Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 18: Resurrection of the dead (four k)

? (The rest of the content is in the "Writer's Words", this information is free)

"Dangdangdang! ~"

Cai Yue Subaru uttered an exaggerated cry and took out a cat nip stick made of catnip ball from his trouser pocket.

With the appearance of the funny cat stick, Parker's eyes moved with the ball of the stick body, his little nose sucked frantically, and he circled the Pleiades again twice.

"I said why you have a good smell, it turns out to be this thing, give it to me quickly!"

"Hey." Caiyue Subaru smiled triumphantly, and teased Parker with the cat-like stick. The cat-shaped wizard Parker seemed to be possessed, and flew around the trajectory of the cat-like stick with her little nose.

Seeing this picture, Emilia couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Naoyue, what's in there? It won't affect Parker's body, right?"

"No problem!" Caiyue Subaru casually tossed the funny cat stick, and Parker flew into the sky quickly. He hugged him with two small palms, and his little face leaned towards the stick body, in that "meow meow" Scream.

"Catnip is a plant that cats like, and it won't cause any adverse effects on the cat itself."

Even with the explanation of the Pleiades of Nayuki, Emilia was still worried, and she looked at Parker who was holding the funny cat stick in the sky with big eyes.

"It's okay, Liya, catnip really makes me comfortable, but I won't be addicted. Your kid gave me a good gift." As he said, Parker "meow meow" again.

Nayuki Subaru was idle all day today, wandering around in the Rozval mansion, seeing Rem washing clothes on the edge of the flowerbed, his heart moved, and he ran there again.

Naturally, there is no such a "monster as a washing machine" in another world. On the contrary, large washboards are very common. The washboard is placed diagonally in the big tub. Rem removes the sleeves of the maid suit and sits on a small bench to wash the laundry. .

There are a lot of foam in the basin, which is said to have been tricked by a certain workshop, but according to the observation of Pleiades Nai Yue, its effect is not the same as that of washing powder.

"Rem, see what good things I bring to you!"

Immediately afterwards, Caiyue Subaru took out a large bag of laundry detergent from an unknown place.

Just as Rem was stunned, Nayue Subaru actually poured that white powder into the basin!

This made Rem's face changed. The ghost knew what the white powder was doing, wait... she looked like a "ghost."

"Rem, look good!"

Nagyue Subaru did not have the time to speak to Rem, forcibly pulled the washboard over, then rolled up his sleeves, and the operation was fierce!

A large amount of white foam grows at a speed visible to the naked eye! I can't even see what the original clothes are in the basin!

"Okay, change the water!"

Soon, under the magical operation of Nagyue Subaru, the clothes were completely washed.

"Rem, how is it?"

"This is not what the guests should do." As he said, Rem glanced at the cleaned clothes and the weird bag of white powder.

Although there are not many people in the Rozval mansion, it is necessary to change the clothes frequently every day because of the aristocratic demeanor. Occasionally stained with grease from the clothes makes Rem a headache.

But Nayue Subaru sprinkled the white powder in the basin, but it could easily help her solve all this. Of course, Rem would definitely not use it until it was determined that the weird powder was not harmful.

Just as Rem wanted to say something, he found that the Pleiades of Nayuki had already left...

The maid lifted the weird packaging bag, poured out a little powder, and sniffed it with her little nose, but she still couldn't tell the material in it.

He put out his little tongue and licked it again, and the strange smell exploded in the taste buds...

"Oh!" Ram, who is not good at doing anything, messed up the kitchen again. After finishing his things, Ram looked at his greasy little hands blankly.

This is not the first time she has encountered it. Even if she washes it repeatedly with clean water, it still takes a long time to clean off the grease on her hands.

"Ah, beautiful maid, are you worried about the stains on your hands anymore? How about a soap that is strong and does not hurt your hands?"

The fairly self-cooked Caiyue Subaru grabbed Ram's hands at once, and took advantage of this maid's dazed effort to press Ram's hands into the water basin.

"Guest, this is useless."

"No, no, no." Caiyue Subaru took out another piece of soap from his pocket. After slightly dampened with water, he rubbed it on Ram's little hand. Soon, the foam enveloped the little hand and was washed with water again. There was an illusion that one's hands were very clean.

The little nose sniffed, and there was an inexplicable fragrance in his little hand.

‘Rem will love it. ’Ram thought.

"I'm here for you." Caiyue Subaru put the soap on Ram's hand, showing her a profiteer smile with half white teeth.

"Even so, it cannot change the fact that the guests are abnormal."

"I want to tell Rem to keep her away from perverts."

The speed of the lady maid was very fast, she retreated to the edge of the kitchen in the blink of an eye, but she still held the smooth soap in her hand.

"Huh~" Subaru sighed with relief. Among the things he gave away, only Emilia's perfume was the most valuable.

Now...what should I give?

‘The little girl who takes care of the library seems to like Parker’s appearance, how about giving her an oversized cat stick? ’

So, in Betty's suspicious gaze, Naizuki Subaru took out the big stick he had prepared, and there was an oversized catnip sphere at the top of the big stick.

"Brother wouldn't like this weird thing."

"Please trust me." Subaru Caiyue left Betty with a mysterious smile.


Caiyue Subaru closed the wooden door of the "library" tightly. This time, he finally did not fly out of it.

The next goal, and the last goal!

Crazy three!

The girl who makes Nayuki Subaru the most difficult to guess, what does she like?

She also came from the earth, and the things she brought from the earth are unattractive, but as long as she is a girl, she should like that stuff, right?


"Oh?" Kuangsan closed the borrowed book from Betty, raised his little head, and looked at the gift on the table.

"From the gift point of view, in Caiyue's heart, my status seems to be slightly higher than that of Emilia~ If Emilia knew about it, would she be sad?"

"Uh..." When facing Kuangsan, Caiyue Subaru was suppressed to death by her temperament, and she didn't even dare to refute what the girl had said.

On the table is a different perfume of the same brand as Emily, plus a lipstick that looks pretty good.

But... Kuang San's own lip color was enough to make him tempted. It seemed that he had been sitting in one place for a long time, and there was that faint fragrance in the whole room.

"Well, I accept your gift."

Kuangsan smiled and didn't see any movement of her, the gift on the table disappeared.

"Why, is there anything else?"

Nazuki Subaru hesitated for a while, then opened her mouth and said, "Can I hire Tokisaki you?"

"Oh?" The girl tilted her head slightly, "I don't think you can hire me."

"Ha...Haha, too." Caiyue Subaru laughed dryly, "Then I..."


Before Subaru Caiyue finished speaking, the door of the room was directly pushed open. Subaru Caiyue looked at Amelia who violently opened the door in amazement.

In his memory, such Emilia never existed.

"Tokisaki, Nayuki, please come with me!"

Emilia has unprecedented seriousness on her face, even when the Wang Xuan badge is lost, she has never had such a serious look.

I'm afraid, what happened to the Rozval House.

Walking through the long corridor, came to a small room, and the decoration should be the room where the servants rest.

Earl Rozval, who is the owner of the mansion, is not here. After the Pleiades Caiyue gave him something, he went out for business, and he has never returned.

There was Rahm crying and crying in the room, while Rem was lying motionless on the bed with a pale face.

From the perspective of Kuangsan, Rem's soul has been corrupted by an unknown curse, leaving only the physical body.

"This...what's going on?" Caiyue Subaru asked in a trembling voice.

"She's dead." Kuang San replied, "The soul is completely corroded, and it is suspected of being cursed."

"Huh?" Caiyue Subaru couldn't believe it. Why did someone who was fine this morning suddenly die?

"I am calling you to ask if you know what happened." Emilia looked at Caiyue Subaru seriously, "After all, there are only two outsiders in this mansion."

"What are you kidding?" Caiyue Subaru's voice crumbled a little, "How would I know! Obviously this morning is fine."

"How did you know?!" Rahm turned his head crying, "Rem was the genius when you came!"


Kuang stared blankly at everything that happened. If she didn't surprise her, this should be the result of a forced revision of the plot.

Even if she did not come to this world, the protagonist Nayuki Subaru would encounter "Rem's death", and then use his "file reading" ability to come before Rem's death to find the real behind the scenes. fierce.

dead? Kuangsan didn’t want to let time go on, distorting the ability of time to go back. Xiaohong was still doing a lot of modeling calculations. Before the experiment, she just wanted Caiyue Subaru to develop his business empire. , So as to create a lot of source point income for her.

"You all go out." Kuang opened his mouth three times, and there was charm in his voice, giving others a magical power of trust.

"You...what are you going to do!" The miss of his sister made Ram forcibly resist the charm in Kuangsan's voice.

"Yes, it's a manufacturable material." The time-flowing wine-red eyes seemed to see through Ram's essence at once.

"Go out now, Rem will be resurrected soon."

Ram's resistance is very strong, even with the addition of the perverted rules of the last black universe, it can't make her 100% trust Kuangsan.

Looking back at Kuang San after one step and three steps, his eyes were full of trust for a while, then he was particularly confused.


The door was closed tightly.


At the moment when he called to engrave the emperor's real name, black and red streamers flew up from under his feet, and the gods and spirits naturally covered Kuang San's body.

Ke Kedi, who showed half of the shadow from the void, exuded a powerful pressure, and the beasts on the edge of the beast forest fled to deeper places.

The powerful creatures in the capital gathered their eyes to the border.

"Tsk tusk." Kuangsan raised the old-fashioned flintlock gun in his hand, "I didn't expect that I, the ‘killer’ who is called ‘Nightmare’, did the most in other worlds, but it was to save the dead and heal the wounded~"

"It's really——"

The bullet condensed by time and rules, ignoring space, shot into Rem's body.

The cursed and corroded soul in the body gradually "breeds," just like a reversed movie, the "righteous" forces gradually gain the upper hand, and eventually all the curses will be wiped out!

Kuangsan just returned Rem's time to two days ago.

"The time consumed by this little girl is recorded on Subaru Caiyue."

Kuang San shook his head, the spiritual outfit disappeared, the black dress reappeared, and the oblique bangs covered the bizarre golden clock eyes again.

As if nothing had happened, Kuangsan opened the door, "She is fine."

The first one to rush in was Ram, who was her sister. She held Rem who had just woke up and kept crying.

And Rem is stunned, she has no memory of these two days at all, and she doesn't know why her sister is holding her crying pear flower with rain.

"Master Emelia, Master Beatrice, it late?" A trace of confusion flashed in Rem's eyes, ‘what the **** happened? ’

Kuang San came to his room, humming a little tune, and was about to make himself a pot of tea.

"Ahhh~ is it so late?"

The wooden table was full of books borrowed from Beatrice, and the cold tea was no longer warm, and the sunlight outside the window dragged a small tail and printed it in half of the bedroom.

"Another day has passed..."


"Master Tokisaki, good morning." ×2

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