Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 28: Li Jiayu, the goddess of light

Said it is a small town, in fact, there are not many residents, hundreds of people, less than a thousand people gathered somewhere at the foot of the mountain.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, the town's income from hunting, timber, and aquatic products is much better than other places.

There is no shortage of fruit shops, tailor shops, and iron shops.

The mountain is an unnamed mountain. Even the old people in the town can't call it a name. After a long time, it is simply called an unnamed mountain.

The lake forms the moon, called Moon Lake, which is simple and easy to understand.

In addition to the annual tax burden, the people in the small town have a pretty good life, at least much better than those in the slums in the royal capital.

The church-style building built in the center of the town was obviously newly built. Although it had an ancient atmosphere, Kuangsan did not feel the passage of time in it.

Mo Xiao was dressed in white, with a silver cross hung on his chest, and his face was stern, it seemed that it was really the case.

Some townspeople knelt down on the ground, asking the priest to extend a rescue hand and heal her elderly father...

Kuang San walked into the church until they were finished.

"Unexpectedly, only a few days later, you will be fiddled with it in a different way."

"Oh." "Father" Mo Xiao, who was still serious just now, sighed, "If it wasn't for the information you sent, we wouldn't know why the time would be reset twice."

"I will get used to it later." Kuangsan smiled.

"No, no," Mo Xiao hurriedly waved his hand, "This kind of fooling things is very interesting the first time, and the second and third times are very boring and boring. I don't want to have another time reset."

"How can you be a fool? Haven't you heard their prayers and gave them light in the name of God?" Kuang San smiled unchanged and said what she had sensed outside.

Mo Xiao patted his head, "That's what I said."

"Crazy Sanjiang." Xia Yin dressed up in a nun's uniform was hard to find any fault.

I am afraid that he is a magician with a firm mind, and will cry and explain his sins in front of her.

"Now, Xia Yinjiang, it seems that your dream has been fulfilled."

"Yeah." Xia Yin nodded, "I also want to thank Brother Mo Xiao for his help."

Kuangsan smiled, "Why don't you go further, my saint?"

"Wow!" Before Xia Yin could react, Mo Xiao, who had the soul of the dead house, called out first, "Holy girl or something, it sounds superb!"

"Mo...Does Brother Mo Xiao like this?" Xia Yin blushed slightly, her heart beating faster.

"Then what are you waiting for? How about giving a righteous name first? Why don't you just call it the Goddess of Light?" The essence of mad three-bellied black gradually appeared, "The **** of worship is Li Jiayu, the goddess of light."

After finishing speaking, raising her little hand lightly, the divine light flashed, and the projection of Li Jiayu, the goddess of light with long **** and thighs, was born here.

Xia Yin's expression was serious, but Mo Xiao's expression was very strange.

Xia Yin put her hands on her chest, "I can feel that this sister has a very strong power of light. If this one really exists, there is no doubt that she is the embodiment of light."

"She is real." Kuang San affirmed.

Xia Yin's eyes showed longing.

"But she won't like this look of you."

Xia Yin was taken aback, Mo Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Kuang San, your evil taste is about to break through the sky."

Kuang San Dai raised her eyebrows slightly, "Am I wrong?"

Mo Xiao thought about it carefully, "That's not true."

"Then...why does the goddess of light, who represents all the good things in the world, hate me?" Xia Yin's big blue eyes dimmed, "Could it be... because I hurt. ....."

"Absolutely not!" Mo Xiao put his big hand on the nun's head and rubbed it. "She just doesn't like you. It doesn't mean you hate it, and you don't need her to like it."

"Is that right?"

"Yeah." Mo Xiao nodded, "In other worlds, it is still two different things whether she or Xia Yin will become the goddess of light."

Kuang San, who was sitting in the chair, shook his head and whispered, "The sour smell of love."

The two on the stage are not mortal, even if there is a small movement in the church, they can still hear it clearly.

Mo Xiao had no thick skin, but Xia Yin blushed.

"If there are no suggestions, is the Goddess of Light Church established?"

Mo Xiaobi made an "ojbk" gesture, and Xia Yin nodded his head.

"Tsk tusk." Kuang San released the divine particles in the soul cage, and gradually deified himself, with his bangs raised, his eyes turned into pale gold without a trace of emotion.

"Helping Li Jiayu win a world of faith, I don't know how she will thank me."

After speaking to himself, Kuangsan's whole person turned into a light particle and disappeared in the church.

Mo Xiao suddenly felt that his sleeves were being pulled by someone, and turned his head halfway, only to realize that it was Xia Yin.

"Um... Is Kuang Sanjiang very familiar with Her Royal Highness the Goddess of Guangming?"

"Well..." Mo Xiao stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin. "Should be regarded as an old friend?"


Today is destined to be a day in the annals of history.

Li Jiayu, the goddess of light, appeared in the world, miracles came and harvested a large number of believers, but the powers of the major powers were extremely They searched through ancient books and found no record of "Goddess Li Jiayu" . But the goddess of light came to the world like this, and caught those people by surprise!

In the legacy of the ancient forces, someone finally read about the deeds of the Goddess of Light.

The legend of the Goddess of Light is recorded in the ancient books that have been yellowed to the extreme and even decayed in some places.

According to legend, she is extremely benevolent and the embodiment of all good things.

According to legend, she presided over justice and was the nemesis of all original sins.

According to the legend, she is an epic **** across hundreds of millions of worlds, with countless followers!

In the legend...the real name of the Goddess of Light...Molise.

"Molise, Li Jiayu...what is the relationship between the two of them? The original Highness of the Goddess of Light has fallen? The new Highness of the Goddess of Highness? So God descended here?"

"Such a powerful force is just a projection of a clone! How powerful is the Goddess of Light?"

"It's only recorded in ancient books! If it weren't for the envy witch who swallowed half of the continent four hundred years ago, we could find more useful things!"

"The spokesperson of the Goddess of Light, just built a church in the small town of Lugonica! These are the words of those who are favored by Gods."

"The Favored? Is there really a favored one who has come back from the dead? Ascend to heaven and enjoy bliss forever?!"

Regardless of the judgments made by those in power, it has nothing to do with Caiyue Subaru.

He had just recovered his funds and disposed of a bag of black pepper by the way.

"Goddess of Light~" Caiyue Subaru sighed, "I heard that the sects under it span hundreds of millions of worlds."

"Tsk tusk tusk, it seems that we have to make a good relationship in the future."



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