experience the suffocating oppression and excitement without the experience of where you are. If you let them know that there is a strong person around them who can easily burst stars, I don't know how they would feel...

"He... has he gone?"

"Long gone."

"In other words, they didn't find us just now?"

The fat house swallowed and pointed to the sticker on the car window, "Maybe it's because of this thing that they didn't see us, right?"

Zhang Jie was silent. How could such a strong person not find someone in the car?

Kuang San still sat alone in the corner, silently retracting the Yuanli barrier.

"It was really dangerous just now, what kind of beast, it can definitely crush our car with one kick!"

"Isn't it possible? The beast is just a little bigger, at best, it's a strange horse that is full of fire."

"Can you beat it?"



Zhang Jie's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "The Lord God has released a mission, don't make a noise!"

After all, first close your eyes and immerse your consciousness in the content delivered by the main **** watch.

Everyone else followed suit, and Kuangsan was no exception.

Task name: Empire of Night

Introduction: The fourth true ancestor, Yan Guang's Ye Bo, chose a shameless high school student as his successor. There was no one around Xinwang at this time, and it was a good time to gain trust.

Goal: To gain the trust of the fourth true ancestor Xiao Ancient City and help it build the Empire of Night. At least one person in the team was personally converted into a pure blood vampire by the Fourth True Ancestor.

Reward: Based on the degree of completion.

As everyone woke up one by one, frowning and thinking, Kuang San was still immersed in the task.

However, this mission was promulgated by the Ten Thousand Realms Origin System.

Goal: Get the blood of the four true ancestors, and also try to kill the true ancestors.

Reward: Based on the degree of completion.

Kuangsan opened his eyes and tried to kill the true ancestor with the strength of her legendary pinnacle. It might be a little tricky. The true ancestor of vampires usually has extremely tenacious vitality and needs magic weapons similar to those in the hands of girls to assist.

In the carriage, Zhang Jie saw everyone waking up one by one, so he opened his mouth and said, "Do you have any suggestions? Tell them all."

"That silver-haired high school student just now was the fourth true ancestor?"

Zhang Jie glanced at Zheng Sheng, "He is indeed called Xiao Gucheng."

"Uh... it should be easy to cheat the trust of a high school student? The establishment of an empire that never sleeps... Judging from the performance of the fourth true ancestor just now, it is not particularly powerful.. ...."

"I suggest that we still look up information from the Internet first, and then make plans." Feizhai rarely interrupted.

"I agree with Li Kuangsan opened his mouth to support Fei Zhai.

Zhang Jie said that it doesn't matter, "You know each other's address information, and when you are free tomorrow, you will all come to my house to discuss the plan."


"it is good!"

Before leaving, Kuang San deliberately glanced at Fei Zhai, and intuitively told her that Fei Zhai was very likely to understand the world.


As night fell, Kuangsan came to his residence, and happened to live next to Xiao Nasha. Kuang San took out the key from his skirt pocket and gently rubbed his finger on the soft and smooth chin.


The sounds on both sides sounded at the same time, and then a small head appeared from the crack in the door on the other side.

"Huh? Sanjiang, you are finally here!"

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