Hoshino Sakura put away her phone.

He glanced at the darkening sky, sighed, and continued to walk towards home with the tofu in his hand.


Hoshino Sakura's sister in this world.

Her name is very Western, and her personality is lively and optimistic. She is usually careless, as if she doesn't care about anything. Maybe the only thing she is interested in is teasing others and talking in a rapid-fire manner. Her choice of words and sentences always surprises people and makes them think in a novel way.

In summary;

She is a pure chatterbox, a keyboard warrior, and a master of keyboards.

It's a coincidence.

Before Theresa was injured, her awakened power was a kind of kendo ability with super high combat power called "Sword Saint Protection".

Izumi Saki, Hoshino Sakura's sister in this world.

For this sister.

Hoshino Sakura is very anxious for her, which can be seen from the extremely simple reply message.

How cold and frugal this guy is.

It has been a full month since Sakura Hoshino came to this world, and this cute little sister of hers doesn't even want to call her "Ounisan".


Here comes the question.

Why do Sakura Hoshino's elder sister and younger sister have different surnames?

At first.

Sakura Hoshino herself was also confused, but after carrying the memories of the original owner, she understood.

Their family is a reconstituted family with children.

The elder sister is the fruit of love between her mother and her Western ex-husband.

And the younger sister is the fruit of love between her father and his native ex-wife.

As for Sakura Hoshino himself,

it's very unfortunate.

He was picked up.

Really picked up.

According to her parents, Sakura Hoshino was picked up by them passing by in a cherry blossom mountain.

That night, the sky was full of stars and cherry blossoms were everywhere.

This is also one of the reasons why the original owner felt inferior later.

But Sakura Hoshino, who came from a soul, doesn't have these bullshit inferiority plots. This is not a biological child, and there is also the beginning of a royal sister and a cute sister. That is the lifelong dream of millions of handsome audiences!

An opportunity that cannot be exchanged for saving the galaxy!

What a shame! Grasp the peak of life, right here in this life!

The area of ​​District 88 is not very large.

It takes an adult an hour to walk across the middle.

Western Suburbs.

A dilapidated community called Hessen Apartment, alone, is located on the right side of an abandoned children's playground.

At the door of the apartment.

The dilapidated security booth, I don't know what kind of biological attack it has encountered, it has lost its roof, and no one repairs it.

The cold wind blows, and it can also roll up the dead leaves of red maples on the ground of the community.


Xingye Ying approaches the security booth, gently pushes open the small iron door tied with iron wire, enters the apartment, and carefully closes the door.

This door was repaired by him.

Although the iron door is rusty and dispensable, it exists, and there is a sense of ritual of going home.

In the early years.

There are still some residents here, also because the housing prices here are cheap.

But later, there were always rumors of ghosts and strange things in this apartment. However, everyone did experience many strange things, and over time, everyone moved out.


The boss who was engaged in real estate development here had bad luck two years ago.

He was inspecting a construction site that he was developing.

The workers who were digging the parking lot happened to dig up a sleeping Godzilla underground, and the boss, who had a heart disease, was scared to death on the spot.

In the end, the ownership of the apartment was transferred to the boss's 70-year-old father.

The boss's old father was very kind.

In order to accumulate good karma for his son, the old man directly reduced the rent of this apartment to half, but even so, only the three people of Hoshino Sakura's family now live in the apartment.

In this world, Hoshino Sakura really felt the pleasure of owning an apartment by herself.


He had come to the second floor, outside the door of the largest room.

Dong, Dong, Dong!

Hoshino Sakura reached out and knocked on the thick iron door. There was no way, the doorbell next to it had been broken for several years.

A moment.

The sound of dragging a small stool came from inside the door.


A shadow flashed in the cat's eye.


The thick iron door was slowly opened from the inside.

A little girl about 1.3 meters tall, with a slightly upturned nose, beautiful blue eyes, shallow eyebrows, snow-white skin, long silver-white hair, and a light pink nightgown, alertly poked out her cute little face and looked outside the door.

But her bright eyes were filled with deep sorrow.

After seeing Hoshino Sakura.

The little girl made a soft humming sound and did not dare to look at her.

Hoshino Sakura's eyes were soft, and she handed the cup of tofu pudding and the bag of tofu in her hand to the little girl.

The two completed the handover of ingredients tacitly.

The little girl said nothing. She carried the tofu and bean curd, bent down her petite body, picked up the small wooden stool from the ground, stepped lightly on the wooden floor with her bare feet, and ran directly into the kitchen.

"Well, you still won't speak!"

Hoshino Sakura sighed lightly, took off her shoes, put them on the shoe cabinet at the door, walked in, turned around, took a look at the empty and dark hall, and locked the heavy iron door.

The little girl is his sister "Izumi Saki" in this world.

A thirteen-year-old child who always hides sorrow in her eyes and is unwilling to confide her feelings.


The sound of processing ingredients came from the kitchen.

When Xingye Ying passed by the kitchen, she secretly glanced at her sister's little figure.

Xiao Shawu was already wearing a pure white kitchen apron, standing on a small wooden stool, standing on tiptoe from time to time, with a meticulous expression on her little face, and her fair little hands holding a small kitchen knife, handling the tofu on the chopping board with ease.

The family's meals should have been taken care of by the older Xingye Ying.

But neither the original owner nor the current him had the talent to cook, and the food they made was the kind that even dogs wouldn't eat.

And Xiao Wusha's talent for cooking in the kitchen was exactly the opposite of his.


Xiao Shawu noticed movement behind her, and her movements paused for a moment, as if she didn't want anyone to disturb her at this time, so she glared and turned back, and only saw Xingye Ying's gray back.

The bright suite hall.

The background layout is very simple, there is an ivory trapezoidal bookcase next to the wall, with some small dolls stacked in the empty space above, and an old wooden bow left by the previous tenant hanging on the wall next to it.

There is a beige low-back sofa in the middle of the hall.

A TV hanging on the wall.

At this moment.

Sitting on the sofa is a young girl wearing the same pink simple nightgown as Sha Wu, showing her S-shaped delicate figure, draped with wine-red hair, and having a breathtakingly beautiful, delicate and unparalleled oval face, with excellent temperament.

There is also a wheelchair next to the sofa, which is out of tune with the environment of this home.

The young girl is wearing a pair of white wireless earplugs.

Her eyes, which were originally full of spirituality, are now slightly closed, and her long and curled eyelashes are trembling slightly. Her small mouth has clear lines and is slightly hooked, and her expression is extremely comfortable and enjoyable.

This is Sakura Hoshino, the elder sister of Theresa, who just turned 20 this year.

Sakura Hoshino tiptoed, wanting to test her sister's strength closely, to what extent she has regressed now.

But he just took two steps towards the sofa.


A sharp sword of air formed by the energy of cold starlight was shot out from Theresa's ring finger and middle finger, pointing directly at the Adam's apple of Hoshino Sakura.

The air froze instantly.

Hoshino Sakura took a breath of cold air, and just as she stepped back half a step, she dared not act rashly. She was wrapped in a fierce murderous aura and sweated all over her body.


Not bad.

You can actually react.

Your aura is also close to F-level three stars.

You must have fought today, right?"

Theresa slowly opened her blue eyes, and had already analyzed some clues of things, and asked softly.

Before Hoshino Sakura could react.

Theresa, who was sitting on the sofa, used the power of the spiritual source to pull her brother over, hugged him in her arms, rubbed his hair wantonly, and said with an unscrupulous smirk:

"Do you want to go down first and bore your sister to death?"

Hiroshino Sakura, who was unable to resist, could only accept it and said gloomily: "Sister, you are too rude, let my hair go, the novel will be updated, and everything will be fine!"

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