Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 34: Daytime

"This... how is this possible?!"

Standing on the hovercraft, Xiansheng Ye was shocked. He saw the angelic Xia Yin not appearing in the posture of a "masked man", but facing everyone in the form of a real angel.

The Demon woman's long spear that fought with Ji Tuan Shelley swept away, and after pushing back the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism, she quickly jumped onto the hovercraft.

The orc man who was not far from Kuangsan looked fierce and threw forward, wanting to take Kuangsan first!


The beam of light containing the sacred breath instantly penetrated the heart of the orc man.

Kuang San raised his head and looked at the "angel in the sky." The attack just now was made by Xia Yin.

Soon, Kuang San lowered his head, because from her angle, it was easy to spy on Xia Yin's ****.

The chaotic battle in the field stopped like this, and the expression on the face of the demon girl was very embarrassing.

"Yase Xiansheng, give me an explanation!"

At this time, Ye Lai Xiansheng opened his eyes wide, even if the light from Xia Yin in the form of an angel pierced his pupils, he did not blink.

I don't know if it is emotional or stinged by the light, Ye Lai shed tears...


The demon girl snatched the controller from Xiansheng Ye's hand and pressed it violently at Natsuyane Yeze!


"Angel" hugged his head, but his expressionless and pretty face made people feel grief.

The sacred aura fluctuated violently, and even Kuang San's expression changed.

This kind of scene is exactly the same as the earth in the main timeline of Suehoku!

Li Jiayu also activated the Godhead of Light in front of her, and she was also backlashed by the Godhead of Light, and the few divine particles left in her body resurrected, making her transformed into a substitute for gods again.

"Hahahahaha! You all have to die here! Xia Yin, what are you waiting for? Kill those people!"

The demon girl laughed arrogantly, ignoring the mourning "angels" in the sky.

The other dozens of "Mask Recoverers" did not dare to approach, hiding far away, and the pretty faces behind the masks were full of horror!

"Huh?" The demon girl glanced at her eyes, did not think of any good idea, pressed the controller in her hand again, and let the dozens of "mask reclaimers" fight together.

"There are only a dozen fakes, it should be able to evolve a second-class angel, right?"

Xiansheng Ye Lai came back to his senses, looked at the survivors who were fighting, and yelled at the demon girl: "Madman! You crazy man! They don't have Aldikia's blood in their bodies!"

"Oh?" The demon girl grinned upwards, "Doctor, didn't I tell you? Is the queen of the Nordic Kingdom of Aldikia-La Flea Lichban also on this deserted island?"


"Let the second angel catch her, how about we experiment with that female cousin?"

The following Nangong became more and more alarmed that month. The emperor of the Aldikia Kingdom came to visit Xianjin Island. If there is an accident within Xianjin Island, the public image that Xianjin Island has finally established will be burned.

Nangong disappeared in that month, and when he reappeared, he was already above the hovercraft.

The purple formation was entrenched on it, and a large number of chains protruded from it, binding Ye Lai Xiansheng in the blink of an eye.

But... Nangong's movements that month resembled the shots of a starting gun in a 100-meter race, which instantly attracted the eyes of the "angel".

The wings spread out, six brilliant and colorful "eyes" opened, and the light inside flickered, and beams of sacred power gushing out!

Nangong's complexion changed that month, and she performed space magic and jumped to the other side.

In the next instant, the light beam penetrated the hovercraft and burst into the sea!

During the undulating waves, the entire damaged hovercraft was lifted off and hit the rocks on the distant beach.

With a "bang", the explosion came.

"Xiao Gucheng, summon the beast to deal with her!"

The fourth true ancestor who had been standing by and watching, acting as a melon-eating crowd finally reacted and took two steps forward, summoning "the gold of the lion" and "the crimson of the two horns."

The two beasts attacked Haze Natsuyin back and forth, but they failed to cause the slightest harm to the "angel".

Kensheng Yeze, who was tightly entangled in chains, looked crazy and laughed loudly: "It's useless! It's useless! Although I don't know how Xia Yin completed her own evolution, but! She has evolved into an angel! It's Gao Dimensional existence! Even if your attacks could destroy the earth, you would never want to hurt Xia Yin's hair!"

"Hahahaha! Xia Yin is immortal! What the fourth true ancestor, what gap witch, what Mo Xiao, it is all clouds!"

As he said, Natsuyin's attack penetrated the ancient city of Xiao, and the noble fourth true ancestor collapsed in the eyes of Kuang San's powerless spit.

In other words, can't he borrow the power of "Lion's Gold" and "Double Horns' Crimson"?

Is it so difficult to form a protective film around?

Although the "angel" is in the high-dimensional, when attacking the low-dimensional, the energy will also "down", right?

Xiao Gucheng said "Xia Yin waits for me, I will save you now."

Then people ran up stupidly, not even using the power of the beast, and greeted the sacred power with the flesh...

Do you want to show your strength as the fourth true ancestor?

"Master, I have to remind you that you'd better restrain the energy in your body now."

"Uh...what good do you have for Empress Xiaohong?"

"Shooting Haze This is obviously unrealistic."

At this moment, the woods not far from Kuang San suddenly made a noise.

A big beauty with long silver hair, similar to Haze Natsue, walked out of it.

Although it was dark, under the light of the high-powered light bulb of "Angel", the woman could still see everyone present.

After seeing Mad Three, the eyes of the silver-haired beauty flashed astonishment, and then she said: "Hello, I am the queen of the Kingdom of Aldikia——La Feria Liheban, may I ask..."

"Aha! See who is here? The little girl from the Kingdom of Aldikia! It's very hard for your old lady to find you!" The demon girl looked mad, and she was about to walk here.

Nangong Liu's eyebrows were deeply frowned that month, Xiao Gucheng was stunned by the "angel", Ji Tuan Xuelai was using the Xuexia wolf to form a protective film to take care of him, and the heavenly "angels" looked at her, and she had no chance at all.

On the sea not far away, the more than a dozen masked resurgents are also quick to decide the winner. If another "angel" is born, the consequences will be disastrous!

But she is crazy three...

Nangong gritted his teeth that month and definitely rescued Kuang San and the emperor first, and the rest... depends on their own destiny.

"Master, I suggest you release the supernatural particles of the riot."

Kuangsan stiffened, "Is this really good?"

"According to modeling estimates, the more you are imprisoned, the more violent the divine particles will riot, and the energy level generated at the moment of releasing is not something this island can bear."


Kuang San closed his eyes, and an aurora flashed out like daylight...


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