Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 61: 3 In the middle of the night, lonely man and widow


Kuangsan turned on the lights in the living room and walked towards the hallway step by step.

Randomly glanced in the cat's eyes, Kuang San opened the door slightly, exposing half of his pretty face.

"Senior Akatsuki, it's so late, what's the matter with you?"

"That..." Xiao Gucheng scratched his head, "Kuang San, I have something to ask you."

Kuang San narrowed his eyes, "Isn't it appropriate to come to the shared house of two female junior high school students without having a good rest at home in the middle of the night?"

"Huh? I didn't think about it well, but if I didn't know the truth, it would be very uncomfortable. For this matter, I haven't slept well for several days."

Kuang San raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Gucheng. On the face of the Fourth True Ancestor, there were thick bags under the eyes, and his spirit looked extremely bad.

When Xiao Gucheng was talking to her, he still looked at Ji Tuan Xuecai's house next door from time to time...Kuang San had a guess in his heart.

"Come in, come directly to my room."

"Huh?" Xiao Gucheng said in surprise: "Isn't this bad?"

"What is the abnormal senior thinking? Be quiet, don't wake Xia Yin."

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Gucheng's head was as smashed as garlic, and when he entered the door, he found that the mad three long-haired shawl, wearing a cute cat pajamas, is not attractive.

Kuangsan stepped back two steps, folded his hands and hugged his shoulders, "Perverted senior, Nasa sauce and Xuecao sauce live next door. If you want to implement some abnormal ideas, you will definitely die and look ugly."

"I...I don't have that kind of thought!" Xiao Gucheng blushed and defended himself.

After speaking, Xiao Gucheng, wearing a cool outfit like big pants and a T-shirt, crept into the room, then turned around and carefully closed the door tightly.

Kuangsan pointed to the door of his room and signaled Xiao Gucheng to go in. Xiao Gucheng made an "ok" gesture to Kuangsan and sneaked into Kuangsan's room.

This made Kuangsan twitched his eyes. No matter what angle you looked at, it seemed like a "innocent" young man was cheating, right?

Don't look at Xiao Gucheng's usual honest appearance, knowing that the old driver's habit of Kuang San still can't put down his guard against Xiao Gucheng.

At this time, she, wearing cat pajamas, was just an imaginary clone of Kuang San staying at home. The real body was swimming in an open country and couldn't come back for a while.

In other words... if Xiao Gucheng suddenly became beastly, the clone staying here would be completely irresistible.

Thinking of this, "Kuang San" shuddered, poured the brewed coffee into the cup, and gently brought it into his house.

As soon as I returned to the house, I found Xiao Gucheng was looking at his room.

Kuangsan remained silent and put two cups of coffee on a small table.

"I didn't see anything with benefits, are you disappointed in my room?"

"No, no!" Xiao Gucheng hurriedly waved his hand, "I just think Tokisaki's room... is a little bit biased towards boys."

TVs, computers, game consoles, projectors... and game discs piled up in the corner...

Kuangsan pushed the coffee to Xiaogucheng, and took a sip, saying, "I finally found a place to rest. It's okay to relax."

"Yes... isn't it?" Xiao Gucheng didn't quite understand, but could only continue talking about Kuang San's topic.

Kuang San put down the slightly hot coffee and looked directly at Xiao Ancient City, "You came to me in the middle of the night, didn't you just want to have a cup of coffee with me? Does it have a nasty purpose?"

"Of course not!" When Xiao Gucheng saw Kuang San's "sound-forbidden" index finger, he remembered that Xia Yin was already asleep, and suddenly lowered his voice a lot.

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, "Of course I know you didn't have a nasty purpose."

"Then why are you still asking like that?" Xiao Gucheng whispered, like an angry little wife.

"It's related to pickle sauce?"

Xiao Gucheng's expression suddenly changed a lot, and he nodded solemnly.

"I would like to ask you to help me inquire about the information destroyed by the Cornerstone Gate a few days ago."

"A few days ago?"

"It was when the Tentacle Monster appeared on the roof of the Cornerstone Gate Building."

"Oh~" Kuangsan replied faintly, "What do you want to check?"

...The atmosphere became serious, Xiao Gucheng seemed to have made some determination, and said: "Please help me investigate the photos of Ji Tuan's fall from the building a few days ago!"

"What about it? Do you think that is the truth?"

"At least let me have a look."

Kuangsan nodded, not trying to persuade him, stood up, walked over to the computer and sat down.

Xiao Gucheng also hurriedly got up, ignored the coffee at just the right temperature, and stood beside Kuangsan.

Eyes kept staring at Kuangsan's computer screen.

After a short while, Kuang San invaded the computer of the Xianjindao Club.

Kuang Sanxiang thought of something, and said: "The computer of the Xianjindao Club is jointly maintained by the monsters and Lan Yu-senpai. It will be easier for you to find Lan Yu-senpai."

"I don't want her to know."

"Hi~Hi~" Kuang San was weak, and continued to type on the keyboard in his hand.

After the operating system had been taken over by Xiaohong, he invaded the computer of the Xianjindao Club through the back door. Before downloading the information, the monster discovered that the two sides immediately started a war.

The waiting time is quite long. After Xiaohong, who does not have enough computing power, not only has to fight with the artificial intelligence monster, but also restore the data transmission in the club computer, which is very troublesome and very troublesome.

"Bring me the coffee."


Xiao Gucheng immediately brought the cold coffee on the table, Kuangsan lightly touched the cup, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The careful Xiao Gucheng immediately found that something was wrong, and said with a squinting face: "Wait a moment, I'll make another cup for you."

"Yeah." Kuang San glanced at Xiao Gucheng, "Try not to make any noise."

"Understand, I will definitely not wake Xia Yin."

However, Xiao Gucheng, with its poor technology, awakened Xia Yin. The angelic Xia Yin has improved in all aspects. Even if he is separated from the wall, he can vaguely hear the conversation between the two.

At this moment, Xia Yin, in her pajamas, was sticking to the wall, her face flushed, she never expected that Kuang Sanhui would be so bold actually called Senior Xiao Xiao into her bedroom in the middle of the night.

"Oh, why are you clumsy!" The originally gentle Kuang San's voice suddenly became much sharper.

"Sorry, sorry, should I go downstairs to buy?"

‘What are you going to buy downstairs? Xia Yin's face became redder and red.

"Why are you **** me? This thing is not easy to wash."

"I didn't mean it, isn't it too urgent?"

"Hey, there is a smell. I can't do anything for you."

"My fault, my fault!"

"Xia Yinchan is next door, don't disturb her."

In the room, Xiao Gucheng accidentally overturned the coffee and got it on Kuangsan's pajamas.

However, Xia Yin was not the only eavesdropper in the apartment...

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