Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Beast? Taixu Gulong!

Nalakweiler’s form is like a big spider. Xiao Gucheng and Huangsaka Saya Hua both felt extremely difficult to fight. When Gardoxiu appeared in the Queen’s machine, the area where Xiao Gucheng was located immediately surrounded him. A circle of "big spider."

Narakweiler's armor is very hard, even if it is the "Xuexia Wolf" dedicated to destroying demons, it is impossible to leave a trace on it.

Even if an attack can easily break the armor, Narakweiler will repair it on its own and will be immune to the same attack method next time.

Neither Kuang San nor Xiaohong Empress knew the specific source of Narakweiler's energy, so Kuangsan was very interested in being able to "infinitely resurrect" Narakweiler.

"Senior, you are holding on for a while! I have already got Narakweiler's self-destruction program from Lan Yu-senpai, as long as it can be thrown into the queen machine, all Narakweiler will self-destruct!"

The voice of Ji Tuan Shelley came over the radio. After Xiao Gucheng and Huangsaka Saiyahua heard it, their spirits were shocked!

Just when Xiao Gucheng wanted to summon the beast again, a black stream of light suddenly fell from the sky!


The black mist and smoke brought by the explosion were directly washed away, and Huangsaka Saiyaka blocked the front of the ancient city of Xiao, using the peculiarities of his weapon to remove the aftermath of the impact.

When the dust dissipated, Xiao Gucheng faintly saw the figure of the man in black from a badly damaged Narakweiler.

When the man turned his head, Xiao Gucheng's pupils shrank suddenly!

"It's you!--"

Outside the battlefield, Duke Vatola frowned in a white suit.

"Hey! Mr. over there, you seem to have crossed the line!"

"This is the battlefield of the Fourth True Ancestor, you..."

The man in black disappeared instantly, leaving only the black thread in the air for half a second.

Vatola, who had always been light and windy, was startled, and took a half step back.

At this moment, Mo Xiao suddenly appeared in front of him, staring at him with deep eyes.

"Now it's my responsibility."

The man seemed to be narrating a trivial matter.

Vatola gathered magic power and seemed to want to summon the beast.

"Sir, don't you respect the fourth true ancestor?"

Mo Xiao glanced at him faintly, then turned and left, "Do you want to die?"

"Then it depends on your qualifications!"

Vatola summoned two beasts, and the beasts were in the shape of a snake. The two giant snakes quickly entangled, swallowing each other's magic power, and quickly merged together.

The magic power of the beast is overflowing, showing the power of the beast itself.

Vatola took off the sunglasses with a serious look, "If you want to interfere with the battlefield, you have to fight with me first!"

"Oh?" Mo Xiao looked up at the aura of the beast, and let out a "tsk tusk" sigh, "It's interesting."

"I don't know who is stronger compared with this thing?"

Mo Xiao stretched his hand upwards, the stars outside the earth seemed to be inspired, but in the broad daylight, even if Vatola had good eyesight, he could not pass through the atmosphere, through the vast universe, and see the light of the stars.

"Snake charmer, do you know? Three thousand flames are formed, silver fire falls from the sky, and the land of thousands of miles is like a desert. The day and night are not divided, the stars are not visible, and the sun cannot shine."

Vatola squinted, "Sorry, I have lived for so many years, and I have heard of such strangeness."

Mo Xiao laughed, "Just treat it as a legend in another dimension."

"In the beginning, the Three Thousand Yanyan Fire was raised by the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, because there was a dragon mark in the body, so when it appeared, the shape was similar to the Taixu Ancient Dragon."

"Unfortunately, there is a fire of three thousand flames in my hand."

As soon as Mo Xiao's words fell, it seemed as if the silver light from the stars fell from the sky, all gathered in Mo Xiao's hands.

Immediately, the silver light changed, and the purple and black flames burned.


A dragon chant sounded, not only the small artificial island, but the Xianjin Island is also within the range of shock!

The purple and black fire, which was originally well-behaved in Mo Xiao's hands, soared into the sky in one fell swoop, and gradually gave birth to a huge monster!

The power of the stars all over his body surged, and the huge Taixu Ancient Dragon hovered in the sky, and his majestic eyes glanced at Watola's Fusion Beast from time to time.

The fusion beasts huddled together, carefully staring at the purple-black dragon-shaped monster.

There is a huge gap between the two in terms of size alone.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon, which has been transformed by the fire of three thousand Yanyan flames, can provide a small artificial island with the effect of shielding the sky and sun just by moving its body.

The ancient city of Xiao and Galduo Xiu stopped at the same time on the battlefield, looking at the sky with incredible expressions.

"Then...what kind of monster is that!"

Xiao Gucheng shuddered suddenly.

"Is that thing really a favored beast? Could it be a favored beast of other true ancestors?! It... the energy in its body is simply..."

Galdorius was stunned in the queen's machine, "God, what a powerful energy, what a mighty posture! I...if I could have this kind of power..."

At this time, after Nangong sent several of his students to a safe area that month, he used space spells to transfer himself over.

She was still dressed in Gothic costume, and she had a small umbrella more than usual.

She could clearly feel the power of the space circulating on the behemoth.

This is a beast related to flames and space!

However, the main characteristic of Sanqianyanyanhuo is immortality.

Nangong looked at the man manipulating the beast that month, and saw that the man randomly found a slate and sat down, looking bored in every way.

"Sir, this is Xianjin Island."

Mo Xiao glanced at her strangely, "I know."

Nangong frowned that month, feeling quite tricky.

She felt stronger pressure from this man than the true ancestor. Especially the giant hovering in the sky, no one knows how much disaster it will bring to Xianjin Island with a random blow.

"This is not a private territory. If your Excellency insists on doing so, it is like declaring war head-on!"

"But that kid can use the beast at will."

Mo Xiao pointed to the ancient city of Xiao in the battlefield.

"By the way, there is the little girl over there, don't move!"

Taixu Gulong seemed to feel the man's mood swings, his body suddenly turned, and the huge dragon head approached Ji Tuan Xuelai who was running.

Ji Tuan Xuelai hurriedly opened The tip of the gun pointed at the sky, seeing the giant beast slowly approaching, Ji Tuan Xuelai's pretty face was sweaty, holding Xuexialang's double The arm trembles too much.


The dragon swam up the sky again, and the sonic boom sounded instantaneously, but Ji Tuan Xuelai could no longer hold it, and collapsed directly on the ground as a duck.


Gasping for breath, sweat dripped on the ground, his eyes trembled, and he was obviously frightened.

Not far away, Hwangsaka Saiyaka was taken aback, and hurriedly ran over here, "Shelley!"

Seeing this scene, the expression on Nangong's Yueqiao's face became even more gloomy.

"Your Excellency seems to have passed..."


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