Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 4: 2 world down (four k)

Nayuki Subaru was stunned. In his extremely short ten-year life, he fantasized about encounters with all kinds of beautiful girls countless times. After traveling to another world, the Pleiades Nai Yue was more determined about this bizarre idea-it must be a beautiful girl who summoned herself.

Of course, the looks of the seemingly delicate and beautiful girl in front of him indeed exceeded his expectations, but it was also in line with his series of settings for certain fantasy works.

She, Tokazaki Kuzou, is the beautiful girl who summoned herself to another world!

In other words, he is destined to meet each other.

Caiyue Subaru is extremely confident.

After rolling on the ground for a long time, Caiyue Subaru looked a little embarrassed, but at this time he was refreshed again.

Looking down, seeing the white tender and slender hand passed by the girl, she couldn't help swallowing.

‘Is this to exercise the etiquette on earth with him? ’

Nai Yue Subaru wiped the dust on his trousers on his right hand with lightning speed, and then held Kuang San's small hand together. In order to master the initiative, Caiyue Subaru shook rather vigorously.

"My name is Subaru Nayuki!"

"Want to go back to Earth?"

"Huh?" Caiyue Subaru was shocked at this beautiful girl who didn't follow the routine, summoned herself to another world, and then asked herself if she could go back?

Is it so sweet?

"Uh...Actually, I am not so attached to the earth."

"Then you don't want to go back?" Kuangsan asked.

"No. If I can go back once in a while, it looks pretty good, haha." At this point, Caiyue Subaru laughed himself, "It should not be so easy to travel back and forth, I just imagine it, if it can , I still want to stay in another world more!"

Kuangsan blinked, "Why? Since you got here, the lucky value has not been online?" Kuangsan's eyes crossed the boy and looked at the still wet sports jacket on the steps.

"Ha...haha, necessary training is a good way to strengthen yourself."

"Then do you think you have strengthened?"

"That's not true."

"Really decide to stay here? What's so good about this road? The medieval technology is backward and there is no modern convenience. Putting ordinary people in this environment can't stand it for even a week. Tell me why are you willing to persist."

"Persevere?" Caiyue Subaru looked at Kuangsan, her eyes trembled, "This...Isn't this there you? Following the beautiful girl in another world who summoned me, should he follow the basic routine? "

"Haha~" Kuang San gently covered his lips with his left hand, "You are really funny, but can you let go of my hand now?"

"Huh?" Caiyue Subaru, who was indulged in the beauty of the different world, came back to his senses, pulled her eyes to the other's small hand, and quickly let go.

"Sorry, sorry! It was so interesting to chat with Tokisaki, and I forgot about it by accident. Wrong, Tokisaki?" Naizuki Subaru seemed to think of something, "Are you an earthling?"

"What do you think?"

"Could it be..." Caiyue Subaru twitched her mouth, "Are you a senior traverser?"

"Excuse me, have you seen anyone?"

Before Kuangsan could speak, a female voice came in from the other end of the dark alley.

Kuang San turned around and put his gaze on the girl who gradually walked into the alley. The white-purple mix serves in a rather different style, similar to a skirt, with long silver hair and purple eyes.

A pretty person.

The opponent also has a certain amount of "magic power."

From clothing to behavior, Kuangsan speculates that the opponent is very likely to be the first-order aristocracy in this country.

"What kind of person is it?"

The silver-haired girl first stared at Kuangsan for three or two seconds, and when she realized that it was impolite, she hurriedly looked away.

"I'm not tall, but I didn't see exactly what she looked like. She stole something very important from me. seems to be blonde."

"Not tall, blond..." Caiyue Subaru repeated, suddenly thinking of the little girl who just passed by in her mind.

"You're talking about a little girl..." Before Caiyue Subaru finished speaking, he felt dizzy and fainted immediately.

"Parker, treat him!"

The small cat with gray hair and one ear folded, but able to walk upright, vomited and accepted the girl's order to treat the Pleiades Caiyue.

Cai Yue Subaru himself did not suffer much damage, but he stayed up late to play games before crossing, and his mental state was extremely poor. After crossing, the excitement stimulated a surge of adrenaline, which made Nai Yue Subaru continue to have the energy to "spry the intelligence of another world."

Because the process was not going well, he fell into the water and was beaten again by three punks, finally squeezing his last trace of physical strength.

In general, it is good to restore his spirit.

But Kuang San's sight was attracted by the appearance of Parker.

He leaned forward, "Are you a cat?"

"Cat? No, no, Parker is an elf~" said the kitten who was using unknown magic to cure the Pleiades.

"By the way..." The elf named Parker glanced at Xiao Hong who was floating beside Kuangsan, "As an emissary but I don't know the existence of elf, will your elf be very sad~"

"The meaning of my existence is the master." Xiao Honghou said without hesitation, putting her arms around her chest.

"Yes...Is that so?" Parker glanced back at the silver-haired girl, her beautiful emerald green eyes gleaming.

"Do you know where the thief went?" The silver-haired girl saw that Subaru Caiyue would not wake up for a while, so she asked Kuangsan.

Kuangsan shook his head, and the ponytail on his chest shook. I just got here.

"Then what is your relationship with him?"

"Relationship? There is such a little bit of family ties."

"You are here to travel from other countries?"

"The same can be said."

"Then which country are you from? Some nearby countries don't have such a strange service." The silver-haired girl glanced at Nayuki Subaru again. The other party's old-fashioned sportswear was a rather weird design in her eyes.

"He's from Yingzhou, me~ I'm from Xianjin Island."

"Yingzhou? Xian God Island?" The silver-haired girl frowned, thinking hard, but could not find the position of these two countries on the mainland.

"Do you know Parker?"

The cat-shaped elf who had cured Caiyue Subaru shook his head vigorously.

From the very beginning, the silver-haired girl and her elves were wary of Kuangsan, because each other's exposed skin was covered with a layer of mysterious energy, and even the magic in the air kept her away.

The whole body of the other party revealed a sense of mystery.

"After Xiaohong, please introduce Xianjin Island."

"Okay, Master."

"Papa~" Xiao Hong snapped his fingers and projected the aerial bird's-eye view of Xianjin Island.

"Xianjin Island Guixianjin City Management is the world's first Demon Special Zone..."

"What? You live with vampires and transfigured demihumans?" The silver-haired girl is incredible, but the various images projected by the other party are like real things!

Buildings like erected coffins, but those ‘coffins’ are actually higher than the palace!

There are also four wheels, similar to the existence of a carriage, but the speed of the iron box can be many times faster than that of the carriage. A big iron bird capable of flying by humans...

All kinds of weird things have made the silver-haired girl and Parker's worldview have a strong impact.

"What a powerful and prosperous country." The silver-haired girl seemed to sigh.

"Formidable?" Xiao Honghou tilted his head, "Do you have any misunderstandings about the powerful? Xianjin Island belongs to Xianjin City, and Xianjin City is subordinate to Tokyo. Tokyo is a certain city in Yingzhou."

"Although Yingzhou's economy is relatively prosperous, its military strength has been firmly sanctioned by the U.S. emperor. There are two other countries that can rival the U.S. emperor..."

"That's just a city?" The silver-haired girl came back to her senses. Indeed, from all aspects, Xianjin Island is not much different from a city. But even the most prosperous king's capital can't compare to a random city among other people's subordinate forces.

But... a powerful and mysterious existence like the other party should be extremely rare, right?

As soon as the silver-haired girl thought of this, Kuang San stretched out her little hand, "Hello, my name is Kakuzo Tosaki, and I am a student in Class C of the third year of the Elementary Department of the Seikajima Private Caihai Academy."

"Liya, she doesn't seem to be lying." Parker whispered, clinging to the ear of the silver-haired girl.

Although the silver-haired girl didn't know why the other party reached out, it should be something of etiquette, right?

A cold sweat broke out on the silver-haired girl's head, and she stretched out her small hand and shook Kuangsan together, "Emilia."

"The name is awesome."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Although Amelia didn't know what college, what elementary department, what kind of ordinary students in Class C of the third year, she still knew that the other party should not be considered a particularly powerful person in that country, or even just an ordinary member.

But... if even an ordinary member is so good, why hasn't she heard of this country?

Those pictures are fake? What did Toshizaki say is also false? Emilia could not imagine.

She was only here to chase the thief, and she didn't expect that the two people who met randomly in the alley would have such a big background!

But she had never heard of such countries as Yingzhou or the US.

Is she derailed from the times?

Parker's perception is very accurate, which makes Emelia embarrassed.

"Uh~cough cough cough!" Lying on the shady floor, Caiyue Subaru coughed vigorously, before opening his eyes soon.

"I... didn't I go shopping? Where is this place?"

The bewilderment only lasted for a short while, and Caiyue Subaru was forcibly kicked back to reality by the memory flooded in his mind.

After he knew that Parker had rescued him, he hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Emilia.

‘Is this triggered the event? My God~ There are so many beautiful girls in another world! ’

Even if Emilia is not more attractive than Tokisaki, she is undoubtedly a beautiful girl, at least he has never seen this level of existence on earth, uh...Kuangsan is excluded.

"Why don't you let me search with you? What was your stolen?"

"It's a small badge, but it's very important to me. Please tell me the direction the thief is running away, so I won't bother you."

The "you guys" of Emilia suddenly awakened the Pleiades Nayuki, while Tokisaki was still there, so he couldn't wait to "help" the beautiful girl in another world, it would definitely make her feel dissatisfied!


"It's okay." Kuang San smiled slightly, "It just happens that I just came here and there is nothing wrong with it. It's okay to accompany Emilia to find the lost property."

"Wow~ Tokisaki, you are like an angel." Nayuki Subaru said from the bottom of his heart, which reminded Kuang San...Yase Xia Yin was still asleep in her ring.

‘Wait tonight, let Xia Yinjiang and Mo Xiao come out to help. Kuang San thought about it this way, she already had a set of feasible plans in her mind.

When she broke through time and space, she found that the distance between the other world and the earth was very close. With her and Mo Xiao's strength, it was still possible to create a relatively stable channel.

This time, she didn't want to study the original plot anymore, lead the protagonist to make trouble everywhere, or let Mo Xiao make trouble everywhere, it would be too troublesome to do that, not to mention how she didn't know how the plot progressed, and in what direction it would progress.

With all the information infinitely close to zero, Kuangsan chose to take another path.

It was Mo Xiao Zhenling's fragmented memory that inspired her.

In the true spirit fragments, there are not only the memories of animation, but also many mixed ones.

For example, the protagonist travels from the earth to other worlds, and then suddenly finds that he can return to the earth...

The Lord was born.

Simultaneous development of the two sectors is the last word.

Kuang San does not believe that when some modern items invade the different worlds of the Middle Ages, the plot will continue to develop as before?

Thanks to the protagonist's halo, Kuangsan has already selected the candidate for "Lord", that is, Caiyue Subaru.

Others don't pass through, so he can pass through for what reason, Caiyue Subaru can pass through another world, it shows that he is loved by this world.

Give him some development to see what extent this young man who is beloved by the world can reach.

It is his own choice whether the two worlds bloom or die.

Kuang San only recognizes the origin, but does not recognize the person.

The scene in front of her should be the picture after the plot was automatically corrected. Even without her, Emilya would treat Subaru Nayuki and successfully get the help of the protagonist.

And under the influence of the protagonist's halo, survive the crisis safely.

Kuang San is familiar with this routine.

What was the resistance in the early stage for those who fell in two circles? Because of his lack of strength, he needs to build a good relationship with officials, surrender his interests, and ensure his own life.

This point does not exist for the Pleiades Caiyue.

Kuangsan, Mo Xiao, and Xia Yin personally guarded them. In another world, who could kill Subaru Caiyue under the eyelids of the three legends?

This tragic work, Caiyue Subaru has to do it, or not to do it!

At the same time disrupting the development of the different world and the earth, Kuangsan can get a double source point. Even if there are not many sources from the earth, the mosquitoes are meat no matter how small.

After Kuang San silently contacted Xiao Hong, he asked her to rush to build a "two-world trading system" and so on, and when she found the right time, she would throw this "golden finger" on Subaru Caiyue.

It was such a happy decision!

After finishing this little work, she will start to implement her plan...

Caiyue Subaru didn't know what Kuangsan was thinking, he was very excited about Kuangsan's joining.

When did he have the experience of "shopping" with two beautiful girls?

I'm so excited just thinking about it~

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