Tokusatsu World: Starting from Transformation into Dark Tiga

Chapter 145: Alien Alliance (Subscription Request)

In the hall of a slightly complete ruined building.

The ground is covered with white cement dust, the tables and chairs are also covered with white dust, and in the corner is an abandoned old-era piano that was split in half by gravity.

If there had been no disaster, this family would have been considered a wealthy family.

Kado Yashi and others leaned on their respective motorcycles and began to think about the current problems and plan specific action plans.

During this period.

Hoshino Sakura sent the data she analyzed with her microcomputer to everyone, including packing a copy for Izzy.


Hoshino Sakura explained:

“Look at it this way.

The Zerg must have joined forces with the Demon Machine Organization.

During the battle.

My computer captured the sound waves emitted by the zerg, which can be received and translated by the same frequency band emitted by the magic machine. "

General Tiandao, who was leaning on the seat of the red motorcycle, nodded: "I agree with Sakura's statement. The Zerg have united with the people behind the mechanical bodies."

What are the ingredients of zerg?

Heaven knows best. In his original world, those monsters could do anything under the influence of intelligent protozoa, and they could even hypocritically cooperate with humans for the sake of profit.

Feidian or someone said doubtfully:

"Huh? What are Zerg? There were no other weirdos in area 01 before."

"Zergs are alien invading life forms, and protozoa have high intelligence, but both can mimic humans. Their characteristic is that they can enter super speed mode at will. They are extremely difficult to deal with!"

Izzy explained patiently.

"What's their purpose?"

Feidian or Ren couldn't figure it out, so they could only ask for more clues.

Chief Tiandao stood up slowly, thought for a moment, and said: "Mingle into human society, mimic humans, destroy the social structure, and transform all humans into zerg."

Hoshino Sakura smiled and thought that it would be much easier to go on missions now that she has highly intelligent people here.


Hoshino Sakura continued: "They need a platform that has a common purpose, no conflict of interests, and can work together."

"Zergs mimicking and destroying human society does not conflict with the demon machine subverting human rule.


Their goal is to eliminate humans, so it is not strange for these two species to unite. "

Kado Yashi followed his thoughts and clarified the cause of the matter, with a confident smile on his lips.

"Since the reason is here, how should we prevent this disaster from happening?" Gan Qiao asked the key to the problem.

Hoshino Sakura smiled and felt that Qiao really understood her. He knows the answer.

That must be the source of the magic machine that seals Humagia, but everything in it cannot be revealed by myself.

Too many words lead to mistakes.

Knowing too much and speaking too much will make people around you have colored glasses towards you, and you will become the target of doubt. After all, people around you are not fools.

Hoshino Sakura has many things in the victory team, and Maluru needs to cover them.

Izzy raised his head and stared at Feidian or someone, as if he was making some kind of application.

The two of them looked at each other with affection.

The love of intelligence.

Seeing that things had developed to this point, Feidian or Ren nodded helplessly, but soon he asked first: "When you came, there were clearly three knights, why did there suddenly be an extra one?"

Kadoya Shi glanced at Hoshino Sakura and said calmly: "Yes, that guy was hidden deep and only exposed when he was on the line between life and death."


You haven't asked about this before.

Don't worry, I'm not a zerg!

The body temperature of the zerg is not at the same level as the body temperature of humans. This is something Tiandao is very sensitive to, and Izzy should be able to see through it easily. "

Hoshino Sakura didn't panic at all and explained calmly.

Izzy nodded and made the sound of precision machinery turning gears. Immediately, he shook his head and sighed: "When the president returns, remember to upgrade the instrument for identifying awakened ones."

Feidian smiled awkwardly, scratched the back of his head, and agreed.

He knows how to upgrade his company's equipment.

Before becoming president.

Feidian's dream is just to be a comedian in the new era. However, the jokes he tells are considered "awkward" by others.

The failure to detect the Awakened Ones is something that has never happened to Feidian AI in the past, so Izzy is very worried about this problem.


Izzy, who stood elegantly with a smile on her face, spoke softly like a professional tour guide:

"The clues we know about this demonic machine rampage are gradually becoming clearer. The organization behind all this is called "Death Thunder."

The Falcon Knight from before was one of the main members.

But if you want to get to the bottom of it.

Then we have to start with the birth of Area 02 and the start of Feidian Group.

Feidian Enterprises relied on excellent satellites to transmit data, control, and create artificial intelligence. Its core technology lies in the development of the "Zeya" satellite that breaks through the limits of technology.

The Knight system, including Humagia serving humanity, was developed based on this satellite.

hundreds of years ago.

The company once planned to launch another satellite called "Yak" in Area 02, which would make it easier to control Humagia and various artificial intelligences.


The satellite project was scrapped in a big explosion. The subsequent events were recorded in media reports. Area 02 became the source of artificial intelligence and the Xmagia Magic Machine.

After the incident broke out.

All the accusations point to the "Yak" satellite that crashed in this area after failing to launch. Although the data is missing, it does not prevent experts from speculating that "Yak" is the source of Shumagia's rampage and becoming a magic machine! "

After listening to the history of Hiden's rise, everyone has made a judgment in their hearts.

Whether the speculation is true or not, they must go to the crash site of "Yak" to find out, otherwise they will deviate from the truth of the incident.

Having said this.

Hoshino Sakura simply said: "So, the main cause of the problem is likely to appear on Yak."

Iz said calmly: "Yes, Destruction Thunder has hinted just now, but Yak is definitely not that easy to approach. Now, around the crashed satellite, there may be D-level monsters everywhere."

Everyone thought for a while.

Kamen Rider Kadoya put on a helmet and handed a pink helmet to Hoshino Sakura, saying lightly: "It's not a big problem. After another battle, I should be able to be promoted to D-level in this world. I have never been afraid of anyone at the same level. "

Tendo Souji rode on the red motorcycle and said indifferently: "Me too."

"So, as long as the satellite Yak is permanently shut down or sealed, the crisis of the magic machine in area 01 should be solved this time." Hoshino Sakura pointed out the theme.

He had been thinking about this plan to guide everyone to this idea, and it was successful. It was a natural and seamless process.


Four motorcycles were driving in the ruins that looked like the remains of a war.

The road was in ruins.

The four motorcycles could only line up in a row and shuttle between the damaged buildings one by one.

The sound of electronic music kept coming out from the ruins all around. It is conceivable how many terrifying, inhumane, and violent magic machines were hidden in the invisible places.

In the motorcycle sequence.

Kadoya Shi carried Sakura Hoshino as the rear guard, and Hiden Orto carried Izzy in front to lead the way. They quickly moved towards the place where "Ark" fell.

The rear tires of the car rolled up dust.

The environment here is extremely desolate. Driving on the bumpy road, there are not even insects or dead grass with tenacious vitality.

This area.

It's like a completely dead city.

Thanks to "Yan Suo Han Lou" for his four monthly tickets! Thanks to "Hu Shi Dan" for his four monthly tickets! Thanks to "Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming" for his two monthly tickets!

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