Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 48: The pot flies in the sky

"Look who is here over there?"

Little Lolita, who eats like a hamster, heard her "mother" voice and looked at the place pointed by Kuangsan without hesitation.

"It's Aunt Qian Cong!"

"No, no, she is your mother~"

"Hmm~" Little Lori curled her mouth, her big eyes faintly covered with mist, "Does my mother want me anymore? I'm very good, I...well~"

Kuang San gently wiped off the tears that little Lolita was dripping, with a smile in her eyes, and said gently: "No~ this is a game. Mom and your Aunt Qian Cong are friends. If you suddenly show up and call her mother, she Would you be shocked?"

Little Lolita hesitated while sitting in her seat, Kuang San added a lot of energy, and said: "If you can call Qian Cong to be your mother in one day today, I will take you to eat the children's meal every day from now on."

"Really?" Little Lolita's eyes lit up with a star-shaped divine light, it looked like a pirate found a secret treasure!

"En, but today, there can only be one'mother', so you want to call me aunt~ you know?"

"Yeah!" Little Lori nodded vigorously, looking at the blue feather light green onion who opened the door, an astonishing light burst out of her big eyes.

With two small fists clenched in front of her chest, little Lolita seemed to have had enough courage, and nodded to Kuang, then jumped off the seat and "sneaked" towards the dejected Lan Yu Qiang.

Kuangsan touched his elbows on the table, resting his cheek with one hand, his red eyes were squeezed by a smile, and the meaning inside was like red wine that had been in the cellar for many years.

Little Lori made full use of her short man. Even when she met the waiters along the way, she greeted them friendly. Both the staff and the customers were full of affection for this cute little Lori.

After all...cute is justice!

Just when the spirited Lan Yu Qian Cong ordered a meal, she suddenly felt that her clothes were being pulled by someone.

Lan Yu Qiancong turned her head around in confusion, and found that it was a little Lolita who was almost like her class teacher.

Little Lolita is very cute, even Lan Yu Qian Cong can't refuse.

The body sitting in the seat turned out again, Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at Little Lori and said, "Are you..."

Before Lan Yu Qian Cong finished speaking, Little Lori suddenly shouted a vocabulary that she hadn't expected!


Lan Yu Qiancong stiffened, and looked around with a guilty conscience, and found that most of the people in the family restaurant were looking at her.

Lan Yu Qianquan's head was faintly cold sweat, and his face became a little more serious. "Don't talk nonsense, I am not your mother. A child lies to swallow a thousand needles!"

Little Lolita seemed to be frightened, her little mouth glanced down, tears in her big dark blue eyes, which made the people around her talk a lot.

As an "normal" girls' high school student, when did Lan Yu Qian Cong come across such a thing?

She was anxious at the moment, but in a crowded place like a family restaurant, she couldn't do anything bad to Lori.

......what to do?

Little Lori grabbed her clothes, and the people around who were dining seemed to be talking about it. Girls' high school students or something, with such a big child, wouldn't it mean...

This is really exciting for Lan Yu Qiancong, a pure female high school student who has only lost her first kiss... It irritated her dizzy, and even thrown away the things about going out to play in the ancient city of Haoyuan Temple Festival. Behind the head.

Little Lori tugged at her clothes again, Lan Yu Qicong opened her mouth, her social skills are not bad, but she really hasn't dealt with such embarrassing things!

And she is really pure! This child is not like her, much less like Xiao Gucheng! In contrast, this child is more like the head teacher Nangong that month!

Lan Yu Qiansong's mind is getting more and more confused, this "electronic female emperor" who is invincible on the Internet, has no ability to judge under the offensive of Lori.

Lan Yu Qiansong's mind was very confused, and what happened suddenly caused her own "cpu" to fall into a state of high load.

Little Lolita tugged Lan Yu Qing Cong's clothes for the third time.

Lan Yu Qiancong squatted down and had her eyes level with Little Lolita. This height made her just to avoid most people's prying eyes.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief. Compared with the focus of everyone's topic, Lan Yu Qian Cong would rather be an ostrich, just like this, "putting his head in the ground, rising up a big butt," pretending that no one can see him.

"Mom, shall we go to Aunt Tokisaki to eat?"

"Aunt Shizaki?" Lan Yu raised her eyebrows, faintly feeling that this matter has nothing to do with Shizaki Kuang.

Although there was a collaboration with that amazing girl, it was only that.

In other communication, apart from Gucheng and Naisa, she really couldn't figure out what topics she and the other party had in common.

the Internet? Hacking skills?

Lan Yu Qiancong shook her head and threw the messy thoughts out of her head. At this time, she was being led by little Lolita, moving a little bit towards the edge of the family dining room.

Lan Yu Qiancong felt that she had changed from an ostrich to an old cow, and Little Lolita was the shepherd boy. At this time, she was walking around with her "bull nose"...

In a corner of the family restaurant, Kuangsan beckoned to her, the blue clothes and green onions became vigilant, looking at the children's set meal opposite Kuangsan who had not finished eating, she immediately made up a whole annual dog blood drama~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Except for the month of Nangong, the one who resembled little Lori the most, was Tosaki Kuangsan, right?

The same black hair... the same hobby clothes... the same... the more Lan Yu Qian Cong thinks about it, the more he has no bottom, and is finally brought to Kuang San by little Lori.

Little Lori blinked at Kuang three times, using her hands and legs together, climbed onto the seat, and happily ate the children's meal she hadn't finished.

"That..." Lan Yu Qiancong frowned and looked at Kuang San, "What's the matter?"

Kuang San's expression was in place, and he looked innocent and said: "I was shopping, and then she was caught calling her sister. I asked her who her mother was, and she said her mother was called Lan Yu Qian Cong."

Lan Yu narrowed his eyes, "Then how did you answer?"

"Well me~" Kuang San stretched out his index finger and pressed his lower lip, as if he was recalling something.

"Then I asked her to call me auntie, after all, I and her mother are the same generation~"

"After that, I didn't contact Senior Xiao Xiao, so I took her to the family restaurant for dinner."

"Then... I met you Lan Yu-senpai~"

"Well, thank you."

Lan Yu Qian Cong seemed to calm down, and thanked Kuang three times.

Turning to look at the little Lolita who was holding a drink, Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was a mother, finally couldn't help it, and said, "Your mother should have been in Nangong. I am not your mother at all."

"That month of Nangong..." Little Lori was stunned.

Lan Yu Qian Cong saw that it was effective, and quickly said, "Yes, do you have any impression of the name Nangong that month?"

"I...I..." Little Lori suddenly hugged her head with her little hand...


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