Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 20: The Lion King Dating Agency

? "I'm just a regular high school student, how can I understand the aura of a big man?"

Xiao Gucheng became more and more helpless. This kind of handle fell on Tokisaki, and he always felt that it was a particularly troublesome thing.

Fortunately, Kuangsan didn't intend to continue to entangle on this topic, and instead asked: "Are you really going to face head-on with the remnants of the Black Death Royal faction? They are terrorists!"

"What can we do? The Black Death Emperor sent those guys to Xianjin Island to be uneasy and kind. These terrorists do nothing at all. I naturally..."

Kuang San narrowed his eyes, "Isn't the senior high school student just a regular high school student? This kind of thing is handed over to a special violent agency, such as...the official forces behind Shelley sauce."

"I don't disagree with the strength of Shelley sauce, but there should be masters in the official power? I don't think the official magic attacker organization can't manage it. After all, the area of ​​Yingzhou Island and Xianjin Island... .."

"Could it be... the official forces also want to learn from the United States and become a role like the'world police'?"

"I'm afraid the current strength can't support the ambition that has been hidden for many years, right?"

Ji Tuan Xuelai opened his mouth, trying to say something to refute, but he just couldn't find any suitable reason.

There are many masters in the Lion King agency, are they all stationed on Yingzhou Island?

But why after the Black Death Sect infiltrated Jin Xian Shen Island, it was not the Lion King agency that issued a warning, but the Lord Vatra visited Xian Shen Island?

Could it be true that, as Toshisaki said, the Lion King mechanism...Is it right? Ji Tuan Shelley hurriedly shook his head.

"Because the senior is the fourth true ancestor, he is located in the area where the outside world..."

Before Ji Tuan Shelley finished speaking, Kuang San sneered, "You want to say that Xian Shen Island is the night empire territory of Senior Akatsuki?"

"This small place is not worthy of the identity of the fourth true ancestor of Senior Akatsuki, Yan Guang's Ye Bo."

"Since it is the territory of Senior Akatsuki, why did Duke Vatra's request for visit be sent to Yingzhou instead of Senior Akatsuki here?"

"This...this...but Nianjinshi is still managed by Tokyo!"

"Heh~ It's also fortunate that the fourth true ancestor is Akatsuki-senpai. If you change to another true ancestor, the official organization behind you is completely signaling that you want to start war.

"How is it possible? The Lion King agency clearly sent me to monitor the senior. If the senior has anything..."

"Huh?" Kuangsan smiled more intensely, "If you don't say I can guess, Shelley sauce carrying a guitar backpack all day is too conspicuous. What's more, you think the true ancestor can really be killed by a special weapon. Isn’t it too naive? The fourth true ancestor is called the strongest vampire."

"If Yingzhou's scientific research institutions are really capable of developing weapons that kill the true ancestors, the world will be uneasy for a long time. Where else will the cute girls of the 28th year be sent to lurking next to the fourth true ancestor?"

"Is your Lion King mechanism floating, or the fourth true ancestor can't lift the sword?"

Kuang San closed his eyes, "Now I have connected the general clues, Ji Tuan, you are both lucky and sad."

"Senior high school students like Xiao, obviously have more topics between the same sex. Wouldn't it be better for the Lion King agency to send men of the same age with special talents?"

"But sending a woman, and she is a cute-looking girl who is loyal to the agency, this matter is very intriguing."

Kuang San stepped forward and leaned forward slightly, his burgundy eyes looked directly at Ji Tuan Shelley.

"The purpose of the Lion King mechanism is to allow you to capture the heart of the fourth true ancestor in disguise, so that the fourth true ancestor will fall in love with you and fall in love with you. After all, this is irresistible to a 16-year-old perverted male high school student. Temptation."

Xiao Gucheng was silent.

"What about after you fall in love with you? The Lion King organization began to exert strength. They may have several plans. I can't guess what they are, but the most important plan is definitely to help Senior Xiao build the Empire of Night!"

"After establishing the Empire of Night, as the true ancestor, as one of the most important women around the king, Shelley is the best candidate for the princess."

"The princess of the Night Empire turned out to be a witch from another country's official organization. Isn't this... ironic?"

"But these are not important. The important thing is that you have become a princess and even gave birth to the king." Kuang San glanced at Xiao Gucheng, and said lightly: "That's enough."

"The Lion King agency will use your memories, your gratitude, and your loyalty in exchange for friendship or important information in the new Empire of Night."

"This is just a process of benefit exchange."

"Shelley, you are unfortunately chosen as a victim."

"On the other hand, you are lucky. Your relationship with Xiao-senpai is not adulterated. You are in love with someone who also loves you."

"At that time, Senior Akatsuki will mature and become a real big person who calls the wind and the rain, and at the same time cares for you in every possible way, the purpose of the Lion King organ will be completely achieved."

"At that time, the Lion King agency can change its name, about the Lion King Dating Agency?"

Xiao Gucheng and Ji Tuan Shelley still wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, Tokisaki said nothing wrong! It is fully in line with the political needs of a country.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Ji Tuan Xuelai, who was sitting on the sofa, was even more icy. When the facts were opened up naked again, no one provided her with warmth.

Suddenly, Ji Tuan Shelley's eyes became more awkward, "Tokisaki, how do you know these things?"


Ji Tuan Xuelai still stared at Kuang San, his body muscles tensed, and Kuang San's answer just now did not satisfy her.

"Okay, okay, it's time for me to confess too." The girl blinked, looking extra playful.

Speaking of it, "I still have the same attributes as the childhood sweetheart of the perverted senior~"

"Huh?" Xiao Gucheng was puzzled and chose to continue listening.

Kuangsan stood up, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and bowed slightly.

"Introducing myself, I am a hacker, codenamed'Queen'."

"Since the last time I hacked the school area network, I discovered some little secrets, such as those of Senior Xiao and Senior Sister Lan Yu~ or the principal~"

"Sure enough, childhood sweethearts lost to heaven and justice."

Xiao Gucheng and Ji Tuan Xuelai were taken aback, UU reading immediately realized that Ji Tuan Xuelai’s face burned like a monkey butt!

"It's a pity that Senior Sister Lan Yu has an artificial intelligence monster to help her, so she's so angry."



Xiao Gucheng and Ji Tuan Shelley walked together again, and they were silent for a long time.

"Senior, is what Tosaki said is true?"

"Uh...I didn't even think about building the Empire of Night or something."

"Huh! Perverted senior, you know what I'm talking about! Goodbye!"



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