Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 2: The amount of information and the creator (fourk)


"It should be." Kuang San himself is not very sure, "The part of Xiao Ancient City's time, in the blood-devouring mad assault world, five minutes is five minutes, but when entering the last black master universe, five minutes is shortened. For one minute."

"After upgrading using the source point just now, that part of the time in Xiao Ancient City is synchronized with the time in the last black master universe."

"Yeah." Xiaohong Empress kept nodding his little head, "Then how long do you have now, Master?"

"Well—" Kuang San pressed his lips and calculated randomly in his mind. "It's about a hundred thousand years or so. If I enter the small projection plane, the time will increase five times. In the mission world, I should have five. One hundred thousand years of time storage."

"En." Xiaohonghou nodded while taking notes, "hasn't there been any changes in Kekedi?"

"This..." Kuangsan frowned and thought, "I don't know very well. I won't understand until the next time I can devour it."

"Since the soul can't strengthen the feeling, then try to strengthen the blood."

After talking, Xiao Hong once again condensed a "mosaic ore from the space."

Kuang San stretched out his small hand, and the sharp blade of his soul cut through, and a drop of blood flowed down from his fingertips. When the blood dripped, the wound was already healed.

The "Mosaic Ore Body" disappeared instantly after touching the blood, but that drop of blood gave Kuang San a sense of sight of an ultra-small plane.

"Master, you can absorb it into your body and try it."

Kuang San heard the words and followed suit, using his soul power to observe the drop of blood, but there was not much change.

"Hmm..." Xiaohong Empress fell into a weird silence, "The energy contained in this amount of information can't even be compared to the master yourself, so... by the way!" Xiaohong Empress is like It was a sudden thought, the big eyes brightened like a high-watt light bulb.

"Master, try to create something."

"Creation?" Kuang San frowned slightly. With her strength, it is not impossible to create some objects, but each creation of an object consumes a lot of spirit and energy.

"No, no, no! It's definitely not what you thought the master." Xiaohong Empress seemed to have learned mind reading, and easily guessed Kuang San's mind.

"Master, you are trying to create an apple. Have you eaten a lot of apples in the world? You have imagined that apple will appear in front of you."

"is it?"

Kuangsan flipped his palm up, fantasizing about blood-devouring madly attacking the apple in the world. Suddenly, an ordinary apple appeared in Kuangsan's hands, but Kuangsan's own energy did not consume the slightest!

"In the last black master universe, the amount of information consumed to create an apple is five times that of an apple in the world of blood-devouring raids. The amount of information transformed by five apples in the world of blood-cheating raids can be An ordinary apple appeared in the main timeline of the end black."

"There may be a slight consumption, but it's almost like that."

Kuangsan blinked his eyes and instantly understood what Xiao Hong was saying, "Then can I manifest Xuexia Wolf?"

"Uh..." After Xiao Hong choked, "Xuexia Wolf has the ability to break all'falseness' and restore the world to its quality. In theory, as long as the owner has enough information, you can The main timeline of Mohei reveals Xuexia Wolf."

"Really?" Kuangsan threw away the apples and wanted to show the Xuexia Wolf. The white light in his hand flashed frequently. Soon, a gun exactly like Xuexia Wolf was created.

However, Kuang San Dai frowned deeply. In order to create Xuexia Wolf, she completely squeezed the amount of information in her drop of blood before she barely realized it.

The Xuexia Wolf in her hand also has the ability to "restore to zero" in the End Black Universe, and can still be used in other small planes in the End Black Universe. But if you run to other large planes, similar to those of the Great Thousand World, the characteristics of Xuexia Wolf will disappear.

It can't be said that it disappeared, but it was weakened to the point of being unusable by the consciousness of other planes.

Unless... she has enough information to strengthen Xuexia Wolf to the extent that it surpasses the heavens and all realms, before it can be used on any plane.

But how much information does that require? Kuangsan twitched the corners of his mouth, no longer imagining.

Kuang San casually took out a key from Na Ring. This key was an extraordinary item that she had spent twenty rounds of exchanges.

This general-shaped key has the ability to open the "door", of course, the power of this "door" cannot exceed the second order.

With a twist of Kuangsan’s wrist, Xuexia Lang easily unfolded, simulating itself as the blood of Xuexia, chanting spells in his mouth, and the spear of Xuexia Lang’s spear burst out with a pattern of spells, and the gun was like a dragon. On that key.


It seemed that something was broken.

Kuangsan picked up the key and observed it again. Sure enough, the extraordinary energy on the key had disappeared and turned into an ordinary key.

At this time, the little red queen introduced on the side: "Master, you can regard the heavens and the world as something composed of endless information. Here, everything can be transformed into the amount of information, the plane of the amount of information. Transform again, it is called the source point. In essence, the two are the same type of item."

"Using the Ten Thousand Realms Origin System, you can transform everything into information, and you can use this information to create what you want. If there is enough information, you can even impose some'settings' for yourself, such as Immortality or something."

"At this time, you are equivalent to the creator."

"Creator?" Kuangsan's mood did not fluctuate too much. After putting Xuexia wolf away, Kuangsan asked: "Who created the Ten Thousand Realm Origin System?"

"This...I don't know." Xiao Honghou laughed dryly. "But you can also regard it as a setting. The setting of the Ten Thousand Realm Origin System is to steal the origin of the plane, thus Converted into information volume."

"Oh?" Kuang San came in interest, "That is to say, if I have enough information, it is okay for me to add a setting similar to the original system of the Ten Thousand Realms?"

"It is feasible in theory, but the amount of information consumed by that thing is unacceptable at this stage."

"That's true."

"Your current strength is probably at the gamma level. If you have enough information, you can easily defeat the Omega level existence."

"Because the Omega level itself is also the amount of information, as long as you control more information than his individual, you can easily convert the other party into the amount of information."

"It sounds abnormal." Kuangsan thought for a while, "Leave the origins of five units and give me all the other origins."

"Okay, it's the origin point of 23 units in total." After Xiao Hong connected the origin system of the Ten Thousand Realms, he revealed the 23 "mosaic ore bodies" one by one.

"Master, have you thought about my proposal to you?"

Kuang San did not answer, but instead asked: "The Lord God sends reincarnations to complete tasks and collect the origin points of the major planes. Does he also master this amount of information?"

"It's very possible. After all, we don't know how many creations are similar to the original system of the ten thousand realms. It is possible that the Lord God himself has such a setting."

"Then Ten Thousand Realms Origin System can also become the main god?"

"It is theoretically possible."

"Can the origin of these 23 units strengthen my consciousness into an eternal main consciousness?"

After Xiao Hong heard it, her eyes lit up, knowing that her master was moved by her.

"Master, you pull yourself from other timelines. In theory, you cannot take away your own consciousness, but there are exceptions to everything. The origin point of the 23 units can only reluctantly transfer your main consciousness. The body maintains a dominant position in the end black universe."

"That's enough." Kuang San breathed a sigh of relief, "Strengthen my main consciousness, I don't want to be dominated by other self."

"Ojbk." Xiaohonghou excitedly said the vocabulary she learned from Mo Xiao.

"The Ten Thousand Realm Origin System can follow other clones at the same time. Master, how many clones are you going to pull out?"

A light flashed in Kuangsan's eyes, "Where is the bottom line of Mohei universe consciousness, how many'Kuangsan's will we pull out!"

Xiao Hong was surprised when she heard, "But then your strength will be damaged."

"Hey, but am I not being suppressed at the pinnacle of the legend now? I let Mo Xiao Xiayin be by my side, the three pinnacles of the legend, there will be no big surprises in the small world."

Xiaohong nodded hard, and said: "Next time you get the source point, I suggest that you add one more setting to yourself, the master."

"Settings? What settings?"

"When your main consciousness dies, the main consciousness will randomly attach to other individuals."

"Is it another false version of'Immortality'?"

"Hey, isn't this able to ensure the safety of your master~"

"When we get enough source points next time, let's get out of this copycat version of the main **** space."


The soul power that is close to transcendence, entering and leaving this cottage version of the main **** space, can naturally be quiet.

Kuang San came to an open area in the universe, and used Ke Ke Di to pull out "self in other timelines."

A full forty-nine were pulled out, and the Mo Hei universe consciousness didn't respond.

Kuang San is not going to pull it anymore. In a small plane, her time reserve is about 500,000 years, and she allocates 10,000 years to each "self".

Xiaohonghou separated forty-nine Xiaohonghou and followed her Kuangsan.

These "Kuang San" time periods are all close to the main body's timeline, and each one is very calm. The more they are like this, the more jealous the Kuang San.

Each of these clones is an existence with its own thoughts. Unlike her previous self, she can plan countless selves to become herself for the sake of "belief."

She, Tokazaki Kazami, there can only be one!

Forty-nine Kuangsan left one after another, positioning to perform tasks on other small planes.

When the last "Kuang San" also shuttled away, Kuang San breathed a sigh of relief.

Because these avatars were not fabricated by her own soul, but "self" on other timelines was essentially different from herself.

"Let's go, we return to the main **** space."


Kuangsan is quite lucky. It seems that he has walked a path that the "predecessors" have never walked. Otherwise, the "clone" who was pulled out today might be him!

Those clones don't know the existence of "origin point", "information volume" and the like, and they don't even know what Kuangsanla's fundamental purpose is.

This is also true, Kuang San can be relieved a lot.

Forty-nine "clone," each with a time reserve of 10,000 is definitely among the top batch of small planes, plus the support of the little red queen, even if you can’t get it The origin point will not die away.

However, there are uncertainties in everything, and we will talk about the future.

Kuang San thought so.

One week passed in the blink of an eye, and Kuangsan, Zhang Jie and others got together again, but it was Zheng Sheng and Li Yingjun who came to Kuangsan frequently.

The original Mengxin team was completely divided into two small groups.

"Ding~ You have a new task reminder, please go to the main hall of the reincarnation to wait for the transmission."

Kuangsan took Xiaohong into the ring, left the room, and walked into the so-called hall of the main god.

The faint blue traction beam immediately irradiated Kuangsan's body, a space force tearing Kuangsan, and in an instant, teleported her to other small planes.

"Ding ~ You have been assigned to the'Dark Extinction' team."

Kuangsan raised her eyebrows. She even complained about the name of Secondary 2 at the beginning, but she didn't expect that she would be assigned to the first comprehensive team in the main **** space.

But this kind of squad...the tasks performed should be the top-notch! The small projection plane also corresponds to the magic and fairy types...

In this case, she will get a higher number of origin points.

"Ding ~ Chaos in time and space."

"Ding~The matching team failed."

"Ding~ Unable to locate time and space."

"Ding~ The special mission is on."

"Ding~ The single-player mission is on."

Five "ding" in a row made Kuang Sanyi look dumbfounded.

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