Tokusatsu World: Starting from Transformation into Dark Tiga

Chapter 12: Restoring the glory of the Victory Team

Victory team command room.

Hui Jian sent the three members of XIG to the door with a smile on her face.


With a dark face and no words, she sat back on the main seat and looked at her subordinates, starting with Munakata and ending with Sakura Hoshino, all of them walked in from the door in silence.

This XIG.

It's the XIG Defense Team in Ultraman Gaia that deals with the "original destruction summoner".

Before Da Gu transformed into Tiga and faced a life and death crisis, Hui Jian sent a distress signal to this allied defense team.

After Hoshino Sakura caught Daram's human body.

The members of the Victory Team, who had originally planned to return from the cross-country hike, encountered XIG, a GT fighter sequence of three aircraft and a small team.

The other party was heavily armed and was obviously coming to fight.

It's a pity that they were late and didn't even have a drink of soup.


In this battle, apart from the Victory Team gaining an Ultraman Awakener, the Victory Team itself also gained nothing.

All the advantages of light and darkness were taken away by a certain dark Tiga who was hiding in the corner and transformed.

at last;

Hui Jian could only give the XIG team the satellite surveillance video of the battle in Area 101 and the ruins analysis data in return.

When the XIG three left, they all looked depressed.

After all, the three of them, loaded with guns and ammunition, flying a fighter jet majestically, really weren't here just for fun.

Hoshino Sakura walked into the command room.

He happened to pass by the super genius "Gao Shan Wo Meng" who was also seventeen years old and had a fluffy middle-parted hairstyle at the end of the other team.

The two looked at each other, and after sizing each other up, they both smiled politely.

Hoshino Sakura was shocked in her heart: "Hi~ As expected of Gao Shan Gao Yume, he is actually half as handsome as me."

My dream trembled in my heart: "Hey~ besides Da Gu, there are other players on the victory team who are half as handsome as me?"

In the commander's room, everyone took their seats.

Hoshino Sakura was thinking, why didn't the Victory team send support to pick up their own members?

The final answer.

There is only one word "poor"!

In this winning team, Da Gu, who was regarded as a treasure by the intermediary Hui, only woke up today.

Although the qualifications of others are barely qualified, they have never been able to find an opportunity to awaken. Naturally, it is impossible for the Blue Star Defense Corps to devote a large amount of resources to this team.


Na Dagu has A-level cultivation qualifications, but his strength is only F-level four-star. It seems that he has not practiced seriously for long.


Hoshino Sakura didn't mind such a completely wiped out victory team.

Eat the meal one bite at a time.

The road must be walked step by step.

He still has a long way to go. Anyway, now that he has the trump card of Dark Tiga, he can slowly explore the world with the system.

Hui Jian, who was in the first place, first asked Yerui to call up the battle replay video and gave a cold summary of the battle.


She slapped the table angrily, keeping strangers away. She almost reported the ID numbers of Dagu and Sakura Hoshino, and reprimanded them by name for their dangerous behavior of disobeying orders.

From Megumi's point of view, Hoshino Sakura in particular dared to fly the Feiyan 2 without official permission to join the team, refused to communicate with the headquarters, and attacked humans without permission. All these behaviors were simply crimes!

scold for scold;

Everyone knew that their captain should be in a happy mood at this time.

at last.

Summary of the battle, it will end soon.

There is indeed nothing to summarize. Two teams of six people and two Feiyans fired only one ventral missile in the entire battle, and it was launched by the new member Leng Touqing. How can we summarize this?

Hui Jian left in a hurry.

But he left a sentence: "Hoshino Sakura, Dagu, come to my room later!!!"

Hoshino Sakura curled her lips helplessly, knowing that things were not that simple.

Another soundproof conference room.

"Director, do you think the awakener of Dark Tiga will be Sakura?"

Megumi Nakama was not restrained, leaning against the table, and said to Sakai Soichiro, who was sitting in the main chair, wearing a lavender military uniform and supervising the senior executive of the divisional defense team with white temples.

Sawai turned his head away, spoke calmly, and smiled gently: "The satellite has not monitored it, but the suspicion is very high. However, the person is in your hands now, so you should be happy."

Hui Jian sighed, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Don't be too burdened, that kid has good character." Sawai stood up, walked past Hui Jian, patted her shoulder, and sighed softly: "Hey, but this team has finally been saved. Come on, next time I will help you declare more supplies for the month.”

Jian Hui nodded slightly and said respectfully: "Your first achievement."

Sawai smiled politely and said, "I'm pretty good at judging people. Maybe you can judge people more accurately?"

The two of them had a tacit understanding.


Hui Jian and the middle-aged man who was about to enter old age walked out of the conference room.

The commander's office is after his captain leaves.

There was silence for half a minute.

Everyone looked at each other;

Hoshino Sakura ignored their strange looks and was about to go to Megumi Nakama's office.

He thought that he would finish training early and go home from get off work early. It was already five o'clock in the evening, and his elder sister and younger sister at home must be crying for food.

But the command room was there the next second.

It exploded instantly!

Munakata, the seemingly most serious deputy, took off his gloves, threw them into the sky, pulled Hoshino Sakura into his arms, took the lead in cheering and cheered:

"Oh wow! To celebrate Dagu's escape from death and successful awakening, and to celebrate the genius boy Xingye Ying joining the big family, I propose! This Sunday evening, swim in swimsuits on the beach, barbecue KTV, one-stop service!!!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

Dijing, Lina, Xincheng, and Ye Rui applauded.

Dagu seemed to suddenly remember something. After a glance, he looked at these teammates who knew he had awakened but were more excited than him, and smiled: "Haha, good! Then who will pay the bill!!!"


The headquarters was silent again.

Dagu saw that his teammates suddenly lowered their heads and kept silent. At first, he thought that his words scared everyone, but Lina exchanged glances and secretly pointed behind him.

Dagu realized it, took a breath of cold air in an instant, and looked back.

I saw that the smooth black hair of Ikuma Hui was vertical to the door, and half of his handsome face was staring at the people in the command room from the side. The atmosphere instantly became weird.

The next second;

She smiled sweetly: "Dagu will pay for it!"


The command room was boiling again.

Sakura Hoshino also took a breath, looking at this group of old and frivolous teammates, staring at Zongfang who was making the most noise, and secretly said:

"Deputy captain, your character is gone, you know? You are still swimming on the beach in a swimsuit, you just want to see the captain and Lina go into the sea!"

Sakura Hoshino had a hunch.

After staying in such a victory team for a long time.

I guess I will become a "Ultra Happy Worker" who is sideways.

Iruma Hui's office.

In the corridor.

Dagu and Sakura Hoshino stood side by side outside the door, but no one dared to go in first.

A cold sarcasm suddenly came from inside the door: "If you two think that door is better than mine, just keep looking at it!"

The two of them were shocked.

Dagu glanced at Ying, he felt that he was a senior and should be responsible.


Dagu straightened his chest and went in.

Very quickly.

Dagu straightened his chest and came out.

"What do you mean?" Hoshino Sakura approached Dagu and asked in a low voice.

Dagu patted his chest and smiled frankly: "The captain asked me what he thought of you?"

Hoshino Sakura's lower body tightened, and she immediately took a half step back, and said in panic: "Is the captain interested in me, or does the captain want to see a fencing performance?"

"Of course the captain is interested in you!"

Dagu looked confused, and obviously didn't understand the meaning of fencing.

Only then did Sakura Hoshino let down her guard, breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "What do you mean?"

"Do I need to say that? Sakura, since you drove the Feiyan II and did that for me today, no matter who is your enemy in the future, I will stand by you!"

Dagu looked serious, his eyes were sincere, and his words were excited and grateful. Then, he continued:

"I just praised you to the captain for your excellent ability to respond on the battlefield, but the captain didn't seem very happy. You will go in and talk later, so be careful!"

Dagu knew very well;

If Sakura Hoshino was not here today, he might not even be able to transform into Tiga, and he couldn't support the mysterious Dark Tiga to come to the rescue.

And this victory team will definitely be buried in the Pyramid of Light. This favor is enough for the entire victory team to remember.

But what Dagu didn't know was.

If he couldn't transform into Tiga today, Sakura Hoshino couldn't transform into Dark Tiga, and the entire victory team would be 100% buried in the Pyramid of Light.

In the final analysis.

This mission: Dagu's first achievement.

MVP of the game: Human-headed dog "Dark Tiga".

In Dagu's eyes, as for the captain being unhappy.

Let her be unhappy.

That's what Dagu thought, anyway, he couldn't figure out a woman's mind.

Hoshino Sakura nodded, patted Dagu on the shoulder with an old-fashioned look, and then walked into Iruma Hui's office.

Dagu did not leave.

He looked at Hoshino Sakura's straight back, his mouth slightly raised, his eyes flashing with a smile. This guy is obviously younger than himself, but he always feels much more mature and stable than himself.


Iruma Hui got straight to the point: "Tell me the truth, is that dark giant you?"

The words were sonorous and powerful.


Hoshino Sakura didn't even think about it, and answered calmly with a blank expression.

If this identity is exposed in the Victory Team, if one day he needs to leave the team and go to "work" somewhere else, it will be very inconvenient. The Victory Team will never let him leave easily.

"But you didn't want to join the Victory Team originally. Why did you suddenly come to your senses?"

Iruma Hui's momentum remained undiminished, and her beautiful eyes shone with a sharp light, and she kept looking at Hoshino Sakura's facial expression.

What a pity.

Since she entered the door, Hoshino Sakura's eyes were firm, and there was no slight movement of her limbs after someone lied. This was the confidence brought by long-term self-discipline.

Hoshino Sakura continued to remain calm and said seriously: "I have a conscience and I have to rebuild the glory of the Victory Team. It is my duty!"


Iruma Hui's mouth grinned.

He was speechless for a moment.

I felt that what this kid said made sense!

The two of them were deadlocked for a moment.

Sakura Hoshino finally stammered and asked the question that had been holding him back all the way: "Captain. That..."

Iruma Kei thought he was going to confess and turned himself in, and said anxiously: "Just say it! This is related to your future!"

Sakura Hoshino's eyes trembled, thinking, worthy of being the captain, he knew I was going to talk about money before I even opened my mouth, and immediately said:

"On my way back, I heard from Vice Captain Munakata that the awakener of the dark giant Darram was an F-level fugitive."

The words were reserved and to the point.

Hoshino Sakura didn't believe that Iruma Hui didn't understand the meaning of these words. After all, this was equivalent to telling her very directly:

"I caught the F-level awakener fugitive, send money!"

Iruma Hui was amused, slapped the table, and said sarcastically: "Oh, then why don't you ask Zongfang how much a Feiyan II costs?"

You know.

The two Feiyans are all her current belongings, but this time they are gone after a small relic.

She can only comfort herself that the two Feiyans may be the price of Dagu's awakening. Thinking of this, she feels much more comfortable.

Hoshino Sakura was in the wrong and didn't dare to say anything more, but her face did not change, and she still looked indifferent.

"Then why do you know the location of Darram's human body?"

"Why? I'm also looking for the reason."

Hoshino Sakura pretended to be deep, slowly raised her head, looked up at a 45-degree angle, and looked at the silver-white ceiling full of technology with clear eyes.

"." Iruma Hui.

What? You can even pretend this? ? ?


Author PS summary:

(Not a water word count.)

(Don't read it, go to the next chapter directly.)

The first small volume starting with Tiga.

This chapter will be the end.

A total of 12 chapters.

In order to develop the golden finger, the cat may have caused the whole story to become less concise.

This point will be changed in the future.

The cat also found some problems in the beginning, and listed them here.

1. Combat power system:

In this volume, the cat tried to add a combat power system, which may not be very pleasing, because it will make the whole text look like a data stream that everyone hates.

But this combat power system, the cat feels, should be able to play an important factor in clarifying combat power in the next world view fusion.

After all, this book is a hodgepodge world view, without a standard value, anyone can say who is the strongest!

2. Balance of power system:

Regarding the problem of low levels of monsters and Ultraman that debuted for the first time, it is estimated that many readers will be discouraged.

And after that.

There will definitely be Kamen Rider monsters with higher levels than F-class Golzan in the work.

Such a comparison.

It will inevitably make readers more confused.

After all.

Hey! Why can't I, a monster, Golzan, who is fifty or sixty meters tall, beat you, a small monster in human form? This is not scientific at all!

Yes, it will be very unscientific.

So everyone, let's listen to the cat's quibbling: Not all Golzan are F-class, there are also A-class, or even higher-level Golzan, hiding in a corner and bullying a certain unlucky Tiga transformer.

And gigantism is not the way for cat's work to show the difference in power, otherwise this balance system will not be possible at all, and Kamen Rider will not be able to beat Ultraman and monsters at all.

3. Final summary:

Dear readers, let's listen to the cat's explanation again: After the end of this volume, it does not mean that the story has no connection with the Victory Team at all. The protagonist still has to make a living in the Victory Team.


The Cat Project will have two short theater stories, interspersed with the world of knights, and then return to the line of fighting monsters.

This is the tone of our book.

In the book.

You can see many anime and film fan characters, which may not necessarily be characters from the special effects world. Maybe, in a certain volume, your favorite character will appear!


This chapter, plus these long-winded, is more than 4,000 words. It may not be well written, but the cat is attentive and will continue to work hard!

The cat loves everyone!

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